Query Metrics

1 Database Queries
1 Different statements
37.25 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities
0 Cache hits
0 Cache misses
0 Cache puts


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 37.25 ms
INSERT INTO messenger_messages (body, headers, queue_name, created_at, available_at) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
  "{"payload":"{\"@context\":[\"https:\/\/\/context.json\",\"https:\/\/\/ns\/activitystreams\"],\"actor\":\"https:\/\/\/c\/selfhosted\",\"to\":[\"https:\/\/\/ns\/activitystreams#Public\"],\"object\":{\"id\":\"https:\/\/\/post\/19898800\",\"actor\":\"https:\/\/\/u\/mrvictory1\",\"type\":\"Page\",\"attributedTo\":\"https:\/\/\/u\/mrvictory1\",\"to\":[\"https:\/\/\/c\/selfhosted\",\"https:\/\/\/ns\/activitystreams#Public\"],\"name\":\"Ethernet switch only partially working\",\"cc\":[],\"content\":\"<p>Here is the past network setup:<\/p>\\n<ul>\\n<li>Main Router ( -&gt; Ethernet Switch -&gt; Multiple Ethernet cables connected to wall<\/li>\\n<li>Wall -&gt; Second Router (<\/li>\\n<li>Wall -&gt; PC<\/li>\\n<\/ul>\\n<p>After a blackout we thought the switch was no longer working so we replaced it with another router. The problem is the router has too few ports, not every room gets ethernet. The ethernet switch works in this configuration:<\/p>\\n<ul>\\n<li>Main Router -&gt; Third Router (Wi-Fi disabled) -&gt; Ethernet cable connected to wall -&gt; Wall -&gt; Ethernet Splitter -&gt; PC\\nUnder either of these configurations PC detects network but cannot reach, or WWW:<\/li>\\n<li>Main Router -&gt; Ethernet Switch -&gt; PC<\/li>\\n<li>Main Router -&gt; Ethernet Switch -&gt; Ethernet cable connected to wall -&gt; Wall -&gt; PC<\/li>\\n<\/ul>\\n<p>Windows reports \u201cUnidentified network\u201d, Linux tries to connect for a minute then fails. I knwo the PC isn\u2019t bad because other devices also fail to connect. Even if I set up a static IP I cannot reach a local IP. 2nd router has IP address because it refuses to use anything else, first router is assigned different IP so these two don\u2019t conflict.<\/p>\\n\",\"mediaType\":\"text\/html\",\"source\":{\"content\":\"Here is the past network setup:\\n* Main Router ( -> Ethernet Switch -> Multiple Ethernet cables connected to wall\\n* Wall -> Second Router (\\n* Wall -> PC\\n\\nAfter a blackout we thought the switch was no longer working so we replaced it with another router. The problem is the router has too few ports, not every room gets ethernet. The ethernet switch works in this configuration:\\n* Main Router -> Third Router (Wi-Fi disabled) -> Ethernet cable connected to wall -> Wall -> Ethernet Splitter -> PC\\nUnder either of these configurations PC detects network but cannot reach, or WWW:\\n* Main Router -> Ethernet Switch -> PC\\n* Main Router -> Ethernet Switch -> Ethernet cable connected to wall -> Wall -> PC\\n\\nWindows reports \\\"Unidentified network\\\", Linux tries to connect for a minute then fails. I knwo the PC isn't bad because other devices also fail to connect. Even if I set up a static IP I cannot reach a local IP. 2nd router has IP address because it refuses to use anything else, first router is assigned different IP so these two don't conflict.\",\"mediaType\":\"text\/markdown\"},\"attachment\":[],\"commentsEnabled\":true,\"sensitive\":false,\"published\":\"2024-09-18T07:43:52.611184Z\",\"updated\":\"2024-09-18T07:44:03.274476Z\",\"language\":{\"identifier\":\"en\",\"name\":\"English\"},\"audience\":\"https:\/\/\/c\/selfhosted\"},\"cc\":[\"https:\/\/\/c\/selfhosted\/followers\"],\"type\":\"Announce\",\"id\":\"https:\/\/\/activities\/announce\/page\/ffd028f7-e611-4e12-b9c6-a0ccd631e16d\"}","request":{"host":"","method":"POST","uri":"\/f\/inbox","client_ip":""},"headers":{"content-type":["application\/activity+json"],"host":[""],"date":["Wed, 18 Sep 2024 07:44:34 GMT"],"digest":["SHA-256=yWAWwKYnind\/t6u5k1E6Ccm1+3BIC9ZYSZJitB\/eHB8="],"signature":["keyId=\"https:\/\/\/c\/selfhosted#main-key\",algorithm=\"hs2019\",headers=\"(request-target) content-type date digest host\",signature=\"JH4WfDdB1mILZgIMTPljD5idVIEwcxb4eOZsbjkIxrKdSzoBpAI7H8Nr\/fdhvSRW2bpnaw6KrIKmOrcOpzE58AfFsYPUKRzUx0AnpO7OseZHfjrScWFuyyFPJRlwT6pQ3Ztpy5ussopXyzBmtlUUAHkVP2X0LCrb3AP+OFt8cBNTvN6EGdBFOzz6Zz5NVCL5MHBGez6zGaNz4Pl5R4cvt3keO9jKxXy+lJ9KQ\/TyauIJedecKbKe7AL3C2\/0n4EJzsLeAkq6\/DwVkuB6bLhSU+4YYcAIxBP\/lG3UC+n+lrFXnaSbMdN7R6qsgHy6CXkk6c2vwZHNqOGzbQKJpqmLNw==\""],"accept":["*\/*"],"user-agent":["Lemmy\/0.19.3-4-gc98049af6; +https:\/\/"],"accept-encoding":["gzip"],"content-length":["3348"],"x-php-ob-level":["1"]}}"
  "2024-09-18 07:44:34"
  "2024-09-18 07:44:34"

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

0 Hits
0 Misses
0 Puts

Entities Mapping

No loaded entities.