Query Metrics

13 Database Queries
13 Different statements
42.89 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities
33 Cache hits
3 Cache misses
3 Cache puts

Grouped Statements

Show all queries

Time Count Info
14.63 ms
(SELECT count(id), user_id FROM entry WHERE magazine_id = :magazineId GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 50)
        (SELECT count(id), user_id FROM entry_comment WHERE magazine_id = :magazineId GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 50)
        (SELECT count(id), user_id FROM post WHERE magazine_id = :magazineId GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 50)
        (SELECT count(id), user_id FROM post_comment WHERE magazine_id = :magazineId GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 50)
        ORDER BY count DESC
  "magazineId" => 79
4.85 ms
SELECT t0.name AS name_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.description AS description_3, t0.rules AS rules_4, t0.subscriptions_count AS subscriptions_count_5, t0.entry_count AS entry_count_6, t0.entry_comment_count AS entry_comment_count_7, t0.post_count AS post_count_8, t0.post_comment_count AS post_comment_count_9, t0.is_adult AS is_adult_10, t0.custom_css AS custom_css_11, t0.last_active AS last_active_12, t0.marked_for_deletion_at AS marked_for_deletion_at_13, t0.tags AS tags_14, t0.id AS id_15, t0.ap_id AS ap_id_16, t0.ap_profile_id AS ap_profile_id_17, t0.ap_public_url AS ap_public_url_18, t0.ap_followers_url AS ap_followers_url_19, t0.ap_inbox_url AS ap_inbox_url_20, t0.ap_domain AS ap_domain_21, t0.ap_preferred_username AS ap_preferred_username_22, t0.ap_discoverable AS ap_discoverable_23, t0.ap_manually_approves_followers AS ap_manually_approves_followers_24, t0.private_key AS private_key_25, t0.public_key AS public_key_26, t0.ap_fetched_at AS ap_fetched_at_27, t0.ap_deleted_at AS ap_deleted_at_28, t0.ap_timeout_at AS ap_timeout_at_29, t0.visibility AS visibility_30, t0.created_at AS created_at_31, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_32 FROM magazine t0 WHERE t0.name = ? LIMIT 1
3.77 ms
SELECT m0_.name AS name_0, m0_.title AS title_1, m0_.description AS description_2, m0_.rules AS rules_3, m0_.subscriptions_count AS subscriptions_count_4, m0_.entry_count AS entry_count_5, m0_.entry_comment_count AS entry_comment_count_6, m0_.post_count AS post_count_7, m0_.post_comment_count AS post_comment_count_8, m0_.is_adult AS is_adult_9, m0_.custom_css AS custom_css_10, m0_.last_active AS last_active_11, m0_.marked_for_deletion_at AS marked_for_deletion_at_12, m0_.tags AS tags_13, m0_.id AS id_14, m0_.ap_id AS ap_id_15, m0_.ap_profile_id AS ap_profile_id_16, m0_.ap_public_url AS ap_public_url_17, m0_.ap_followers_url AS ap_followers_url_18, m0_.ap_inbox_url AS ap_inbox_url_19, m0_.ap_domain AS ap_domain_20, m0_.ap_preferred_username AS ap_preferred_username_21, m0_.ap_discoverable AS ap_discoverable_22, m0_.ap_manually_approves_followers AS ap_manually_approves_followers_23, m0_.private_key AS private_key_24, m0_.public_key AS public_key_25, m0_.ap_fetched_at AS ap_fetched_at_26, m0_.ap_deleted_at AS ap_deleted_at_27, m0_.ap_timeout_at AS ap_timeout_at_28, m0_.visibility AS visibility_29, m0_.created_at AS created_at_30, m0_.icon_id AS icon_id_31 FROM magazine m0_ WHERE (m0_.entry_count > 0 OR m0_.post_count > 0) AND (LOWER(m0_.title) LIKE ? OR LOWER(m0_.description) LIKE ? OR LOWER(m0_.name) LIKE ?) AND m0_.is_adult = false AND m0_.visibility = ? LIMIT 5
3.13 ms
SELECT u0_.email AS email_0, u0_.username AS username_1, u0_.roles AS roles_2, u0_.followers_count AS followers_count_3, u0_.homepage AS homepage_4, u0_.about AS about_5, u0_.last_active AS last_active_6, u0_.marked_for_deletion_at AS marked_for_deletion_at_7, u0_.fields AS fields_8, u0_.oauth_github_id AS oauth_github_id_9, u0_.oauth_google_id AS oauth_google_id_10, u0_.oauth_facebook_id AS oauth_facebook_id_11, u0_.oauth_keycloak_id AS oauth_keycloak_id_12, u0_.hide_adult AS hide_adult_13, u0_.show_subscribed_users AS show_subscribed_users_14, u0_.show_subscribed_magazines AS show_subscribed_magazines_15, u0_.show_subscribed_domains AS show_subscribed_domains_16, u0_.preferred_languages AS preferred_languages_17, u0_.featured_magazines AS featured_magazines_18, u0_.show_profile_subscriptions AS show_profile_subscriptions_19, u0_.show_profile_followings AS show_profile_followings_20, u0_.mark_new_comments AS mark_new_comments_21, u0_.notify_on_new_entry AS notify_on_new_entry_22, u0_.notify_on_new_entry_reply AS notify_on_new_entry_reply_23, u0_.notify_on_new_entry_comment_reply AS notify_on_new_entry_comment_reply_24, u0_.notify_on_new_post AS notify_on_new_post_25, u0_.notify_on_new_post_reply AS notify_on_new_post_reply_26, u0_.notify_on_new_post_comment_reply AS notify_on_new_post_comment_reply_27, u0_.add_mentions_entries AS add_mentions_entries_28, u0_.add_mentions_posts AS add_mentions_posts_29, u0_.is_banned AS is_banned_30, u0_.is_verified AS is_verified_31, u0_.is_deleted AS is_deleted_32, u0_.is_bot AS is_bot_33, u0_.spam_protection AS spam_protection_34, u0_.custom_css AS custom_css_35, u0_.ignore_magazines_custom_css AS ignore_magazines_custom_css_36, u0_.id AS id_37, u0_.password AS password_38, u0_.totp_secret AS totp_secret_39, u0_.totp_backup_codes AS totp_backup_codes_40, u0_.ap_id AS ap_id_41, u0_.ap_profile_id AS ap_profile_id_42, u0_.ap_public_url AS ap_public_url_43, u0_.ap_followers_url AS ap_followers_url_44, u0_.ap_inbox_url AS ap_inbox_url_45, u0_.ap_domain AS ap_domain_46, u0_.ap_preferred_username AS ap_preferred_username_47, u0_.ap_discoverable AS ap_discoverable_48, u0_.ap_manually_approves_followers AS ap_manually_approves_followers_49, u0_.private_key AS private_key_50, u0_.public_key AS public_key_51, u0_.ap_fetched_at AS ap_fetched_at_52, u0_.ap_deleted_at AS ap_deleted_at_53, u0_.ap_timeout_at AS ap_timeout_at_54, u0_.visibility AS visibility_55, u0_.created_at AS created_at_56, u0_.avatar_id AS avatar_id_57, u0_.cover_id AS cover_id_58 FROM "user" u0_ WHERE u0_.id IN (71684, 73637, 21588, 41066, 37215, 4712, 71683, 44553, 79971, 504, 15059, 75979, 76016, 22842, 52897, 21132, 38587, 59804, 45516, 445, 28797, 67096, 87975, 28226, 46475, 19575, 20482, 23179, 19008, 37658, 3611, 45641, 45224, 62152, 57420, 50889, 42761, 31744, 66523, 21023, 22060, 87190, 25107, 28096, 60817, 60062, 53332, 10079, 24680, 26842, 45476, 44752, 49990, 13218, 18903, 44325, 66994, 16274, 25183, 35919, 34853, 80780, 36424, 49256, 22164, 38972, 49182, 41768, 26561, 51838, 44532, 28597, 70695, 26597, 24795, 38630, 37995, 56876, 35822, 38193, 26058, 29216, 24259, 40225, 23277) AND u0_.is_banned = false AND u0_.ap_deleted_at IS NULL AND u0_.about IS NOT NULL AND u0_.avatar_id IS NOT NULL LIMIT 35
3.09 ms
SELECT t0.slug AS slug_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.url AS url_3, t0.body AS body_4, t0.type AS type_5, t0.lang AS lang_6, t0.is_oc AS is_oc_7, t0.has_embed AS has_embed_8, t0.comment_count AS comment_count_9, t0.favourite_count AS favourite_count_10, t0.score AS score_11, t0.is_adult AS is_adult_12, t0.sticky AS sticky_13, t0.last_active AS last_active_14, t0.ip AS ip_15, t0.ada_amount AS ada_amount_16, t0.tags AS tags_17, t0.mentions AS mentions_18, t0.id AS id_19, t0.title_ts AS title_ts_20, t0.body_ts AS body_ts_21, t0.up_votes AS up_votes_22, t0.down_votes AS down_votes_23, t0.ranking AS ranking_24, t0.visibility AS visibility_25, t0.ap_id AS ap_id_26, t0.edited_at AS edited_at_27, t0.created_at AS created_at_28, t0.user_id AS user_id_29, t0.magazine_id AS magazine_id_30, t0.image_id AS image_id_31, t0.domain_id AS domain_id_32 FROM entry t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
3.01 ms
SELECT t0.email AS email_1, t0.username AS username_2, t0.roles AS roles_3, t0.followers_count AS followers_count_4, t0.homepage AS homepage_5, t0.about AS about_6, t0.last_active AS last_active_7, t0.marked_for_deletion_at AS marked_for_deletion_at_8, t0.fields AS fields_9, t0.oauth_github_id AS oauth_github_id_10, t0.oauth_google_id AS oauth_google_id_11, t0.oauth_facebook_id AS oauth_facebook_id_12, t0.oauth_keycloak_id AS oauth_keycloak_id_13, t0.hide_adult AS hide_adult_14, t0.show_subscribed_users AS show_subscribed_users_15, t0.show_subscribed_magazines AS show_subscribed_magazines_16, t0.show_subscribed_domains AS show_subscribed_domains_17, t0.preferred_languages AS preferred_languages_18, t0.featured_magazines AS featured_magazines_19, t0.show_profile_subscriptions AS show_profile_subscriptions_20, t0.show_profile_followings AS show_profile_followings_21, t0.mark_new_comments AS mark_new_comments_22, t0.notify_on_new_entry AS notify_on_new_entry_23, t0.notify_on_new_entry_reply AS notify_on_new_entry_reply_24, t0.notify_on_new_entry_comment_reply AS notify_on_new_entry_comment_reply_25, t0.notify_on_new_post AS notify_on_new_post_26, t0.notify_on_new_post_reply AS notify_on_new_post_reply_27, t0.notify_on_new_post_comment_reply AS notify_on_new_post_comment_reply_28, t0.add_mentions_entries AS add_mentions_entries_29, t0.add_mentions_posts AS add_mentions_posts_30, t0.is_banned AS is_banned_31, t0.is_verified AS is_verified_32, t0.is_deleted AS is_deleted_33, t0.is_bot AS is_bot_34, t0.spam_protection AS spam_protection_35, t0.custom_css AS custom_css_36, t0.ignore_magazines_custom_css AS ignore_magazines_custom_css_37, t0.id AS id_38, t0.password AS password_39, t0.totp_secret AS totp_secret_40, t0.totp_backup_codes AS totp_backup_codes_41, t0.ap_id AS ap_id_42, t0.ap_profile_id AS ap_profile_id_43, t0.ap_public_url AS ap_public_url_44, t0.ap_followers_url AS ap_followers_url_45, t0.ap_inbox_url AS ap_inbox_url_46, t0.ap_domain AS ap_domain_47, t0.ap_preferred_username AS ap_preferred_username_48, t0.ap_discoverable AS ap_discoverable_49, t0.ap_manually_approves_followers AS ap_manually_approves_followers_50, t0.private_key AS private_key_51, t0.public_key AS public_key_52, t0.ap_fetched_at AS ap_fetched_at_53, t0.ap_deleted_at AS ap_deleted_at_54, t0.ap_timeout_at AS ap_timeout_at_55, t0.visibility AS visibility_56, t0.created_at AS created_at_57, t0.avatar_id AS avatar_id_58, t0.cover_id AS cover_id_59 FROM "user" t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
2.37 ms
SELECT c0_.name AS name_0, c0_.slug AS slug_1, c0_.description AS description_2, c0_.is_private AS is_private_3, c0_.is_official AS is_official_4, c0_.magazines_count AS magazines_count_5, c0_.subscriptions_count AS subscriptions_count_6, c0_.id AS id_7, c0_.created_at AS created_at_8, c0_.user_id AS user_id_9 FROM category c0_ WHERE (LOWER(c0_.name) LIKE ? OR LOWER(c0_.description) LIKE ?) AND c0_.is_private = false LIMIT 5
2.10 ms
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM favourite t0 WHERE t0.entry_id = ? AND t0.favourite_type IN ('entry')
1.65 ms
SELECT t0.is_owner AS is_owner_1, t0.is_confirmed AS is_confirmed_2, t0.id AS id_3, t0.created_at AS created_at_4, t0.user_id AS user_id_5, t0.magazine_id AS magazine_id_6 FROM moderator t0 WHERE (t0.is_owner = ? AND t0.magazine_id = ?)
1.27 ms
SELECT t0.file_path AS file_path_1, t0.file_name AS file_name_2, t0.sha256 AS sha256_3, t0.width AS width_4, t0.height AS height_5, t0.blurhash AS blurhash_6, t0.alt_text AS alt_text_7, t0.source_url AS source_url_8, t0.id AS id_9 FROM image t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
1.16 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.created_at AS created_at_2, t0.magazine_id AS magazine_id_3, t0.user_id AS user_id_4, t0.entry_id AS entry_id_5, t0.favourite_type FROM favourite t0 WHERE t0.entry_id = ? AND t0.favourite_type IN ('entry') ORDER BY t0.created_at DESC
1.14 ms
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM magazine_log t0 WHERE t0.magazine_id = ? AND t0.log_type IN ('entry_deleted', 'entry_restored', 'entry_comment_deleted', 'entry_comment_restored', 'post_deleted', 'post_restored', 'post_comment_deleted', 'post_comment_restored', 'ban')
0.72 ms
SELECT t0.is_owner AS is_owner_1, t0.is_confirmed AS is_confirmed_2, t0.id AS id_3, t0.created_at AS created_at_4, t0.user_id AS user_id_5, t0.magazine_id AS magazine_id_6 FROM moderator t0 WHERE t0.magazine_id = ?

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

33 Hits
3 Misses
3 Puts

Number of cache hits

Region Hits
app_entity_settings 16
app_entity_user 2
app_entity_domain 1
app_entity_image 12
app_entity_magazine 2

Number of cache misses

Region Misses
app_entity_magazine 1
app_entity_user 1
app_entity_image 1

Number of cache puts

Region Puts
app_entity_magazine 1
app_entity_user 1
app_entity_image 1