Error 404 Not Found


Forwarded to ErrorController (3d0682)

Query Metrics

2 Database Queries
2 Different statements
22.97 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities
16 Cache hits
1 Cache misses
2 Cache puts


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 9.26 ms
SELECT AS email_1, t0.username AS username_2, t0.roles AS roles_3, t0.followers_count AS followers_count_4, t0.homepage AS homepage_5, t0.about AS about_6, t0.last_active AS last_active_7, t0.marked_for_deletion_at AS marked_for_deletion_at_8, t0.fields AS fields_9, t0.oauth_github_id AS oauth_github_id_10, t0.oauth_google_id AS oauth_google_id_11, t0.oauth_facebook_id AS oauth_facebook_id_12, t0.oauth_keycloak_id AS oauth_keycloak_id_13, t0.hide_adult AS hide_adult_14, t0.show_subscribed_users AS show_subscribed_users_15, t0.show_subscribed_magazines AS show_subscribed_magazines_16, t0.show_subscribed_domains AS show_subscribed_domains_17, t0.preferred_languages AS preferred_languages_18, t0.featured_magazines AS featured_magazines_19, t0.show_profile_subscriptions AS show_profile_subscriptions_20, t0.show_profile_followings AS show_profile_followings_21, t0.mark_new_comments AS mark_new_comments_22, t0.notify_on_new_entry AS notify_on_new_entry_23, t0.notify_on_new_entry_reply AS notify_on_new_entry_reply_24, t0.notify_on_new_entry_comment_reply AS notify_on_new_entry_comment_reply_25, t0.notify_on_new_post AS notify_on_new_post_26, t0.notify_on_new_post_reply AS notify_on_new_post_reply_27, t0.notify_on_new_post_comment_reply AS notify_on_new_post_comment_reply_28, t0.add_mentions_entries AS add_mentions_entries_29, t0.add_mentions_posts AS add_mentions_posts_30, t0.is_banned AS is_banned_31, t0.is_verified AS is_verified_32, t0.is_deleted AS is_deleted_33, t0.is_bot AS is_bot_34, t0.spam_protection AS spam_protection_35, t0.custom_css AS custom_css_36, t0.ignore_magazines_custom_css AS ignore_magazines_custom_css_37, AS id_38, t0.password AS password_39, t0.totp_secret AS totp_secret_40, t0.totp_backup_codes AS totp_backup_codes_41, t0.ap_id AS ap_id_42, t0.ap_profile_id AS ap_profile_id_43, t0.ap_public_url AS ap_public_url_44, t0.ap_followers_url AS ap_followers_url_45, t0.ap_inbox_url AS ap_inbox_url_46, t0.ap_domain AS ap_domain_47, t0.ap_preferred_username AS ap_preferred_username_48, t0.ap_discoverable AS ap_discoverable_49, t0.ap_manually_approves_followers AS ap_manually_approves_followers_50, t0.private_key AS private_key_51, t0.public_key AS public_key_52, t0.ap_fetched_at AS ap_fetched_at_53, t0.ap_deleted_at AS ap_deleted_at_54, t0.ap_timeout_at AS ap_timeout_at_55, t0.visibility AS visibility_56, t0.created_at AS created_at_57, t0.avatar_id AS avatar_id_58, t0.cover_id AS cover_id_59 FROM "user" t0 WHERE t0.username = ? LIMIT 1
2 13.72 ms
SELECT count( AS sclr_0 FROM entry_comment e0_ INNER JOIN "user" u1_ ON e0_.user_id = INNER JOIN entry e2_ ON e0_.entry_id = INNER JOIN entry e3_ ON e0_.entry_id = INNER JOIN magazine m4_ ON e2_.magazine_id = WHERE e0_.visibility IN (?, ?, ?) AND (e0_.created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?) AND e2_.visibility = ? AND e0_.user_id = ? AND m4_.is_adult = ? AND e2_.is_adult = ? ORDER BY sclr_0 ASC
  "2024-09-14 15:00:10+0000"
  "2024-09-21 15:00:10+0000"

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

16 Hits
1 Misses
2 Puts

Number of cache hits

Region Hits
app_entity_settings 16

Number of cache misses

Region Misses
app_entity_user 1

Number of cache puts

Region Puts
app_entity_user 2

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
App\Entity\User No errors.
App\Entity\Image No errors.
App\Entity\Moderator No errors.
App\Entity\MagazineOwnershipRequest No errors.
App\Entity\ModeratorRequest No errors.
App\Entity\Entry No errors.
App\Entity\Vote No errors.
App\Entity\EntryVote No errors.
App\Entity\EntryComment No errors.
App\Entity\EntryCommentVote No errors.
App\Entity\Post No errors.
App\Entity\PostVote No errors.
App\Entity\PostComment No errors.
App\Entity\PostCommentVote No errors.
App\Entity\MagazineSubscription No errors.
App\Entity\DomainSubscription No errors.
App\Entity\UserFollow No errors.
App\Entity\UserBlock No errors.
App\Entity\MagazineBlock No errors.
App\Entity\DomainBlock No errors.
App\Entity\Report No errors.
App\Entity\Favourite No errors.
App\Entity\Notification No errors.
App\Entity\Award No errors.
App\Entity\CategorySubscription No errors.
App\Entity\Category No errors.
App\Entity\OAuth2UserConsent No errors.
App\Entity\Settings No errors.
App\Entity\Magazine No errors.
App\Entity\Domain No errors.
App\Entity\EntryReport No errors.
App\Entity\EntryFavourite No errors.
App\Entity\EntryCreatedNotification No errors.
App\Entity\EntryBadge No errors.
App\Entity\EntryCommentReport No errors.
App\Entity\EntryCommentFavourite No errors.
App\Entity\EntryCommentCreatedNotification No errors.
App\Entity\PostReport No errors.
App\Entity\PostFavourite No errors.
App\Entity\PostCreatedNotification No errors.
App\Entity\PostCommentReport No errors.
App\Entity\PostCommentFavourite No errors.
App\Entity\PostCommentCreatedNotification No errors.
App\Entity\AwardType No errors.
App\Entity\CategoryMagazine No errors.
League\Bundle\OAuth2ServerBundle\Model\AbstractClient No errors.
App\Entity\Client No errors.
App\Entity\MagazineBan No errors.
App\Entity\Badge No errors.
App\Entity\MagazineLog No errors.