Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
18.57 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
Cache hits
Cache misses
Cache puts
Grouped Statements
Time▼ | Count | Info |
18.57 ms (100.00%) |
1 |
INSERT INTO messenger_messages (body, headers, queue_name, created_at, available_at) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[ "{"payload":"{\"@context\":[\"https:\/\/join-lemmy.org\/context.json\",\"https:\/\/www.w3.org\/ns\/activitystreams\"],\"actor\":\"https:\/\/lemmy.ml\/c\/linux\",\"to\":[\"https:\/\/www.w3.org\/ns\/activitystreams#Public\"],\"object\":{\"id\":\"https:\/\/lemmy.sdf.org\/activities\/create\/8671ee9f-634d-4965-a46c-1ce7d834193d\",\"actor\":\"https:\/\/lemmy.sdf.org\/u\/DigitalDruid\",\"@context\":[\"https:\/\/join-lemmy.org\/context.json\",\"https:\/\/www.w3.org\/ns\/activitystreams\"],\"to\":[\"https:\/\/www.w3.org\/ns\/activitystreams#Public\"],\"object\":{\"type\":\"Note\",\"id\":\"https:\/\/lemmy.sdf.org\/comment\/18651490\",\"attributedTo\":\"https:\/\/lemmy.sdf.org\/u\/DigitalDruid\",\"to\":[\"https:\/\/www.w3.org\/ns\/activitystreams#Public\"],\"cc\":[\"https:\/\/lemmy.ml\/c\/linux\",\"https:\/\/lemm.ee\/u\/sockpuppetsociety\"],\"content\":\"<p>as a kid, when i was learning linux it was slackware on a massive stack of floppies. and this was before plug and play mind you, there were all sorts of things DOS did one way but linux expected another way.<\/p>\\n<p>Well i only had the one computer. So you would get so far through a linux install (many hours, overnight was common) and run into a real issue (how do i properly terminate the scsi chains differently than dos expected so i could get it to see the discs, or what jumpers did you have to move around to free up irq\u2019s so that ionic could see the modem.<\/p>\\n<p>well if the hastily printed docs i had amassed didn\u2019t cover it, no choice but to re install dos and telemate and hope for help on usenet. which always did come. then you print that and cross your fingers and hope it worked.<\/p>\\n<p>I don\u2019t recall exactly how long it took me to get slackware on that old family 286 but the joy when i finally had it all working.<\/p>\\n<p>then i learned linux had no dialup scripts yet for slip\/ppp yet so i had to reinstall dos to go learn bash so i could teach the thing how to connect to my isp, since it was a little different for all of them at that time.<\/p>\\n<p>as an autistic kid this was my secondary special interest and i loved every second of all of this. it prepared me for a fruitful if frustrating career as a very full stack software engineer!<\/p>\\n\",\"inReplyTo\":\"https:\/\/lemm.ee\/post\/58934773\",\"mediaType\":\"text\/html\",\"source\":{\"content\":\"as a kid, when i was learning linux it was slackware on a massive stack of floppies. and this was before plug and play mind you, there were all sorts of things DOS did one way but linux expected another way.\\n\\nWell i only had the one computer. So you would get so far through a linux install (many hours, overnight was common) and run into a real issue (how do i properly terminate the scsi chains differently than dos expected so i could get it to see the discs, or what jumpers did you have to move around to free up irq's so that ionic could see the modem.\\n\\nwell if the hastily printed docs i had amassed didn't cover it, no choice but to re install dos and telemate and hope for help on usenet. which always did come. then you print that and cross your fingers and hope it worked.\\n\\nI don't recall exactly how long it took me to get slackware on that old family 286 but the joy when i finally had it all working.\\n\\nthen i learned linux had no dialup scripts yet for slip\/ppp yet so i had to reinstall dos to go learn bash so i could teach the thing how to connect to my isp, since it was a little different for all of them at that time.\\n\\nas an autistic kid this was my secondary special interest and i loved every second of all of this. it prepared me for a fruitful if frustrating career as a very full stack software engineer!\\n\\n\",\"mediaType\":\"text\/markdown\"},\"published\":\"2025-03-21T04:09:08.833354Z\",\"tag\":[{\"href\":\"https:\/\/lemm.ee\/u\/sockpuppetsociety\",\"name\":\"@sockpuppetsociety@lemm.ee\",\"type\":\"Mention\"}],\"distinguished\":false,\"audience\":\"https:\/\/lemmy.ml\/c\/linux\"},\"cc\":[\"https:\/\/lemmy.ml\/c\/linux\",\"https:\/\/lemm.ee\/u\/sockpuppetsociety\"],\"tag\":[{\"href\":\"https:\/\/lemm.ee\/u\/sockpuppetsociety\",\"name\":\"@sockpuppetsociety@lemm.ee\",\"type\":\"Mention\"}],\"type\":\"Create\",\"audience\":\"https:\/\/lemmy.ml\/c\/linux\"},\"cc\":[\"https:\/\/lemmy.ml\/c\/linux\/followers\"],\"type\":\"Announce\",\"id\":\"https:\/\/lemmy.ml\/activities\/announce\/create\/87799a1d-46d5-4d5f-9236-1792e62e0fb5\"}","request":{"host":"kbin.spritesserver.nl","method":"POST","uri":"\/f\/inbox","client_ip":""},"headers":{"content-type":["application\/activity+json"],"host":["kbin.spritesserver.nl"],"date":["Fri, 21 Mar 2025 04:09:52 GMT"],"digest":["SHA-256=DH4fZnHfs+YaJp\/kUYZoJDyeYzjVfshtFYKkifsawQc="],"signature":["keyId=\"https:\/\/lemmy.ml\/c\/linux#main-key\",algorithm=\"hs2019\",headers=\"(request-target) content-type date digest host\",signature=\"Gz77+tX2xyRaP1hyA2mzWQKMYLUuPgJWTQ65gtZjBfCQefW0Vg3ge\/klWDD1bJ0ReRwqXvt0hbdz\/uAvQSHPr2QgdjSTCYeYZ1veXt+swJhluT6gwUt3GtvXFEEeMATFTSWpOXqKLcy1aDste\/LvhdYDJE\/Nk7zleiMaoAuVdaAMVgNFEmwf\/LACqEYHniu6BGq\/I\/v+1yZLfMQWnOtagVpER2BmwkOjKasukkL4gzd\/\/\/Rs92G7rcRMSTUUIJPR\/1lvvFhMNXb7UHbamI66TEDYHEC+8QMeGUBxop12mS1vvO9o5xjuLZoXBFt2UTFe2aso29Hsl3\/hNlR84ogWmA==\""],"accept":["*\/*"],"user-agent":["Lemmy\/0.19.10; +https:\/\/lemmy.ml"],"accept-encoding":["gzip"],"content-length":["4182"],"x-php-ob-level":["1"]}}" "{"type":"App\\Message\\ActivityPub\\Inbox\\ActivityMessage","X-Message-Stamp-Symfony\\Component\\Messenger\\Stamp\\BusNameStamp":"[{\"busName\":\"messenger.bus.default\"}]","Content-Type":"application\/json"}" "default" "2025-03-21 04:09:52" "2025-03-21 04:09:52" ] |
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Entities Mapping
No loaded entities.