

There is no security token.


main Name
Security enabled


Key Value
provider security.user.provider.concrete.app_user_provider
context main
entry_point App\Security\KbinAuthenticator
user_checker App\Security\UserChecker
access_denied_handler (none)
access_denied_url (none)


Listener Duration Response
Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\ChannelListener {#723
  -map: Symfony\Component\Security\Http\AccessMap {#722 …}
  -logger: Monolog\Logger {#783 …}
  -httpPort: 80
  -httpsPort: 443
0.00 ms (none)
Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\ContextListener {#706
  -tokenStorage: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage {#1017 …}
  -sessionKey: "_security_main"
  -logger: Monolog\Logger {#783 …}
  -userProviders: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\RewindableGenerator {#705 …}
  -dispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher {#747 …}
  -registered: false
  -trustResolver: Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolver {#780 …}
  -sessionTrackerEnabler: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\UsageTrackingTokenStorage::enableUsageTracking(): void {#703 …}
0.28 ms (none)
Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\AuthenticatorManagerListener {#584
  -authenticatorManager: Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication\AuthenticatorManager {#595 …}
0.00 ms (none)
Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Http\Firewall\TwoFactorAccessListener {#582
  -twoFactorFirewallConfig: Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\TwoFactorFirewallConfig {#842 …}
  -tokenStorage: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\UsageTrackingTokenStorage {#1018 …}
  -twoFactorAccessDecider: Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Authorization\TwoFactorAccessDecider {#581 …}
0.11 ms (none)
Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\AccessListener {#579
  -tokenStorage: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\UsageTrackingTokenStorage {#1018 …}
  -accessDecisionManager: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\TraceableAccessDecisionManager {#937 …}
  -map: Symfony\Component\Security\Http\AccessMap {#722 …}
0.00 ms (none)
Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\LogoutListener {#786
  -tokenStorage: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\UsageTrackingTokenStorage {#1018 …}
  -options: [
    "csrf_parameter" => "_csrf_token"
    "csrf_token_id" => "logout"
    "logout_path" => "app_logout"
  -httpUtils: Symfony\Component\Security\Http\HttpUtils {#841 …}
  -csrfTokenManager: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1015 …}
  -eventDispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher {#747 …}
0.00 ms (none)


No authenticators have been recorded. Check previous profiles on your authentication endpoint.

Access Decision

affirmative Strategy
# Voter class

Access decision log

# Result Attributes Object
Show voter details
2 DENIED moderate
Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2012
  +user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#2825 …}
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  +image: null
  +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
  +slug: "A-response-to-the-Boycott-Wayland-article"
  +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
  +url: null
  +body: """
    Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
    This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
    Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
    ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
    - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
    - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
    - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
    - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
    …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
    - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
    In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
    - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
    As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
    Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
    And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
    - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
    As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
    Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
    - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
    - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
    - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
    - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
    - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
    - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
    Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
    - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
    - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
    Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
    - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
    - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
    - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
    - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
    - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
    Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
    DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
    Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
    As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
    - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
    - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
    - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
    Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
    - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
    - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
    - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
    - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
    - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
    - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
    - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
    - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
    - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
    - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
    - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
    - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
    And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2013 …}
      +body: """
        You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
        Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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        I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
        Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2013 …}
      +body: """
        “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
        On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
        The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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        > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
        All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
        Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
        Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2013 …}
      +body: """
        They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
        Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
        What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
        Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
        The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
        > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
        More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
        The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
        Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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        > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
        They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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Show voter details
3 DENIED edit
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  +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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    Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
    This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
    Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
    ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
    - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
    - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
    - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
    - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
    …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
    - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
    In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
    - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
    As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
    Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
    And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
    - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
    As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
    Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
    - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
    - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
    - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
    - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
    - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
    - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
    Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
    - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
    - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
    Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
    - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
    - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
    - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
    - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
    - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
    Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
    DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
    Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
    As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
    - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
    - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
    - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
    Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
    - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
    - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
    - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
    - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
    - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
    - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
    - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
    - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
    - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
    - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
    - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
    - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
    And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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        You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
        Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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        I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
        Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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        “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
        On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
        The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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        > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
        All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
        Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
        Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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        They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
        Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
        What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
        Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
        The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
        > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
        More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
        The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
        Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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        > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
        They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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Show voter details
4 DENIED moderate
Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2012
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  +slug: "A-response-to-the-Boycott-Wayland-article"
  +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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  +body: """
    Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
    This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
    Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
    ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
    - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
    - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
    - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
    - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
    …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
    - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
    In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
    - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
    As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
    Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
    And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
    - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
    As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
    Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
    - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
    - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
    - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
    - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
    - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
    - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
    Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
    - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
    - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
    Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
    - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
    - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
    - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
    - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
    - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
    Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
    DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
    Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
    As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
    - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
    - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
    - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
    Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
    - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
    - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
    - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
    - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
    - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
    - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
    - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
    - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
    - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
    - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
    - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
    - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
    And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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        You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
        Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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        I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
        Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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        “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
        On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
        The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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        > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
        All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
        Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
        Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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        They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
        Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
        What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
        Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
        The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
        > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
        More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
        The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
        Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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        > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
        They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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Show voter details
Show voter details
6 DENIED moderate
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    +slug: "A-response-to-the-Boycott-Wayland-article"
    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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    +body: """
      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
    Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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Show voter details
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    +slug: "A-response-to-the-Boycott-Wayland-article"
    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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    +body: """
      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
    Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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Show voter details
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    +slug: "A-response-to-the-Boycott-Wayland-article"
    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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    +body: """
      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
    Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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Show voter details
Show voter details
10 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2082
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    +slug: "A-response-to-the-Boycott-Wayland-article"
    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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    +body: """
      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
    Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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Show voter details
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    +slug: "A-response-to-the-Boycott-Wayland-article"
    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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    +body: """
      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
    Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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Show voter details
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    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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    +body: """
      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
    Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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Show voter details
Show voter details
14 DENIED moderate
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    +slug: "A-response-to-the-Boycott-Wayland-article"
    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
    On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
    The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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Show voter details
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    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
    On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
    The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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    +slug: "A-response-to-the-Boycott-Wayland-article"
    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
    On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
    The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
    All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
    Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
    Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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    +slug: "A-response-to-the-Boycott-Wayland-article"
    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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    +body: """
      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
    All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
    Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
    Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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Show voter details
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      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
    All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
    Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
    Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
    Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
    What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
    Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
    The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
    > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
    More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
    The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
    Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
    Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
    What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
    Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
    The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
    > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
    More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
    The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
    Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
          They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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    They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
    Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
    What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
    Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
    The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
    > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
    More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
    The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
    Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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    > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
    They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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Show voter details
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    +title: "A response to the "Boycott Wayland" article"
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      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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    > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
    They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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Show voter details
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      Link to article: […/9feb7c20257af5dd915e3a9f2d1f227…](\n
      This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn’t abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.\n
      Let’s go through the article point by point:\n
      ##### Wayland is broken by design:\n
      - *A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications*: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.\n
      - *You cannot do a lot of things*: What, like allowing Windows to see your keystrokes, which makes developing a keylogger absolutely trivial?\n
      - *There is not /usr/bin/wayland*: Yes, because Wayland is a set of protocols, which a bunch of projects can implement as few or as many of, as they see fit, thus avoiding the issue of “unmaintainable mess” that has plagued Xorg for years.\n
      - *It offloads work to the window manager*: Again, yes, that’s a part of its structure: do the protocols, then let the compositor implement them. That way, you have multiple implementations running simultaneously that are well integrated with their window managers and thus more efficient and performant. It also means that when a compositor suffers from too much cruft, we can just make a new one, while application developers wouldn’t really have anything to change because if their application works on Wayland, then it works on different compositors (unless it is made specifically for GNOME, or specifically for wlroots, like wlr-randr)\n
      …*so what works on DE 1, doesn’t necessarily work on DE 2*: True, because oftentimes, it doesn’t need to. Not implementing features can lead to a more lean and streamlined software solution. However, sometimes features are necessary and only implemented in some compositors. This usually happens because the universal solution is not ready. KDE are often known to do this with Plasma and KWin.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen recording applications*: Correction: The following screen recording applications were not built to support Wayland (because Wayland is new to them or they just decided not to, or they were either too busy or too irresponsible enough to realise Wayland is coming, and has been for over 10 years. In defence of the devs, they probably wanted to make sure Wayland will become stable enough, but it has been the default even on Debian for many years now, so…\n
      In terms of the applications, I’m not aware of many of them, and for this sort of application, I’m sire alot of work is required to change the graphical backend, so I understood that some smaller projects gave up, but OBS has been working on Wayland for quite a while. Is it perfect? I don’t think so, but back when Brodie Robertson was using Hyprland, he was recording his videos using OBS. This article is quite outdated.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screen sharing applications*:\n
      As the update shows, Jitsi now does work on Wayland.\n
      Zoom only seemed to work on gnome, BUT if you open up the Link to the zoom issue and read through the comments, there is clearly a person that clearly states that they changed /etc/os-release from PureOS to debian and it worked for them, all because of some pointless limitations enforced by the Zoom developers. As the person posting the issue states “Currently, the zoom application has put an arbirtrary restriction on screensharing so it ONLY works on GNOME, when the api being used works on all wayland desktops.” Read that again. It’s a pointless restriction put there by the Zoom team because they couldn’t be bothered to test anything non-GNOME.\n
      And the last issue is a problem with the article writer’s own appimage. I don’t know about that one.\n
      - *Wayland breaks automation software*\n
      As stated IN YOUR FACE, it is an application that works on X11 only. Yes, Wayland is not made to use such applications, but it doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Every heard of ydotool (remember that name)? Now you have.\n
      Next up, we have 3 issues about GNOME and KDE global menus (1 for GNOME, 2 for KDE). From the little I know about global menus and using these projects, as well as considering that they are both incredibly stable on Wayland and Fedora KDE will be dropping Xorg completely, I think it’s safe to assume these issues have probably been fixed. Please correct me if I’m wrong.\n
      - *Wayland breaks AppImages that don’t ship a special QT plugin*: Great! Just ship the plugins then! Problem solved! Also, quote from the article: “However, there is a workaround: “AppImages which ship just the XCB plugin will automatically fallback to running in xwayland mode” (see below).”\n
      - *Wayland breaks Redshift*: Once again, a program built for Xorg doesn’t always work on Wayland. Especially if it works with the compositor, like a colour temperature control application, or a wallpaper setter. The article quotes that “Redshift does not support Wayland since it offers no way to adjust the color temperature” which is not true, as proven by Redshift alternatives like Gammastep.\n
      - *Wayland breaks global hotkeys*: I present to you: Hyprland (where you can get global hotkeys). Now, it is normally not allowed by design, as a security measure, but Hyprland has not allowed that to stop them from implementing a solution where you can choose keys that will be passed on to the application. Boom, problem solved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be implemented anywhere else, as far as I know.\n
      - *Wayland does not work for XFCE*: Come back to me in late 2024 after XFCE 4.20, which will introduce Wayland support, has been released. Also, [](\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Nvidia Hardware*: It keeps on getting closer but is not there yet, or so I’ve heard. Apparently, the issue is with the proprietary drivers, as noveau works well. But I use AMD, so I’m only working off rumours and opinions here.\n
      - *Wayland does not work properly on Intel hardware*: Again, I’m using AMD, so I can’t confirm or deny this, but considering the Intel drivers are open source, and I’ve heard about many, many improvements made on the Intel side of things, I think it would be reasonable to assume it has been fixed.\n
      Edit: As multiple Intel users have pointed out in the comments, there seem to be no issues on Wayland with Intel hardware.\n
      - *Wayland prevents GUI applications from running as root*: This one has been crossed out as the article writer admits there is a solution\n
      - *Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD*: Arguments seem valid, and I’m guessing, are correct. This one is likely true and will remain so for the foreseeable future.\n
      Edit: And yet, it seems that there are Wayland compositors for FreeBSD, so the above might only be true for OpenBSD and others.\n
      - *Wayland complicates server side decorations*: From what I’ve heard, this is true, mainly something to do with some GNOME agenda, as the article states. I think that one is true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks windows raising/activating themselves*: The linked issue is closed and seems to be resolved. There is a mention of a WIP protocol at the time (2019) that woukd fix this. I had difficulty following the discussion, but I think this has been fixed.\n
      - *Wayland breaks RescueTime*: Because RescueTime depends on X11-only tools like xprop.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window manager*: What you’re describing is Wayland breaking X11-only tools for doing various tasks in a window manager. They are X11 tools, so of course they don’t work on Wayland. I’m not sure if there are alternatives, but I’d guess there probably are. I know for a fact that Xrandr has alternatives like wlr-randr and kanshi for wlroots.\n
      - *Wayland requires {instert WM here} to implement Xorg-like functionality*:Yes, it does.\n
      Quote from article: "As it currently stands minor WMs and DEs do not even intend to support Wayland given the sheer complexity of writing all the code required to support the above features. "\n
      DEs: GNOME, KDE, MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Enlightenment, and recently even Pantheon have either announced to start work on, have started work on, or already support Wayland.\n
      Window managers: Qtile is doing it. Xmonad wants to hire a dev to do it. Dwm has a spiritual successor called dwl. i3 has a drop-in replacement called sway. Openbox has 2 spiritual successors called labwc and waybox. Now you might notice one of the biggest WMs is missing on here: AwesomeWM, which is such a shame. The Awesome devs have said they would be okay with someone taking on that challenge (which has already been attempted, as evidenced by the existence of way-cooler), but it seems that they wouldn’t do it themselves.\n
      As for the projects mentioned in the article, (JWM, TWM, XDM, IceWM) they are too small and obscure, and will likely fade away with Xorg.\n
      - *Wayland breaks _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR protocol* I don’t know about that one, ao I’ll assume it is still the case. Edit: Ignoring the fact that the link is broken, it basically just links to a docs change where skipTaskbar is marked as unsupported on Linux. Link: [](\n
      - *Wayland breaks NoMachine NX* The link points to a page that has this marked as “SOLVED, Released in version 8” so I’m guessing it has been solved.\n
      - *Wayland breaks Xclip*: As you said it yourself, Xclip is an X11 application, so it doesn’t work on Wayland. Of course it wouldn’t work on Wayland. With Wayland, we’re trying to prevent what happened with Xorg from happening again, or am I wrong?\n
      Edit: As pointed out by some people in the comments, there are also alternatives to xclip like wl-clipboard.\n
      - *Wayland breaks SUDO_ASKPASS*: That link seems to point to the way this issue has been resolved so I don’t see your point.\n
      - *Wayland breaks X11 atoms*: I lack knowledge on the topic so will assume this to be a valid argument\n
      - *Wayland break games*: I’m 99% sure you can disable Vsync??? But I’m not a gamer. Also, WINE on Wayland is getting better and better. Soon enough, I hope the subpar performance will become better performance (when compared to Xorg)\n
      - *Wayland breaks xdotool*: Well, yes. There is ydotool, but you’re looking for a 1-to-1 replacement and I’m not sure if ydotool fits the bill for that.\n
      - *Wayland breaks xkill*: Well, yes. Again. It is an X application, so of course it does. Though for some reason I remember it working once on wayland. Must have been an xwayland app, or maybe I’m just misremembering this.\n
      - *Wayland breaks screensavers*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks setting the window position*: That is a WIP for Plasma, not sure about any other projects, so assume true for anything else.\n
      - *Wayland breaks color management*: Not anymore. That is being actively worked on.\n
      - *Wayland breaks DRM leasing*: While not rhat familiar with the issue, my understanding of the topic is the article is correct: not all compositors support it.\n
      - *Wayland breaks in-home streaming*: Not familiar with this, so will assume true.\n
      - *Wayland breaks NetWM/EWMH*: Yeah, that seems to be the case.\n
      - *Wayland breaks window icons*: Yeah, that seems to be the case, as said in the article, when no .desktop files are used.\n
      And that concludes my response to this article based on my fairly limited knowledge on the topic. If I got anything wrong, please, please let me know. As you can see my knowledge is quite limited, and as such, any corrections (preferably backed up with evidence) would be appreciated
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          You forgot the part where they don’t need Wayland and its reduced features, because everything works fine in Xorg.\n
          Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.
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          I’m glad Wayland solves problems for you, but it creates them for others.\n
          Imagine being forced to go the other way. Could you be coerced into going back to Xorg? What would you do if a distro attempted to do that to you?
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          “Linux” is not an entity with well defined goals, it’s a community that mostly does whatever it wants. That has the fortunate side effect of producing labors of love in software, that prove really useful in the real world. But it also ignores things like user experience, which affect things like the desktop the most.\n
          On Linux the user is a second-class citizen, because worth in the community is determined by how much a person contributes (in code, testing, artwork, documentation etc.)\n
          The Linux mindset is best expressed by a quote from Simon Travaglia (which I paraphrase because I don’t remember it verbatim): “We’re tasked with the well-being of the servers, not the users. They’re lucky we even let them log in since users technically *upset* the smooth operation of the servers.”
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          > You forgot the part where this is what is happening.\n
          All I see is a rift in the community over one side pushing software that’s beta-quality at best, and acting very arrogant and dismissive towards real adoption impediments.\n
          Which is par for the course for Linux, naturally, but “it’s happening” is wishful thinking at this stage. At this rate and with this attitude it will take at least another 5 years.\n
          Wayland’s worst enemy is its own fans.
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          They aren’t facts, again, they’re wishful thinking. I’m a long time contributor and developer and I can assure you that with things as complex as X and Wayland things would move slowly even if everybody was of the same mind, let alone in the “herding cats” style of FOSS.\n
          Wayland has been in development for 15 years and it’s still not ready – please, it’s not, and stomping our feet and claiming otherwise won’t make it so. Another 5 years will probably see it reach a more stable state.\n
          What do I mean by ready? Well the desktop stack [on Linux and *NIX] is extremely complex. Whenever you’re dealing with something extremely complex in software, over the years, you amass a large amount of solutions that solve real world problems. That’s what I call “ready”. Most of those solutions will be dealing with quirks and use cases which do not affect everybody equally, but they’re each crucial in their own way to a varying slice of the userbase.\n
          Whenever you rewrite something from scratch you throw away the bulk of those quirks. It’s a common fallacy for developers to look at the shiny new thing and think that it’s better. In reality it’s worthless without the quirks, and accumulating those quirks all over again takes a long time. X has been accumulating them for 40 years. Wayland is barely scratching the surface.\n
          The fact the protocol places and splits the burden over the various DE and WM teams will NOT help. We will need libraries that solve the same problem once instead of over and over, and most DE/WM will come to depend on those libraries. The end result will be eerily similar to X. Ironically, by the time Wayland will be done it will have spent a comparable time in development to X, and will have accumulated the same amount of baggage that people dislike about X.\n
          > What percentage of the Linux Desktop universe are you expecting will still be using X at the end of 2025?\n
          More or less the same that’s using X right now. GNOME, KDE and the various distros will get a bloody nose trying to force Wayland through but if that’s the only way they learn, so be it.\n
          The Steam Deck actually has one of the few use cases where Wayland actually makes sense, it’s a turnkey, highly controlled stack (both software and hardware) where users don’t have any reasons to care about what’s under the hood. I expect them to switch ASAP.\n
          Another place where Wayland can be used straightaway is the desktop graphical login screen (which is the original reason it was created for anyway). It’s a singular application with reduced requirements and simplistic interactions.
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  +body: """
    > but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop\n
    They care because it’s free testing for their more lucrative Linux-based products. We’re their lab rats.
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Show voter details
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30 DENIED moderate
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  +body: """
    I think you bit a big mouthful if you’re just starting out on the NAS game. I would suggest breaking things down into smaller pieces:\n
    1. Prepare a standalone container only with the VPN.\n
    2. Try to set up a torrent client container on its own.\n
    3. Learn how to set up docker networks for the 1st and 2nd container so that the torrent client will always use the VPN.\n
    4. Try to set up a Jellyfin container on its own.\n
    5. Move on to the *arr stack.\n
    nixOS also has a bit of a learning curve and it would’ve probably been easier if you started with something else. Up to you if you want to stick to it. IMO it’s mostly overkill for an OS that will simply serve as the base for a docker setup.
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Show voter details
31 DENIED edit
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  +body: """
    I think you bit a big mouthful if you’re just starting out on the NAS game. I would suggest breaking things down into smaller pieces:\n
    1. Prepare a standalone container only with the VPN.\n
    2. Try to set up a torrent client container on its own.\n
    3. Learn how to set up docker networks for the 1st and 2nd container so that the torrent client will always use the VPN.\n
    4. Try to set up a Jellyfin container on its own.\n
    5. Move on to the *arr stack.\n
    nixOS also has a bit of a learning curve and it would’ve probably been easier if you started with something else. Up to you if you want to stick to it. IMO it’s mostly overkill for an OS that will simply serve as the base for a docker setup.
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Show voter details
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  +body: """
    I think you bit a big mouthful if you’re just starting out on the NAS game. I would suggest breaking things down into smaller pieces:\n
    1. Prepare a standalone container only with the VPN.\n
    2. Try to set up a torrent client container on its own.\n
    3. Learn how to set up docker networks for the 1st and 2nd container so that the torrent client will always use the VPN.\n
    4. Try to set up a Jellyfin container on its own.\n
    5. Move on to the *arr stack.\n
    nixOS also has a bit of a learning curve and it would’ve probably been easier if you started with something else. Up to you if you want to stick to it. IMO it’s mostly overkill for an OS that will simply serve as the base for a docker setup.
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    date: 2023-11-21 11:06:33.0 +01:00
  +"title": 146091
Show voter details
Show voter details
34 DENIED moderate
Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2369
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  +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
  +slug: "How-to-keep-all-email-locally-in-a-useful-format"
  +title: "How to keep all email locally in a useful format that can be searched across devices?"
  +url: null
  +body: """
    I have an account on an SMTP server. The server has a storage quota. I’d like the delete stuff from the server but keep it locally in case I need it. Just in case.\n
    I’d like to be able to access the mail somehow on other computers and hopefully mobile devices on my network so that it can be searched when needed. I’m not sure what the best interface for that would be. A webmail client?\n
    One option would be to use Thunderbird or another client to download the mail once in a while but disable deleting local messages when they are removed from the server. Would Thunderbird store the messages in a format I can use readily with other applications? Or should I use something else to download the mail?\n
    What about situations where messages are moved from one folder to another on the server? Would I get a duplicate locally of the message appearing in both locations? Not sure how the storage and metadata actually are.\n
    Also, is it possible in such a situation to put a message *back* on the server if I realize it was deleted in error?\n
    Any idea would be welcome. I am a bit stuck.\n
    I can use the command line comfortably but ideally I’d have a solution that doesn’t rely on the terminal to find find messages and such. I don’t really like terminal mail clients.
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      +body: """
        What I do is use Claws Mail with POP3, it has an option that allows a message to only be deleted from the server after a configurable period of time. So if you set it for 10 days for example the message will exist both locally on your PC and on the server for 10 days, after which it will only exist on the PC.\n
        It works pretty well in general. The only account giving me some trouble is Yahoo, which I suspect has some quirks, which occasionally cause the messages to be downloaded again and duplicated. Thankfully it’s easily fixed because Claws also has a feature to delete duplicates.\n
        This approach is different from IMAP, which would maintain a local offline cache of the live inbox, but you wouldn’t be able to only keep local messages — any change in one side would be reflected in both.\n
        However, Claws allows you to do both. You can have both a POP3 and an IMAP account connected to the same live box use the POP3 for offline archival, and the IMAP for when you want to put something back on the server, or if you need to look at other folders on the server besides inbox (POP3 cab only see the inbox, not trash, sent etc.)\n
        Normally I only do folders locally on the PC, on the mailbox connected with POP3, so none of the organization is reflected on the live mailbox, which is inbox only. Every once in a while I connect via IMAP to recover emails from the sent folder, which I’ve sent with webmail or from mobile (using IMAP on mobile too).\n
        If this doesn’t fit your workflow turn there are lots of IMAP syncing tools like you’ve noticed. IMAPsync is pretty good.\n
        The last step for my workflow would be to self host an IMAP server that will index the POP3 mailbox, and expose it read-only (without SMTP) through a webmail app, for archival and search only. I may have to look at Piler. The quirk here is that the Claws mailbox format is *slightly* different from IMAP, it’s very similar to mbox but not identical, will have to see if any IMAP server will accept it.\n
        Thunderbird is no go unfortunately, its main box format is to keep all messages on one big file instead of individual files, which complicates things a lot.
      +lang: "en"
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        date: 2023-11-18 04:22:03.0 +01:00
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Show voter details
35 DENIED edit
Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2369
  +user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#2878 …}
  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
  +slug: "How-to-keep-all-email-locally-in-a-useful-format"
  +title: "How to keep all email locally in a useful format that can be searched across devices?"
  +url: null
  +body: """
    I have an account on an SMTP server. The server has a storage quota. I’d like the delete stuff from the server but keep it locally in case I need it. Just in case.\n
    I’d like to be able to access the mail somehow on other computers and hopefully mobile devices on my network so that it can be searched when needed. I’m not sure what the best interface for that would be. A webmail client?\n
    One option would be to use Thunderbird or another client to download the mail once in a while but disable deleting local messages when they are removed from the server. Would Thunderbird store the messages in a format I can use readily with other applications? Or should I use something else to download the mail?\n
    What about situations where messages are moved from one folder to another on the server? Would I get a duplicate locally of the message appearing in both locations? Not sure how the storage and metadata actually are.\n
    Also, is it possible in such a situation to put a message *back* on the server if I realize it was deleted in error?\n
    Any idea would be welcome. I am a bit stuck.\n
    I can use the command line comfortably but ideally I’d have a solution that doesn’t rely on the terminal to find find messages and such. I don’t really like terminal mail clients.
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    date: 2023-11-22 13:05:53.0 +01:00
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      +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
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      +parent: null
      +root: null
      +body: """
        What I do is use Claws Mail with POP3, it has an option that allows a message to only be deleted from the server after a configurable period of time. So if you set it for 10 days for example the message will exist both locally on your PC and on the server for 10 days, after which it will only exist on the PC.\n
        It works pretty well in general. The only account giving me some trouble is Yahoo, which I suspect has some quirks, which occasionally cause the messages to be downloaded again and duplicated. Thankfully it’s easily fixed because Claws also has a feature to delete duplicates.\n
        This approach is different from IMAP, which would maintain a local offline cache of the live inbox, but you wouldn’t be able to only keep local messages — any change in one side would be reflected in both.\n
        However, Claws allows you to do both. You can have both a POP3 and an IMAP account connected to the same live box use the POP3 for offline archival, and the IMAP for when you want to put something back on the server, or if you need to look at other folders on the server besides inbox (POP3 cab only see the inbox, not trash, sent etc.)\n
        Normally I only do folders locally on the PC, on the mailbox connected with POP3, so none of the organization is reflected on the live mailbox, which is inbox only. Every once in a while I connect via IMAP to recover emails from the sent folder, which I’ve sent with webmail or from mobile (using IMAP on mobile too).\n
        If this doesn’t fit your workflow turn there are lots of IMAP syncing tools like you’ve noticed. IMAPsync is pretty good.\n
        The last step for my workflow would be to self host an IMAP server that will index the POP3 mailbox, and expose it read-only (without SMTP) through a webmail app, for archival and search only. I may have to look at Piler. The quirk here is that the Claws mailbox format is *slightly* different from IMAP, it’s very similar to mbox but not identical, will have to see if any IMAP server will accept it.\n
        Thunderbird is no go unfortunately, its main box format is to keep all messages on one big file instead of individual files, which complicates things a lot.
      +lang: "en"
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      +lastActive: DateTime @1700277723 {#1883
        date: 2023-11-18 04:22:03.0 +01:00
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      -id: 135856
      -bodyTs: "'10':37,55 'abl':134 'accept':376 'account':74,166 'allow':15,152 'also':105 'app':331 'approach':113 'archiv':178,333 'back':189 'besid':205 'big':394 'box':172,385 'cab':208 'cach':124 'caus':89 'chang':141 'claw':6,104,151,350 'complic':401 'configur':27 'connect':167,229,253 'day':38,56 'delet':21,110 'differ':115,355 'doesn':279 'download':94 'duplic':97,111 'easili':101 'email':258 'etc':216 'everi':247 'exampl':40 'exist':44,62 'expos':321 'featur':108 'file':395,399 'fit':281 'fix':102 'folder':201,221,262 'format':352,386 'general':71 'give':75 'go':381 'good':299 'host':310 'howev':150 'ident':366 'imap':117,165,181,255,273,289,312,357,373 'imapsync':296 'inbox':128,206,212,245 'index':316 'individu':398 'instead':396 'keep':137,389 'last':301 'like':292 'live':127,171,241 'local':46,122,138,222 'look':198,341 'lot':287,404 'mail':7 'mailbox':228,242,319,351 'main':384 'maintain':120 'may':338 'mbox':363 'messag':17,42,91,139,391 'mobil':271,275 'need':196 'none':233 'normal':217 'notic':295 'occasion':88 'offlin':123,177 'one':143,393 'option':13 'organ':236 'pc':49,65,225 'period':28 'piler':343 'pop3':9,162,175,207,231,318 'pretti':68,298 'put':187 'quirk':86,345 'read':324 'read-on':323 'recov':257 'reflect':147,238 'search':335 'see':210,370 'self':309 'sent':215,261,266 'server':24,53,192,204,313,374 'set':34 'side':144 'similar':361 'slight':354 'smtp':327 'someth':188 'step':302 'suspect':83 'sync':290 'thank':98 'thing':402 'thunderbird':378 'time':30 'tool':291 'trash':214 'troubl':78 'turn':284 'unfortun':382 'use':5,173,272 've':265,294 'via':254 'want':185 'webmail':268,330 'well':69 'without':326 'work':67 'workflow':283,305 'would':119,145,306 'wouldn':131 'yahoo':80"
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      +"title": 135856
  -id: 14004
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  +cross: false
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  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700265661 {#2898
    date: 2023-11-18 01:01:01.0 +01:00
  +__isInitialized__: true
Show voter details
36 DENIED moderate
Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2369
  +user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#2878 …}
  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
  +slug: "How-to-keep-all-email-locally-in-a-useful-format"
  +title: "How to keep all email locally in a useful format that can be searched across devices?"
  +url: null
  +body: """
    I have an account on an SMTP server. The server has a storage quota. I’d like the delete stuff from the server but keep it locally in case I need it. Just in case.\n
    I’d like to be able to access the mail somehow on other computers and hopefully mobile devices on my network so that it can be searched when needed. I’m not sure what the best interface for that would be. A webmail client?\n
    One option would be to use Thunderbird or another client to download the mail once in a while but disable deleting local messages when they are removed from the server. Would Thunderbird store the messages in a format I can use readily with other applications? Or should I use something else to download the mail?\n
    What about situations where messages are moved from one folder to another on the server? Would I get a duplicate locally of the message appearing in both locations? Not sure how the storage and metadata actually are.\n
    Also, is it possible in such a situation to put a message *back* on the server if I realize it was deleted in error?\n
    Any idea would be welcome. I am a bit stuck.\n
    I can use the command line comfortably but ideally I’d have a solution that doesn’t rely on the terminal to find find messages and such. I don’t really like terminal mail clients.
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      +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
      +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2369 …2}
      +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
      +image: null
      +parent: null
      +root: null
      +body: """
        What I do is use Claws Mail with POP3, it has an option that allows a message to only be deleted from the server after a configurable period of time. So if you set it for 10 days for example the message will exist both locally on your PC and on the server for 10 days, after which it will only exist on the PC.\n
        It works pretty well in general. The only account giving me some trouble is Yahoo, which I suspect has some quirks, which occasionally cause the messages to be downloaded again and duplicated. Thankfully it’s easily fixed because Claws also has a feature to delete duplicates.\n
        This approach is different from IMAP, which would maintain a local offline cache of the live inbox, but you wouldn’t be able to only keep local messages — any change in one side would be reflected in both.\n
        However, Claws allows you to do both. You can have both a POP3 and an IMAP account connected to the same live box use the POP3 for offline archival, and the IMAP for when you want to put something back on the server, or if you need to look at other folders on the server besides inbox (POP3 cab only see the inbox, not trash, sent etc.)\n
        Normally I only do folders locally on the PC, on the mailbox connected with POP3, so none of the organization is reflected on the live mailbox, which is inbox only. Every once in a while I connect via IMAP to recover emails from the sent folder, which I’ve sent with webmail or from mobile (using IMAP on mobile too).\n
        If this doesn’t fit your workflow turn there are lots of IMAP syncing tools like you’ve noticed. IMAPsync is pretty good.\n
        The last step for my workflow would be to self host an IMAP server that will index the POP3 mailbox, and expose it read-only (without SMTP) through a webmail app, for archival and search only. I may have to look at Piler. The quirk here is that the Claws mailbox format is *slightly* different from IMAP, it’s very similar to mbox but not identical, will have to see if any IMAP server will accept it.\n
        Thunderbird is no go unfortunately, its main box format is to keep all messages on one big file instead of individual files, which complicates things a lot.
      +lang: "en"
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      +lastActive: DateTime @1700277723 {#1883
        date: 2023-11-18 04:22:03.0 +01:00
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      +children: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2387 …}
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      +reports: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1381 …}
      +favourites: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1402 …}
      +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1385 …}
      -id: 135856
      -bodyTs: "'10':37,55 'abl':134 'accept':376 'account':74,166 'allow':15,152 'also':105 'app':331 'approach':113 'archiv':178,333 'back':189 'besid':205 'big':394 'box':172,385 'cab':208 'cach':124 'caus':89 'chang':141 'claw':6,104,151,350 'complic':401 'configur':27 'connect':167,229,253 'day':38,56 'delet':21,110 'differ':115,355 'doesn':279 'download':94 'duplic':97,111 'easili':101 'email':258 'etc':216 'everi':247 'exampl':40 'exist':44,62 'expos':321 'featur':108 'file':395,399 'fit':281 'fix':102 'folder':201,221,262 'format':352,386 'general':71 'give':75 'go':381 'good':299 'host':310 'howev':150 'ident':366 'imap':117,165,181,255,273,289,312,357,373 'imapsync':296 'inbox':128,206,212,245 'index':316 'individu':398 'instead':396 'keep':137,389 'last':301 'like':292 'live':127,171,241 'local':46,122,138,222 'look':198,341 'lot':287,404 'mail':7 'mailbox':228,242,319,351 'main':384 'maintain':120 'may':338 'mbox':363 'messag':17,42,91,139,391 'mobil':271,275 'need':196 'none':233 'normal':217 'notic':295 'occasion':88 'offlin':123,177 'one':143,393 'option':13 'organ':236 'pc':49,65,225 'period':28 'piler':343 'pop3':9,162,175,207,231,318 'pretti':68,298 'put':187 'quirk':86,345 'read':324 'read-on':323 'recov':257 'reflect':147,238 'search':335 'see':210,370 'self':309 'sent':215,261,266 'server':24,53,192,204,313,374 'set':34 'side':144 'similar':361 'slight':354 'smtp':327 'someth':188 'step':302 'suspect':83 'sync':290 'thank':98 'thing':402 'thunderbird':378 'time':30 'tool':291 'trash':214 'troubl':78 'turn':284 'unfortun':382 'use':5,173,272 've':265,294 'via':254 'want':185 'webmail':268,330 'well':69 'without':326 'work':67 'workflow':283,305 'would':119,145,306 'wouldn':131 'yahoo':80"
      +ranking: 0
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      +"title": 135856
  -id: 14004
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  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700265661 {#2898
    date: 2023-11-18 01:01:01.0 +01:00
  +__isInitialized__: true
Show voter details
Show voter details
38 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2389
  +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
  +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2369
    +user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#2878 …}
    +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
    +image: null
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
    +slug: "How-to-keep-all-email-locally-in-a-useful-format"
    +title: "How to keep all email locally in a useful format that can be searched across devices?"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      I have an account on an SMTP server. The server has a storage quota. I’d like the delete stuff from the server but keep it locally in case I need it. Just in case.\n
      I’d like to be able to access the mail somehow on other computers and hopefully mobile devices on my network so that it can be searched when needed. I’m not sure what the best interface for that would be. A webmail client?\n
      One option would be to use Thunderbird or another client to download the mail once in a while but disable deleting local messages when they are removed from the server. Would Thunderbird store the messages in a format I can use readily with other applications? Or should I use something else to download the mail?\n
      What about situations where messages are moved from one folder to another on the server? Would I get a duplicate locally of the message appearing in both locations? Not sure how the storage and metadata actually are.\n
      Also, is it possible in such a situation to put a message *back* on the server if I realize it was deleted in error?\n
      Any idea would be welcome. I am a bit stuck.\n
      I can use the command line comfortably but ideally I’d have a solution that doesn’t rely on the terminal to find find messages and such. I don’t really like terminal mail clients.
    +type: "article"
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    +lastActive: DateTime @1700654753 {#2910
      date: 2023-11-22 13:05:53.0 +01:00
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      App\Entity\EntryComment {#2389}
    -id: 14004
    -titleTs: "'across':15 'devic':16 'email':5 'format':10 'keep':3 'local':6 'search':14 'use':9"
    -bodyTs: "'abl':41 'access':43 'account':4 'actual':170 'also':172 'anoth':88,146 'appear':159 'applic':124 'back':184 'best':71 'bit':204 'case':29,35 'client':79,89,240 'comfort':212 'command':210 'comput':49 'd':16,37,216 'delet':19,100,193 'devic':53 'disabl':99 'doesn':221 'download':91,132 'duplic':154 'els':130 'error':195 'find':228,229 'folder':144 'format':117 'get':152 'hope':51 'idea':197 'ideal':214 'interfac':72 'keep':25 'like':17,38,237 'line':211 'local':27,101,155 'locat':162 'm':66 'mail':45,93,134,239 'messag':102,114,139,158,183,230 'metadata':169 'mobil':52 'move':141 'need':31,64 'network':56 'one':80,143 'option':81 'possibl':175 'put':181 'quota':14 'readili':121 'realiz':190 'realli':236 'reli':223 'remov':106 'search':62 'server':8,10,23,109,149,187 'situat':137,179 'smtp':7 'solut':219 'somehow':46 'someth':129 'storag':13,167 'store':112 'stuck':205 'stuff':20 'sure':68,164 'termin':226,238 'thunderbird':86,111 'use':85,120,128,208 'webmail':78 'welcom':200 'would':75,82,110,150,198"
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      date: 2023-11-18 01:01:01.0 +01:00
    +__isInitialized__: true
  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +parent: null
  +root: null
  +body: """
    What I do is use Claws Mail with POP3, it has an option that allows a message to only be deleted from the server after a configurable period of time. So if you set it for 10 days for example the message will exist both locally on your PC and on the server for 10 days, after which it will only exist on the PC.\n
    It works pretty well in general. The only account giving me some trouble is Yahoo, which I suspect has some quirks, which occasionally cause the messages to be downloaded again and duplicated. Thankfully it’s easily fixed because Claws also has a feature to delete duplicates.\n
    This approach is different from IMAP, which would maintain a local offline cache of the live inbox, but you wouldn’t be able to only keep local messages — any change in one side would be reflected in both.\n
    However, Claws allows you to do both. You can have both a POP3 and an IMAP account connected to the same live box use the POP3 for offline archival, and the IMAP for when you want to put something back on the server, or if you need to look at other folders on the server besides inbox (POP3 cab only see the inbox, not trash, sent etc.)\n
    Normally I only do folders locally on the PC, on the mailbox connected with POP3, so none of the organization is reflected on the live mailbox, which is inbox only. Every once in a while I connect via IMAP to recover emails from the sent folder, which I’ve sent with webmail or from mobile (using IMAP on mobile too).\n
    If this doesn’t fit your workflow turn there are lots of IMAP syncing tools like you’ve noticed. IMAPsync is pretty good.\n
    The last step for my workflow would be to self host an IMAP server that will index the POP3 mailbox, and expose it read-only (without SMTP) through a webmail app, for archival and search only. I may have to look at Piler. The quirk here is that the Claws mailbox format is *slightly* different from IMAP, it’s very similar to mbox but not identical, will have to see if any IMAP server will accept it.\n
    Thunderbird is no go unfortunately, its main box format is to keep all messages on one big file instead of individual files, which complicates things a lot.
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    date: 2023-11-18 04:22:03.0 +01:00
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  +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1385 …}
  -id: 135856
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  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700277723 {#2391
    date: 2023-11-18 04:22:03.0 +01:00
  +"title": 135856
Show voter details
39 DENIED edit
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2389
  +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
  +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2369
    +user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#2878 …}
    +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
    +image: null
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
    +slug: "How-to-keep-all-email-locally-in-a-useful-format"
    +title: "How to keep all email locally in a useful format that can be searched across devices?"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      I have an account on an SMTP server. The server has a storage quota. I’d like the delete stuff from the server but keep it locally in case I need it. Just in case.\n
      I’d like to be able to access the mail somehow on other computers and hopefully mobile devices on my network so that it can be searched when needed. I’m not sure what the best interface for that would be. A webmail client?\n
      One option would be to use Thunderbird or another client to download the mail once in a while but disable deleting local messages when they are removed from the server. Would Thunderbird store the messages in a format I can use readily with other applications? Or should I use something else to download the mail?\n
      What about situations where messages are moved from one folder to another on the server? Would I get a duplicate locally of the message appearing in both locations? Not sure how the storage and metadata actually are.\n
      Also, is it possible in such a situation to put a message *back* on the server if I realize it was deleted in error?\n
      Any idea would be welcome. I am a bit stuck.\n
      I can use the command line comfortably but ideally I’d have a solution that doesn’t rely on the terminal to find find messages and such. I don’t really like terminal mail clients.
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    +lastActive: DateTime @1700654753 {#2910
      date: 2023-11-22 13:05:53.0 +01:00
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    +comments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2915 …}
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    +children: [
      App\Entity\EntryComment {#2389}
    -id: 14004
    -titleTs: "'across':15 'devic':16 'email':5 'format':10 'keep':3 'local':6 'search':14 'use':9"
    -bodyTs: "'abl':41 'access':43 'account':4 'actual':170 'also':172 'anoth':88,146 'appear':159 'applic':124 'back':184 'best':71 'bit':204 'case':29,35 'client':79,89,240 'comfort':212 'command':210 'comput':49 'd':16,37,216 'delet':19,100,193 'devic':53 'disabl':99 'doesn':221 'download':91,132 'duplic':154 'els':130 'error':195 'find':228,229 'folder':144 'format':117 'get':152 'hope':51 'idea':197 'ideal':214 'interfac':72 'keep':25 'like':17,38,237 'line':211 'local':27,101,155 'locat':162 'm':66 'mail':45,93,134,239 'messag':102,114,139,158,183,230 'metadata':169 'mobil':52 'move':141 'need':31,64 'network':56 'one':80,143 'option':81 'possibl':175 'put':181 'quota':14 'readili':121 'realiz':190 'realli':236 'reli':223 'remov':106 'search':62 'server':8,10,23,109,149,187 'situat':137,179 'smtp':7 'solut':219 'somehow':46 'someth':129 'storag':13,167 'store':112 'stuck':205 'stuff':20 'sure':68,164 'termin':226,238 'thunderbird':86,111 'use':85,120,128,208 'webmail':78 'welcom':200 'would':75,82,110,150,198"
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    +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700265661 {#2898
      date: 2023-11-18 01:01:01.0 +01:00
    +__isInitialized__: true
  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +parent: null
  +root: null
  +body: """
    What I do is use Claws Mail with POP3, it has an option that allows a message to only be deleted from the server after a configurable period of time. So if you set it for 10 days for example the message will exist both locally on your PC and on the server for 10 days, after which it will only exist on the PC.\n
    It works pretty well in general. The only account giving me some trouble is Yahoo, which I suspect has some quirks, which occasionally cause the messages to be downloaded again and duplicated. Thankfully it’s easily fixed because Claws also has a feature to delete duplicates.\n
    This approach is different from IMAP, which would maintain a local offline cache of the live inbox, but you wouldn’t be able to only keep local messages — any change in one side would be reflected in both.\n
    However, Claws allows you to do both. You can have both a POP3 and an IMAP account connected to the same live box use the POP3 for offline archival, and the IMAP for when you want to put something back on the server, or if you need to look at other folders on the server besides inbox (POP3 cab only see the inbox, not trash, sent etc.)\n
    Normally I only do folders locally on the PC, on the mailbox connected with POP3, so none of the organization is reflected on the live mailbox, which is inbox only. Every once in a while I connect via IMAP to recover emails from the sent folder, which I’ve sent with webmail or from mobile (using IMAP on mobile too).\n
    If this doesn’t fit your workflow turn there are lots of IMAP syncing tools like you’ve noticed. IMAPsync is pretty good.\n
    The last step for my workflow would be to self host an IMAP server that will index the POP3 mailbox, and expose it read-only (without SMTP) through a webmail app, for archival and search only. I may have to look at Piler. The quirk here is that the Claws mailbox format is *slightly* different from IMAP, it’s very similar to mbox but not identical, will have to see if any IMAP server will accept it.\n
    Thunderbird is no go unfortunately, its main box format is to keep all messages on one big file instead of individual files, which complicates things a lot.
  +lang: "en"
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    date: 2023-11-18 04:22:03.0 +01:00
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  +reports: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1381 …}
  +favourites: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1402 …}
  +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1385 …}
  -id: 135856
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  +ranking: 0
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  +apId: ""
  +editedAt: null
  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700277723 {#2391
    date: 2023-11-18 04:22:03.0 +01:00
  +"title": 135856
Show voter details
40 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2389
  +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
  +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2369
    +user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#2878 …}
    +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
    +image: null
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
    +slug: "How-to-keep-all-email-locally-in-a-useful-format"
    +title: "How to keep all email locally in a useful format that can be searched across devices?"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      I have an account on an SMTP server. The server has a storage quota. I’d like the delete stuff from the server but keep it locally in case I need it. Just in case.\n
      I’d like to be able to access the mail somehow on other computers and hopefully mobile devices on my network so that it can be searched when needed. I’m not sure what the best interface for that would be. A webmail client?\n
      One option would be to use Thunderbird or another client to download the mail once in a while but disable deleting local messages when they are removed from the server. Would Thunderbird store the messages in a format I can use readily with other applications? Or should I use something else to download the mail?\n
      What about situations where messages are moved from one folder to another on the server? Would I get a duplicate locally of the message appearing in both locations? Not sure how the storage and metadata actually are.\n
      Also, is it possible in such a situation to put a message *back* on the server if I realize it was deleted in error?\n
      Any idea would be welcome. I am a bit stuck.\n
      I can use the command line comfortably but ideally I’d have a solution that doesn’t rely on the terminal to find find messages and such. I don’t really like terminal mail clients.
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    +lang: "en"
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    +sticky: false
    +lastActive: DateTime @1700654753 {#2910
      date: 2023-11-22 13:05:53.0 +01:00
    +ip: null
    +adaAmount: 0
    +tags: null
    +mentions: null
    +comments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2915 …}
    +votes: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2918 …}
    +reports: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2920 …}
    +favourites: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2922 …}
    +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2924 …}
    +badges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2926 …}
    +children: [
      App\Entity\EntryComment {#2389}
    -id: 14004
    -titleTs: "'across':15 'devic':16 'email':5 'format':10 'keep':3 'local':6 'search':14 'use':9"
    -bodyTs: "'abl':41 'access':43 'account':4 'actual':170 'also':172 'anoth':88,146 'appear':159 'applic':124 'back':184 'best':71 'bit':204 'case':29,35 'client':79,89,240 'comfort':212 'command':210 'comput':49 'd':16,37,216 'delet':19,100,193 'devic':53 'disabl':99 'doesn':221 'download':91,132 'duplic':154 'els':130 'error':195 'find':228,229 'folder':144 'format':117 'get':152 'hope':51 'idea':197 'ideal':214 'interfac':72 'keep':25 'like':17,38,237 'line':211 'local':27,101,155 'locat':162 'm':66 'mail':45,93,134,239 'messag':102,114,139,158,183,230 'metadata':169 'mobil':52 'move':141 'need':31,64 'network':56 'one':80,143 'option':81 'possibl':175 'put':181 'quota':14 'readili':121 'realiz':190 'realli':236 'reli':223 'remov':106 'search':62 'server':8,10,23,109,149,187 'situat':137,179 'smtp':7 'solut':219 'somehow':46 'someth':129 'storag':13,167 'store':112 'stuck':205 'stuff':20 'sure':68,164 'termin':226,238 'thunderbird':86,111 'use':85,120,128,208 'webmail':78 'welcom':200 'would':75,82,110,150,198"
    +cross: false
    +upVotes: 0
    +downVotes: 0
    +ranking: 1700352061
    +visibility: "visible             "
    +apId: ""
    +editedAt: null
    +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700265661 {#2898
      date: 2023-11-18 01:01:01.0 +01:00
    +__isInitialized__: true
  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +parent: null
  +root: null
  +body: """
    What I do is use Claws Mail with POP3, it has an option that allows a message to only be deleted from the server after a configurable period of time. So if you set it for 10 days for example the message will exist both locally on your PC and on the server for 10 days, after which it will only exist on the PC.\n
    It works pretty well in general. The only account giving me some trouble is Yahoo, which I suspect has some quirks, which occasionally cause the messages to be downloaded again and duplicated. Thankfully it’s easily fixed because Claws also has a feature to delete duplicates.\n
    This approach is different from IMAP, which would maintain a local offline cache of the live inbox, but you wouldn’t be able to only keep local messages — any change in one side would be reflected in both.\n
    However, Claws allows you to do both. You can have both a POP3 and an IMAP account connected to the same live box use the POP3 for offline archival, and the IMAP for when you want to put something back on the server, or if you need to look at other folders on the server besides inbox (POP3 cab only see the inbox, not trash, sent etc.)\n
    Normally I only do folders locally on the PC, on the mailbox connected with POP3, so none of the organization is reflected on the live mailbox, which is inbox only. Every once in a while I connect via IMAP to recover emails from the sent folder, which I’ve sent with webmail or from mobile (using IMAP on mobile too).\n
    If this doesn’t fit your workflow turn there are lots of IMAP syncing tools like you’ve noticed. IMAPsync is pretty good.\n
    The last step for my workflow would be to self host an IMAP server that will index the POP3 mailbox, and expose it read-only (without SMTP) through a webmail app, for archival and search only. I may have to look at Piler. The quirk here is that the Claws mailbox format is *slightly* different from IMAP, it’s very similar to mbox but not identical, will have to see if any IMAP server will accept it.\n
    Thunderbird is no go unfortunately, its main box format is to keep all messages on one big file instead of individual files, which complicates things a lot.
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Show voter details
Show voter details
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Show voter details
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  +body: "I *think* (and hope) tha the logical conclusion of the DNT lawsuit v LinkedIn will be that DNT will be deemed necessary and sufficient, and that this setting will replace all the cookie banners. But even if that comes to pass it will be years before all the banners will be gone."
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Show voter details
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  +slug: "Package-up-and-transport-a-linux"
  +title: "Package up and transport a linux?"
  +url: null
  +body: """
    I have a simple wish, with a probably not so simple solution.\n
    I recently started with linux (Arch kde), I’m loving it, I quickly realized that this OS and almost all apps, are highly customizable, I’m laving that as well. My problem is the unavoidable reinstalls and that I have a laptop.\n
    Is there any way that I can save all my configs, apps and my apps’ configs, and transfer them over to my laptop, while almost having a very quick back-up. I realize that I could turn it into an ISO somehow, but that wouldn’t work (I think) because my laptop has vastly different hardware. I also realize the partitioning problem. So in my idealistic world, there should be a solution that requires a clean install (from scripts or manual) and some .sh file, that installs all my apps, pastes all my configs and reboots.\n
    So is this possible? and if yes, how should I go about this? did someone make a tool for this already? Or(!) can I burn it to a flash and the drivers will correct themselves/I’ll deal with them later?\n
    For final words I’d like to say that I’m far from finished configurating, but I’d like to know the proccess, to not shoot myself in the foot somewhere along the way of configing, thanks!
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    date: 2023-11-21 16:31:21.0 +01:00
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      +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2327 …}
      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
      +body: """
        > if I copy my /home (someone said /etc too) over to my laptop, and back it up as well, I’m golden?\n
        /home yes., but ideally only files and dirs starting with a dot (so called “dotfiles” under your home dir. `tar cvfa homedots.tar.gz /home/username/.??*` should take care of it.\n
        Please note it will include some large stuff that’s probably not needed, like .cache, or some individual caches for other apps that don’t use .cache, like the browsers.\n
        Don’t copy /etc, it’s usually machine-specific.\n
        > would different hostnames and usernames make a problem?\n
        Hostname no (if you don’t bring etc). Username technically yes, you may want to rename the home dir. The user id and group id are important too but usually off it’s the first user on the same distro it will receive the same ids (typically 1000 nowadays). If not, you can change that manually and recursively `chown 1000:1000 -r /home/username`.
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      -id: 142174
      -bodyTs: "'/etc':8,84 '/home':5,23 '/home/username':45,161 '1000':146,158,159 'app':72 'back':15 'bring':105 'browser':80 'cach':65,69,77 'call':36 'care':48 'chang':152 'chown':157 'copi':3,83 'cvfa':43 'differ':92 'dir':30,41,117 'distro':138 'dot':34 'dotfil':37 'etc':106 'file':28 'first':133 'golden':22 'group':122 'home':40,116 'homedots.tar.gz':44 'hostnam':93,99 'id':120,123,144 'ideal':26 'import':125 'includ':55 'individu':68 'laptop':13 'larg':57 'like':64,78 'm':21 'machin':89 'machine-specif':88 'make':96 'manual':154 'may':111 'need':63 'note':52 'nowaday':147 'pleas':51 'probabl':61 'problem':98 'r':160 'receiv':141 'recurs':156 'renam':114 'said':7 'someon':6 'specif':90 'start':31 'stuff':58 'take':47 'tar':42 'technic':108 'typic':145 'use':76 'user':119,134 'usernam':95,107 'usual':87,128 'want':112 'well':19 'would':91 'yes':24,109"
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      +"title": 142174
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        You’re welcome.\n
        To clarify, /etc can have things that are relevant for the machine so you may want to back it up, but it’s not usually transferrable directly to another machine because it probably doesn’t play the exact same role. It has things like service configs, network configs etc.\n
        Even if you’re trying to migrate a machine to new hardware and the machine will play the same role it’s best to pick and choose files from /etc/ on a case by case basis. What I do is grab a tarball of /etc and set it aside, then if I need to redo something the same way it was on the old machine I can dig through the tarball and only use the relevant files.\n
        Like I said it’s extremely specific. For example if I want to reconfigure the SSH daemon that’s usually a couple of lines which I know by heart (turn root login and password logins off) which I can do by hand; if I want to reconfigure CUPS printing it’s best to use the CUPS admin interface to autodetect the printer, you don’t usually want to mess with its config files; for some things like /etc/fstab or NFS or RAID I *may* want to copy some stuff but edit the disk UUIDs; for some things like Samba I could in theory copy the config straight over. It varies.\n
        The list of installed packages may also be relevant when you migrate to a new machine. Different distros have different commands for obtaining a list of installed packages, and different ways of using that on the new machine to restore the same package selection. This is useful and typically can get you started much faster on the new machine.
      +lang: "en"
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      -id: 142346
      -bodyTs: "'/etc':6,82,97 '/etc/fstab':207 'admin':186 'also':246 'anoth':32 'asid':101 'autodetect':189 'back':21 'basi':88 'best':75,181 'case':85,87 'choos':79 'clarifi':5 'command':260 'config':49,51,201,235 'copi':216,233 'could':230 'coupl':151 'cup':177,185 'daemon':146 'differ':256,259,269 'dig':120 'direct':30 'disk':222 'distro':257 'doesn':37 'edit':220 'etc':52 'even':53 'exact':41 'exampl':138 'extrem':135 'faster':294 'file':80,129,202 'get':290 'grab':93 'hand':171 'hardwar':64 'heart':158 'instal':243,266 'interfac':187 'know':156 'like':47,130,206,227 'line':153 'list':241,264 'login':161,164 'machin':15,33,61,67,117,255,277,298 'may':18,213,245 'mess':198 'migrat':59,251 'much':293 'need':105 'network':50 'new':63,254,276,297 'nfs':209 'obtain':262 'old':116 'packag':244,267,282 'password':163 'pick':77 'play':39,69 'print':178 'printer':191 'probabl':36 'raid':211 're':2,56 'reconfigur':143,176 'redo':107 'relev':12,128,248 'restor':279 'role':43,72 'root':160 'said':132 'samba':228 'select':283 'servic':48 'set':99 'someth':108 'specif':136 'ssh':145 'start':292 'straight':236 'stuff':218 'tarbal':95,123 'theori':232 'thing':9,46,205,226 'transferr':29 'tri':57 'turn':159 'typic':288 'use':126,183,272,286 'usual':28,149,195 'uuid':223 'vari':239 'want':19,141,174,196,214 'way':111,270 'welcom':3"
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Show voter details
51 DENIED edit
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  +image: null
  +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
  +slug: "Package-up-and-transport-a-linux"
  +title: "Package up and transport a linux?"
  +url: null
  +body: """
    I have a simple wish, with a probably not so simple solution.\n
    I recently started with linux (Arch kde), I’m loving it, I quickly realized that this OS and almost all apps, are highly customizable, I’m laving that as well. My problem is the unavoidable reinstalls and that I have a laptop.\n
    Is there any way that I can save all my configs, apps and my apps’ configs, and transfer them over to my laptop, while almost having a very quick back-up. I realize that I could turn it into an ISO somehow, but that wouldn’t work (I think) because my laptop has vastly different hardware. I also realize the partitioning problem. So in my idealistic world, there should be a solution that requires a clean install (from scripts or manual) and some .sh file, that installs all my apps, pastes all my configs and reboots.\n
    So is this possible? and if yes, how should I go about this? did someone make a tool for this already? Or(!) can I burn it to a flash and the drivers will correct themselves/I’ll deal with them later?\n
    For final words I’d like to say that I’m far from finished configurating, but I’d like to know the proccess, to not shoot myself in the foot somewhere along the way of configing, thanks!
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    date: 2023-11-21 16:31:21.0 +01:00
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      +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2327 …}
      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
      +body: """
        > if I copy my /home (someone said /etc too) over to my laptop, and back it up as well, I’m golden?\n
        /home yes., but ideally only files and dirs starting with a dot (so called “dotfiles” under your home dir. `tar cvfa homedots.tar.gz /home/username/.??*` should take care of it.\n
        Please note it will include some large stuff that’s probably not needed, like .cache, or some individual caches for other apps that don’t use .cache, like the browsers.\n
        Don’t copy /etc, it’s usually machine-specific.\n
        > would different hostnames and usernames make a problem?\n
        Hostname no (if you don’t bring etc). Username technically yes, you may want to rename the home dir. The user id and group id are important too but usually off it’s the first user on the same distro it will receive the same ids (typically 1000 nowadays). If not, you can change that manually and recursively `chown 1000:1000 -r /home/username`.
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      +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2336 …}
      -id: 142174
      -bodyTs: "'/etc':8,84 '/home':5,23 '/home/username':45,161 '1000':146,158,159 'app':72 'back':15 'bring':105 'browser':80 'cach':65,69,77 'call':36 'care':48 'chang':152 'chown':157 'copi':3,83 'cvfa':43 'differ':92 'dir':30,41,117 'distro':138 'dot':34 'dotfil':37 'etc':106 'file':28 'first':133 'golden':22 'group':122 'home':40,116 'homedots.tar.gz':44 'hostnam':93,99 'id':120,123,144 'ideal':26 'import':125 'includ':55 'individu':68 'laptop':13 'larg':57 'like':64,78 'm':21 'machin':89 'machine-specif':88 'make':96 'manual':154 'may':111 'need':63 'note':52 'nowaday':147 'pleas':51 'probabl':61 'problem':98 'r':160 'receiv':141 'recurs':156 'renam':114 'said':7 'someon':6 'specif':90 'start':31 'stuff':58 'take':47 'tar':42 'technic':108 'typic':145 'use':76 'user':119,134 'usernam':95,107 'usual':87,128 'want':112 'well':19 'would':91 'yes':24,109"
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      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
      +body: """
        You’re welcome.\n
        To clarify, /etc can have things that are relevant for the machine so you may want to back it up, but it’s not usually transferrable directly to another machine because it probably doesn’t play the exact same role. It has things like service configs, network configs etc.\n
        Even if you’re trying to migrate a machine to new hardware and the machine will play the same role it’s best to pick and choose files from /etc/ on a case by case basis. What I do is grab a tarball of /etc and set it aside, then if I need to redo something the same way it was on the old machine I can dig through the tarball and only use the relevant files.\n
        Like I said it’s extremely specific. For example if I want to reconfigure the SSH daemon that’s usually a couple of lines which I know by heart (turn root login and password logins off) which I can do by hand; if I want to reconfigure CUPS printing it’s best to use the CUPS admin interface to autodetect the printer, you don’t usually want to mess with its config files; for some things like /etc/fstab or NFS or RAID I *may* want to copy some stuff but edit the disk UUIDs; for some things like Samba I could in theory copy the config straight over. It varies.\n
        The list of installed packages may also be relevant when you migrate to a new machine. Different distros have different commands for obtaining a list of installed packages, and different ways of using that on the new machine to restore the same package selection. This is useful and typically can get you started much faster on the new machine.
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      -id: 142346
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  -id: 14526
  -titleTs: "'linux':6 'packag':1 'transport':4"
  -bodyTs: "'almost':31,79 'along':223 'alreadi':172 'also':113 'app':33,66,69,145 'arch':18 'back':85 'back-up':84 'burn':176 'clean':131 'config':65,70,149,227 'configur':206 'correct':185 'could':91 'customiz':36 'd':196,209 'deal':188 'differ':110 'driver':183 'far':203 'file':140 'final':193 'finish':205 'flash':180 'foot':221 'go':162 'hardwar':111 'high':35 'idealist':121 'instal':132,142 'iso':96 'kde':19 'know':212 'laptop':54,77,107 'later':191 'lave':39 'like':197,210 'linux':17 'll':187 'love':22 'm':21,38,202 'make':167 'manual':136 'os':29 'partit':116 'past':146 'possibl':155 'probabl':8 'problem':44,117 'proccess':214 'quick':25,83 'realiz':26,88,114 'reboot':151 'recent':14 'reinstal':48 'requir':129 'save':62 'say':199 'script':134 'sh':139 'shoot':217 'simpl':4,11 'solut':12,127 'somehow':97 'someon':166 'somewher':222 'start':15 'thank':228 'themselves/i':186 'think':104 'tool':169 'transfer':72 'turn':92 'unavoid':47 'vast':109 'way':58,225 'well':42 'wish':5 'word':194 'work':102 'world':122 'wouldn':100 'yes':158"
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Show voter details
52 DENIED moderate
Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2325
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  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
  +slug: "Package-up-and-transport-a-linux"
  +title: "Package up and transport a linux?"
  +url: null
  +body: """
    I have a simple wish, with a probably not so simple solution.\n
    I recently started with linux (Arch kde), I’m loving it, I quickly realized that this OS and almost all apps, are highly customizable, I’m laving that as well. My problem is the unavoidable reinstalls and that I have a laptop.\n
    Is there any way that I can save all my configs, apps and my apps’ configs, and transfer them over to my laptop, while almost having a very quick back-up. I realize that I could turn it into an ISO somehow, but that wouldn’t work (I think) because my laptop has vastly different hardware. I also realize the partitioning problem. So in my idealistic world, there should be a solution that requires a clean install (from scripts or manual) and some .sh file, that installs all my apps, pastes all my configs and reboots.\n
    So is this possible? and if yes, how should I go about this? did someone make a tool for this already? Or(!) can I burn it to a flash and the drivers will correct themselves/I’ll deal with them later?\n
    For final words I’d like to say that I’m far from finished configurating, but I’d like to know the proccess, to not shoot myself in the foot somewhere along the way of configing, thanks!
  +type: "article"
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    date: 2023-11-21 16:31:21.0 +01:00
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      +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
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      +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2327 …}
      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
      +body: """
        > if I copy my /home (someone said /etc too) over to my laptop, and back it up as well, I’m golden?\n
        /home yes., but ideally only files and dirs starting with a dot (so called “dotfiles” under your home dir. `tar cvfa homedots.tar.gz /home/username/.??*` should take care of it.\n
        Please note it will include some large stuff that’s probably not needed, like .cache, or some individual caches for other apps that don’t use .cache, like the browsers.\n
        Don’t copy /etc, it’s usually machine-specific.\n
        > would different hostnames and usernames make a problem?\n
        Hostname no (if you don’t bring etc). Username technically yes, you may want to rename the home dir. The user id and group id are important too but usually off it’s the first user on the same distro it will receive the same ids (typically 1000 nowadays). If not, you can change that manually and recursively `chown 1000:1000 -r /home/username`.
      +lang: "en"
      +isAdult: false
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      +lastActive: DateTime @1700462066 {#2328
        date: 2023-11-20 07:34:26.0 +01:00
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      +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2336 …}
      -id: 142174
      -bodyTs: "'/etc':8,84 '/home':5,23 '/home/username':45,161 '1000':146,158,159 'app':72 'back':15 'bring':105 'browser':80 'cach':65,69,77 'call':36 'care':48 'chang':152 'chown':157 'copi':3,83 'cvfa':43 'differ':92 'dir':30,41,117 'distro':138 'dot':34 'dotfil':37 'etc':106 'file':28 'first':133 'golden':22 'group':122 'home':40,116 'homedots.tar.gz':44 'hostnam':93,99 'id':120,123,144 'ideal':26 'import':125 'includ':55 'individu':68 'laptop':13 'larg':57 'like':64,78 'm':21 'machin':89 'machine-specif':88 'make':96 'manual':154 'may':111 'need':63 'note':52 'nowaday':147 'pleas':51 'probabl':61 'problem':98 'r':160 'receiv':141 'recurs':156 'renam':114 'said':7 'someon':6 'specif':90 'start':31 'stuff':58 'take':47 'tar':42 'technic':108 'typic':145 'use':76 'user':119,134 'usernam':95,107 'usual':87,128 'want':112 'well':19 'would':91 'yes':24,109"
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      +"title": 142174
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      +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2325 …2}
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      +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2051 …}
      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
      +body: """
        You’re welcome.\n
        To clarify, /etc can have things that are relevant for the machine so you may want to back it up, but it’s not usually transferrable directly to another machine because it probably doesn’t play the exact same role. It has things like service configs, network configs etc.\n
        Even if you’re trying to migrate a machine to new hardware and the machine will play the same role it’s best to pick and choose files from /etc/ on a case by case basis. What I do is grab a tarball of /etc and set it aside, then if I need to redo something the same way it was on the old machine I can dig through the tarball and only use the relevant files.\n
        Like I said it’s extremely specific. For example if I want to reconfigure the SSH daemon that’s usually a couple of lines which I know by heart (turn root login and password logins off) which I can do by hand; if I want to reconfigure CUPS printing it’s best to use the CUPS admin interface to autodetect the printer, you don’t usually want to mess with its config files; for some things like /etc/fstab or NFS or RAID I *may* want to copy some stuff but edit the disk UUIDs; for some things like Samba I could in theory copy the config straight over. It varies.\n
        The list of installed packages may also be relevant when you migrate to a new machine. Different distros have different commands for obtaining a list of installed packages, and different ways of using that on the new machine to restore the same package selection. This is useful and typically can get you started much faster on the new machine.
      +lang: "en"
      +isAdult: false
      +favouriteCount: 3
      +score: 0
      +lastActive: DateTime @1700470013 {#2070
        date: 2023-11-20 09:46:53.0 +01:00
      +ip: null
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      +children: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2056 …}
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      +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2058 …}
      -id: 142346
      -bodyTs: "'/etc':6,82,97 '/etc/fstab':207 'admin':186 'also':246 'anoth':32 'asid':101 'autodetect':189 'back':21 'basi':88 'best':75,181 'case':85,87 'choos':79 'clarifi':5 'command':260 'config':49,51,201,235 'copi':216,233 'could':230 'coupl':151 'cup':177,185 'daemon':146 'differ':256,259,269 'dig':120 'direct':30 'disk':222 'distro':257 'doesn':37 'edit':220 'etc':52 'even':53 'exact':41 'exampl':138 'extrem':135 'faster':294 'file':80,129,202 'get':290 'grab':93 'hand':171 'hardwar':64 'heart':158 'instal':243,266 'interfac':187 'know':156 'like':47,130,206,227 'line':153 'list':241,264 'login':161,164 'machin':15,33,61,67,117,255,277,298 'may':18,213,245 'mess':198 'migrat':59,251 'much':293 'need':105 'network':50 'new':63,254,276,297 'nfs':209 'obtain':262 'old':116 'packag':244,267,282 'password':163 'pick':77 'play':39,69 'print':178 'printer':191 'probabl':36 'raid':211 're':2,56 'reconfigur':143,176 'redo':107 'relev':12,128,248 'restor':279 'role':43,72 'root':160 'said':132 'samba':228 'select':283 'servic':48 'set':99 'someth':108 'specif':136 'ssh':145 'start':292 'straight':236 'stuff':218 'tarbal':95,123 'theori':232 'thing':9,46,205,226 'transferr':29 'tri':57 'turn':159 'typic':288 'use':126,183,272,286 'usual':28,149,195 'uuid':223 'vari':239 'want':19,141,174,196,214 'way':111,270 'welcom':3"
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        date: 2023-11-20 09:46:53.0 +01:00
      +"title": 142346
  -id: 14526
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  -bodyTs: "'almost':31,79 'along':223 'alreadi':172 'also':113 'app':33,66,69,145 'arch':18 'back':85 'back-up':84 'burn':176 'clean':131 'config':65,70,149,227 'configur':206 'correct':185 'could':91 'customiz':36 'd':196,209 'deal':188 'differ':110 'driver':183 'far':203 'file':140 'final':193 'finish':205 'flash':180 'foot':221 'go':162 'hardwar':111 'high':35 'idealist':121 'instal':132,142 'iso':96 'kde':19 'know':212 'laptop':54,77,107 'later':191 'lave':39 'like':197,210 'linux':17 'll':187 'love':22 'm':21,38,202 'make':167 'manual':136 'os':29 'partit':116 'past':146 'possibl':155 'probabl':8 'problem':44,117 'proccess':214 'quick':25,83 'realiz':26,88,114 'reboot':151 'recent':14 'reinstal':48 'requir':129 'save':62 'say':199 'script':134 'sh':139 'shoot':217 'simpl':4,11 'solut':12,127 'somehow':97 'someon':166 'somewher':222 'start':15 'thank':228 'themselves/i':186 'think':104 'tool':169 'transfer':72 'turn':92 'unavoid':47 'vast':109 'way':58,225 'well':42 'wish':5 'word':194 'work':102 'world':122 'wouldn':100 'yes':158"
  +cross: false
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  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700428031 {#2845
    date: 2023-11-19 22:07:11.0 +01:00
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Show voter details
Show voter details
54 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2191
  +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
  +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2325
    +user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#2544 …}
    +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
    +image: null
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
    +slug: "Package-up-and-transport-a-linux"
    +title: "Package up and transport a linux?"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      I have a simple wish, with a probably not so simple solution.\n
      I recently started with linux (Arch kde), I’m loving it, I quickly realized that this OS and almost all apps, are highly customizable, I’m laving that as well. My problem is the unavoidable reinstalls and that I have a laptop.\n
      Is there any way that I can save all my configs, apps and my apps’ configs, and transfer them over to my laptop, while almost having a very quick back-up. I realize that I could turn it into an ISO somehow, but that wouldn’t work (I think) because my laptop has vastly different hardware. I also realize the partitioning problem. So in my idealistic world, there should be a solution that requires a clean install (from scripts or manual) and some .sh file, that installs all my apps, pastes all my configs and reboots.\n
      So is this possible? and if yes, how should I go about this? did someone make a tool for this already? Or(!) can I burn it to a flash and the drivers will correct themselves/I’ll deal with them later?\n
      For final words I’d like to say that I’m far from finished configurating, but I’d like to know the proccess, to not shoot myself in the foot somewhere along the way of configing, thanks!
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    +lang: "en"
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    +sticky: false
    +lastActive: DateTime @1700580681 {#2858
      date: 2023-11-21 16:31:21.0 +01:00
    +ip: null
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    +mentions: null
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        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2051 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
        +body: """
          You’re welcome.\n
          To clarify, /etc can have things that are relevant for the machine so you may want to back it up, but it’s not usually transferrable directly to another machine because it probably doesn’t play the exact same role. It has things like service configs, network configs etc.\n
          Even if you’re trying to migrate a machine to new hardware and the machine will play the same role it’s best to pick and choose files from /etc/ on a case by case basis. What I do is grab a tarball of /etc and set it aside, then if I need to redo something the same way it was on the old machine I can dig through the tarball and only use the relevant files.\n
          Like I said it’s extremely specific. For example if I want to reconfigure the SSH daemon that’s usually a couple of lines which I know by heart (turn root login and password logins off) which I can do by hand; if I want to reconfigure CUPS printing it’s best to use the CUPS admin interface to autodetect the printer, you don’t usually want to mess with its config files; for some things like /etc/fstab or NFS or RAID I *may* want to copy some stuff but edit the disk UUIDs; for some things like Samba I could in theory copy the config straight over. It varies.\n
          The list of installed packages may also be relevant when you migrate to a new machine. Different distros have different commands for obtaining a list of installed packages, and different ways of using that on the new machine to restore the same package selection. This is useful and typically can get you started much faster on the new machine.
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        +score: 0
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          date: 2023-11-20 09:46:53.0 +01:00
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        -id: 142346
        -bodyTs: "'/etc':6,82,97 '/etc/fstab':207 'admin':186 'also':246 'anoth':32 'asid':101 'autodetect':189 'back':21 'basi':88 'best':75,181 'case':85,87 'choos':79 'clarifi':5 'command':260 'config':49,51,201,235 'copi':216,233 'could':230 'coupl':151 'cup':177,185 'daemon':146 'differ':256,259,269 'dig':120 'direct':30 'disk':222 'distro':257 'doesn':37 'edit':220 'etc':52 'even':53 'exact':41 'exampl':138 'extrem':135 'faster':294 'file':80,129,202 'get':290 'grab':93 'hand':171 'hardwar':64 'heart':158 'instal':243,266 'interfac':187 'know':156 'like':47,130,206,227 'line':153 'list':241,264 'login':161,164 'machin':15,33,61,67,117,255,277,298 'may':18,213,245 'mess':198 'migrat':59,251 'much':293 'need':105 'network':50 'new':63,254,276,297 'nfs':209 'obtain':262 'old':116 'packag':244,267,282 'password':163 'pick':77 'play':39,69 'print':178 'printer':191 'probabl':36 'raid':211 're':2,56 'reconfigur':143,176 'redo':107 'relev':12,128,248 'restor':279 'role':43,72 'root':160 'said':132 'samba':228 'select':283 'servic':48 'set':99 'someth':108 'specif':136 'ssh':145 'start':292 'straight':236 'stuff':218 'tarbal':95,123 'theori':232 'thing':9,46,205,226 'transferr':29 'tri':57 'turn':159 'typic':288 'use':126,183,272,286 'usual':28,149,195 'uuid':223 'vari':239 'want':19,141,174,196,214 'way':111,270 'welcom':3"
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    -titleTs: "'linux':6 'packag':1 'transport':4"
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  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
  +body: """
    > if I copy my /home (someone said /etc too) over to my laptop, and back it up as well, I’m golden?\n
    /home yes., but ideally only files and dirs starting with a dot (so called “dotfiles” under your home dir. `tar cvfa homedots.tar.gz /home/username/.??*` should take care of it.\n
    Please note it will include some large stuff that’s probably not needed, like .cache, or some individual caches for other apps that don’t use .cache, like the browsers.\n
    Don’t copy /etc, it’s usually machine-specific.\n
    > would different hostnames and usernames make a problem?\n
    Hostname no (if you don’t bring etc). Username technically yes, you may want to rename the home dir. The user id and group id are important too but usually off it’s the first user on the same distro it will receive the same ids (typically 1000 nowadays). If not, you can change that manually and recursively `chown 1000:1000 -r /home/username`.
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    date: 2023-11-20 07:34:26.0 +01:00
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  -id: 142174
  -bodyTs: "'/etc':8,84 '/home':5,23 '/home/username':45,161 '1000':146,158,159 'app':72 'back':15 'bring':105 'browser':80 'cach':65,69,77 'call':36 'care':48 'chang':152 'chown':157 'copi':3,83 'cvfa':43 'differ':92 'dir':30,41,117 'distro':138 'dot':34 'dotfil':37 'etc':106 'file':28 'first':133 'golden':22 'group':122 'home':40,116 'homedots.tar.gz':44 'hostnam':93,99 'id':120,123,144 'ideal':26 'import':125 'includ':55 'individu':68 'laptop':13 'larg':57 'like':64,78 'm':21 'machin':89 'machine-specif':88 'make':96 'manual':154 'may':111 'need':63 'note':52 'nowaday':147 'pleas':51 'probabl':61 'problem':98 'r':160 'receiv':141 'recurs':156 'renam':114 'said':7 'someon':6 'specif':90 'start':31 'stuff':58 'take':47 'tar':42 'technic':108 'typic':145 'use':76 'user':119,134 'usernam':95,107 'usual':87,128 'want':112 'well':19 'would':91 'yes':24,109"
  +ranking: 0
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    date: 2023-11-20 07:34:26.0 +01:00
  +"title": 142174
Show voter details
55 DENIED edit
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2191
  +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
  +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2325
    +user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#2544 …}
    +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
    +image: null
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
    +slug: "Package-up-and-transport-a-linux"
    +title: "Package up and transport a linux?"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      I have a simple wish, with a probably not so simple solution.\n
      I recently started with linux (Arch kde), I’m loving it, I quickly realized that this OS and almost all apps, are highly customizable, I’m laving that as well. My problem is the unavoidable reinstalls and that I have a laptop.\n
      Is there any way that I can save all my configs, apps and my apps’ configs, and transfer them over to my laptop, while almost having a very quick back-up. I realize that I could turn it into an ISO somehow, but that wouldn’t work (I think) because my laptop has vastly different hardware. I also realize the partitioning problem. So in my idealistic world, there should be a solution that requires a clean install (from scripts or manual) and some .sh file, that installs all my apps, pastes all my configs and reboots.\n
      So is this possible? and if yes, how should I go about this? did someone make a tool for this already? Or(!) can I burn it to a flash and the drivers will correct themselves/I’ll deal with them later?\n
      For final words I’d like to say that I’m far from finished configurating, but I’d like to know the proccess, to not shoot myself in the foot somewhere along the way of configing, thanks!
    +type: "article"
    +lang: "en"
    +isOc: false
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    +sticky: false
    +lastActive: DateTime @1700580681 {#2858
      date: 2023-11-21 16:31:21.0 +01:00
    +ip: null
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    +tags: null
    +mentions: null
    +comments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2823 …}
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        +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
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        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2051 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
        +body: """
          You’re welcome.\n
          To clarify, /etc can have things that are relevant for the machine so you may want to back it up, but it’s not usually transferrable directly to another machine because it probably doesn’t play the exact same role. It has things like service configs, network configs etc.\n
          Even if you’re trying to migrate a machine to new hardware and the machine will play the same role it’s best to pick and choose files from /etc/ on a case by case basis. What I do is grab a tarball of /etc and set it aside, then if I need to redo something the same way it was on the old machine I can dig through the tarball and only use the relevant files.\n
          Like I said it’s extremely specific. For example if I want to reconfigure the SSH daemon that’s usually a couple of lines which I know by heart (turn root login and password logins off) which I can do by hand; if I want to reconfigure CUPS printing it’s best to use the CUPS admin interface to autodetect the printer, you don’t usually want to mess with its config files; for some things like /etc/fstab or NFS or RAID I *may* want to copy some stuff but edit the disk UUIDs; for some things like Samba I could in theory copy the config straight over. It varies.\n
          The list of installed packages may also be relevant when you migrate to a new machine. Different distros have different commands for obtaining a list of installed packages, and different ways of using that on the new machine to restore the same package selection. This is useful and typically can get you started much faster on the new machine.
        +lang: "en"
        +isAdult: false
        +favouriteCount: 3
        +score: 0
        +lastActive: DateTime @1700470013 {#2070
          date: 2023-11-20 09:46:53.0 +01:00
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        -id: 142346
        -bodyTs: "'/etc':6,82,97 '/etc/fstab':207 'admin':186 'also':246 'anoth':32 'asid':101 'autodetect':189 'back':21 'basi':88 'best':75,181 'case':85,87 'choos':79 'clarifi':5 'command':260 'config':49,51,201,235 'copi':216,233 'could':230 'coupl':151 'cup':177,185 'daemon':146 'differ':256,259,269 'dig':120 'direct':30 'disk':222 'distro':257 'doesn':37 'edit':220 'etc':52 'even':53 'exact':41 'exampl':138 'extrem':135 'faster':294 'file':80,129,202 'get':290 'grab':93 'hand':171 'hardwar':64 'heart':158 'instal':243,266 'interfac':187 'know':156 'like':47,130,206,227 'line':153 'list':241,264 'login':161,164 'machin':15,33,61,67,117,255,277,298 'may':18,213,245 'mess':198 'migrat':59,251 'much':293 'need':105 'network':50 'new':63,254,276,297 'nfs':209 'obtain':262 'old':116 'packag':244,267,282 'password':163 'pick':77 'play':39,69 'print':178 'printer':191 'probabl':36 'raid':211 're':2,56 'reconfigur':143,176 'redo':107 'relev':12,128,248 'restor':279 'role':43,72 'root':160 'said':132 'samba':228 'select':283 'servic':48 'set':99 'someth':108 'specif':136 'ssh':145 'start':292 'straight':236 'stuff':218 'tarbal':95,123 'theori':232 'thing':9,46,205,226 'transferr':29 'tri':57 'turn':159 'typic':288 'use':126,183,272,286 'usual':28,149,195 'uuid':223 'vari':239 'want':19,141,174,196,214 'way':111,270 'welcom':3"
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          date: 2023-11-20 09:46:53.0 +01:00
        +"title": 142346
    -id: 14526
    -titleTs: "'linux':6 'packag':1 'transport':4"
    -bodyTs: "'almost':31,79 'along':223 'alreadi':172 'also':113 'app':33,66,69,145 'arch':18 'back':85 'back-up':84 'burn':176 'clean':131 'config':65,70,149,227 'configur':206 'correct':185 'could':91 'customiz':36 'd':196,209 'deal':188 'differ':110 'driver':183 'far':203 'file':140 'final':193 'finish':205 'flash':180 'foot':221 'go':162 'hardwar':111 'high':35 'idealist':121 'instal':132,142 'iso':96 'kde':19 'know':212 'laptop':54,77,107 'later':191 'lave':39 'like':197,210 'linux':17 'll':187 'love':22 'm':21,38,202 'make':167 'manual':136 'os':29 'partit':116 'past':146 'possibl':155 'probabl':8 'problem':44,117 'proccess':214 'quick':25,83 'realiz':26,88,114 'reboot':151 'recent':14 'reinstal':48 'requir':129 'save':62 'say':199 'script':134 'sh':139 'shoot':217 'simpl':4,11 'solut':12,127 'somehow':97 'someon':166 'somewher':222 'start':15 'thank':228 'themselves/i':186 'think':104 'tool':169 'transfer':72 'turn':92 'unavoid':47 'vast':109 'way':58,225 'well':42 'wish':5 'word':194 'work':102 'world':122 'wouldn':100 'yes':158"
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      date: 2023-11-19 22:07:11.0 +01:00
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  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2327 …}
  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
  +body: """
    > if I copy my /home (someone said /etc too) over to my laptop, and back it up as well, I’m golden?\n
    /home yes., but ideally only files and dirs starting with a dot (so called “dotfiles” under your home dir. `tar cvfa homedots.tar.gz /home/username/.??*` should take care of it.\n
    Please note it will include some large stuff that’s probably not needed, like .cache, or some individual caches for other apps that don’t use .cache, like the browsers.\n
    Don’t copy /etc, it’s usually machine-specific.\n
    > would different hostnames and usernames make a problem?\n
    Hostname no (if you don’t bring etc). Username technically yes, you may want to rename the home dir. The user id and group id are important too but usually off it’s the first user on the same distro it will receive the same ids (typically 1000 nowadays). If not, you can change that manually and recursively `chown 1000:1000 -r /home/username`.
  +lang: "en"
  +isAdult: false
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  +score: 0
  +lastActive: DateTime @1700462066 {#2328
    date: 2023-11-20 07:34:26.0 +01:00
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  +children: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2333 …}
  +nested: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2324 …}
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  +reports: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2341 …}
  +favourites: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2337 …}
  +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2336 …}
  -id: 142174
  -bodyTs: "'/etc':8,84 '/home':5,23 '/home/username':45,161 '1000':146,158,159 'app':72 'back':15 'bring':105 'browser':80 'cach':65,69,77 'call':36 'care':48 'chang':152 'chown':157 'copi':3,83 'cvfa':43 'differ':92 'dir':30,41,117 'distro':138 'dot':34 'dotfil':37 'etc':106 'file':28 'first':133 'golden':22 'group':122 'home':40,116 'homedots.tar.gz':44 'hostnam':93,99 'id':120,123,144 'ideal':26 'import':125 'includ':55 'individu':68 'laptop':13 'larg':57 'like':64,78 'm':21 'machin':89 'machine-specif':88 'make':96 'manual':154 'may':111 'need':63 'note':52 'nowaday':147 'pleas':51 'probabl':61 'problem':98 'r':160 'receiv':141 'recurs':156 'renam':114 'said':7 'someon':6 'specif':90 'start':31 'stuff':58 'take':47 'tar':42 'technic':108 'typic':145 'use':76 'user':119,134 'usernam':95,107 'usual':87,128 'want':112 'well':19 'would':91 'yes':24,109"
  +ranking: 0
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  +visibility: "visible             "
  +apId: ""
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  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700462066 {#2326
    date: 2023-11-20 07:34:26.0 +01:00
  +"title": 142174
Show voter details
56 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2191
  +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
  +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2325
    +user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#2544 …}
    +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
    +image: null
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
    +slug: "Package-up-and-transport-a-linux"
    +title: "Package up and transport a linux?"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      I have a simple wish, with a probably not so simple solution.\n
      I recently started with linux (Arch kde), I’m loving it, I quickly realized that this OS and almost all apps, are highly customizable, I’m laving that as well. My problem is the unavoidable reinstalls and that I have a laptop.\n
      Is there any way that I can save all my configs, apps and my apps’ configs, and transfer them over to my laptop, while almost having a very quick back-up. I realize that I could turn it into an ISO somehow, but that wouldn’t work (I think) because my laptop has vastly different hardware. I also realize the partitioning problem. So in my idealistic world, there should be a solution that requires a clean install (from scripts or manual) and some .sh file, that installs all my apps, pastes all my configs and reboots.\n
      So is this possible? and if yes, how should I go about this? did someone make a tool for this already? Or(!) can I burn it to a flash and the drivers will correct themselves/I’ll deal with them later?\n
      For final words I’d like to say that I’m far from finished configurating, but I’d like to know the proccess, to not shoot myself in the foot somewhere along the way of configing, thanks!
    +type: "article"
    +lang: "en"
    +isOc: false
    +hasEmbed: false
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    +favouriteCount: 51
    +score: 0
    +isAdult: false
    +sticky: false
    +lastActive: DateTime @1700580681 {#2858
      date: 2023-11-21 16:31:21.0 +01:00
    +ip: null
    +adaAmount: 0
    +tags: null
    +mentions: null
    +comments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2823 …}
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        +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
        +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2325 …2}
        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2051 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
        +body: """
          You’re welcome.\n
          To clarify, /etc can have things that are relevant for the machine so you may want to back it up, but it’s not usually transferrable directly to another machine because it probably doesn’t play the exact same role. It has things like service configs, network configs etc.\n
          Even if you’re trying to migrate a machine to new hardware and the machine will play the same role it’s best to pick and choose files from /etc/ on a case by case basis. What I do is grab a tarball of /etc and set it aside, then if I need to redo something the same way it was on the old machine I can dig through the tarball and only use the relevant files.\n
          Like I said it’s extremely specific. For example if I want to reconfigure the SSH daemon that’s usually a couple of lines which I know by heart (turn root login and password logins off) which I can do by hand; if I want to reconfigure CUPS printing it’s best to use the CUPS admin interface to autodetect the printer, you don’t usually want to mess with its config files; for some things like /etc/fstab or NFS or RAID I *may* want to copy some stuff but edit the disk UUIDs; for some things like Samba I could in theory copy the config straight over. It varies.\n
          The list of installed packages may also be relevant when you migrate to a new machine. Different distros have different commands for obtaining a list of installed packages, and different ways of using that on the new machine to restore the same package selection. This is useful and typically can get you started much faster on the new machine.
        +lang: "en"
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        +favouriteCount: 3
        +score: 0
        +lastActive: DateTime @1700470013 {#2070
          date: 2023-11-20 09:46:53.0 +01:00
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        -id: 142346
        -bodyTs: "'/etc':6,82,97 '/etc/fstab':207 'admin':186 'also':246 'anoth':32 'asid':101 'autodetect':189 'back':21 'basi':88 'best':75,181 'case':85,87 'choos':79 'clarifi':5 'command':260 'config':49,51,201,235 'copi':216,233 'could':230 'coupl':151 'cup':177,185 'daemon':146 'differ':256,259,269 'dig':120 'direct':30 'disk':222 'distro':257 'doesn':37 'edit':220 'etc':52 'even':53 'exact':41 'exampl':138 'extrem':135 'faster':294 'file':80,129,202 'get':290 'grab':93 'hand':171 'hardwar':64 'heart':158 'instal':243,266 'interfac':187 'know':156 'like':47,130,206,227 'line':153 'list':241,264 'login':161,164 'machin':15,33,61,67,117,255,277,298 'may':18,213,245 'mess':198 'migrat':59,251 'much':293 'need':105 'network':50 'new':63,254,276,297 'nfs':209 'obtain':262 'old':116 'packag':244,267,282 'password':163 'pick':77 'play':39,69 'print':178 'printer':191 'probabl':36 'raid':211 're':2,56 'reconfigur':143,176 'redo':107 'relev':12,128,248 'restor':279 'role':43,72 'root':160 'said':132 'samba':228 'select':283 'servic':48 'set':99 'someth':108 'specif':136 'ssh':145 'start':292 'straight':236 'stuff':218 'tarbal':95,123 'theori':232 'thing':9,46,205,226 'transferr':29 'tri':57 'turn':159 'typic':288 'use':126,183,272,286 'usual':28,149,195 'uuid':223 'vari':239 'want':19,141,174,196,214 'way':111,270 'welcom':3"
        +ranking: 0
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        +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700470013 {#2049
          date: 2023-11-20 09:46:53.0 +01:00
        +"title": 142346
    -id: 14526
    -titleTs: "'linux':6 'packag':1 'transport':4"
    -bodyTs: "'almost':31,79 'along':223 'alreadi':172 'also':113 'app':33,66,69,145 'arch':18 'back':85 'back-up':84 'burn':176 'clean':131 'config':65,70,149,227 'configur':206 'correct':185 'could':91 'customiz':36 'd':196,209 'deal':188 'differ':110 'driver':183 'far':203 'file':140 'final':193 'finish':205 'flash':180 'foot':221 'go':162 'hardwar':111 'high':35 'idealist':121 'instal':132,142 'iso':96 'kde':19 'know':212 'laptop':54,77,107 'later':191 'lave':39 'like':197,210 'linux':17 'll':187 'love':22 'm':21,38,202 'make':167 'manual':136 'os':29 'partit':116 'past':146 'possibl':155 'probabl':8 'problem':44,117 'proccess':214 'quick':25,83 'realiz':26,88,114 'reboot':151 'recent':14 'reinstal':48 'requir':129 'save':62 'say':199 'script':134 'sh':139 'shoot':217 'simpl':4,11 'solut':12,127 'somehow':97 'someon':166 'somewher':222 'start':15 'thank':228 'themselves/i':186 'think':104 'tool':169 'transfer':72 'turn':92 'unavoid':47 'vast':109 'way':58,225 'well':42 'wish':5 'word':194 'work':102 'world':122 'wouldn':100 'yes':158"
    +cross: false
    +upVotes: 0
    +downVotes: 0
    +ranking: 1700514431
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      date: 2023-11-19 22:07:11.0 +01:00
    +__isInitialized__: true
  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2327 …}
  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
  +body: """
    > if I copy my /home (someone said /etc too) over to my laptop, and back it up as well, I’m golden?\n
    /home yes., but ideally only files and dirs starting with a dot (so called “dotfiles” under your home dir. `tar cvfa homedots.tar.gz /home/username/.??*` should take care of it.\n
    Please note it will include some large stuff that’s probably not needed, like .cache, or some individual caches for other apps that don’t use .cache, like the browsers.\n
    Don’t copy /etc, it’s usually machine-specific.\n
    > would different hostnames and usernames make a problem?\n
    Hostname no (if you don’t bring etc). Username technically yes, you may want to rename the home dir. The user id and group id are important too but usually off it’s the first user on the same distro it will receive the same ids (typically 1000 nowadays). If not, you can change that manually and recursively `chown 1000:1000 -r /home/username`.
  +lang: "en"
  +isAdult: false
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  +score: 0
  +lastActive: DateTime @1700462066 {#2328
    date: 2023-11-20 07:34:26.0 +01:00
  +ip: null
  +tags: null
  +mentions: [
  +children: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2333 …}
  +nested: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2324 …}
  +votes: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2334 …}
  +reports: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2341 …}
  +favourites: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2337 …}
  +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2336 …}
  -id: 142174
  -bodyTs: "'/etc':8,84 '/home':5,23 '/home/username':45,161 '1000':146,158,159 'app':72 'back':15 'bring':105 'browser':80 'cach':65,69,77 'call':36 'care':48 'chang':152 'chown':157 'copi':3,83 'cvfa':43 'differ':92 'dir':30,41,117 'distro':138 'dot':34 'dotfil':37 'etc':106 'file':28 'first':133 'golden':22 'group':122 'home':40,116 'homedots.tar.gz':44 'hostnam':93,99 'id':120,123,144 'ideal':26 'import':125 'includ':55 'individu':68 'laptop':13 'larg':57 'like':64,78 'm':21 'machin':89 'machine-specif':88 'make':96 'manual':154 'may':111 'need':63 'note':52 'nowaday':147 'pleas':51 'probabl':61 'problem':98 'r':160 'receiv':141 'recurs':156 'renam':114 'said':7 'someon':6 'specif':90 'start':31 'stuff':58 'take':47 'tar':42 'technic':108 'typic':145 'use':76 'user':119,134 'usernam':95,107 'usual':87,128 'want':112 'well':19 'would':91 'yes':24,109"
  +ranking: 0
  +commentCount: 0
  +upVotes: 0
  +downVotes: 0
  +visibility: "visible             "
  +apId: ""
  +editedAt: null
  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700462066 {#2326
    date: 2023-11-20 07:34:26.0 +01:00
  +"title": 142174
Show voter details
Show voter details
58 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2048
  +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
  +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2325
    +user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#2544 …}
    +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
    +image: null
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
    +slug: "Package-up-and-transport-a-linux"
    +title: "Package up and transport a linux?"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      I have a simple wish, with a probably not so simple solution.\n
      I recently started with linux (Arch kde), I’m loving it, I quickly realized that this OS and almost all apps, are highly customizable, I’m laving that as well. My problem is the unavoidable reinstalls and that I have a laptop.\n
      Is there any way that I can save all my configs, apps and my apps’ configs, and transfer them over to my laptop, while almost having a very quick back-up. I realize that I could turn it into an ISO somehow, but that wouldn’t work (I think) because my laptop has vastly different hardware. I also realize the partitioning problem. So in my idealistic world, there should be a solution that requires a clean install (from scripts or manual) and some .sh file, that installs all my apps, pastes all my configs and reboots.\n
      So is this possible? and if yes, how should I go about this? did someone make a tool for this already? Or(!) can I burn it to a flash and the drivers will correct themselves/I’ll deal with them later?\n
      For final words I’d like to say that I’m far from finished configurating, but I’d like to know the proccess, to not shoot myself in the foot somewhere along the way of configing, thanks!
    +type: "article"
    +lang: "en"
    +isOc: false
    +hasEmbed: false
    +commentCount: 58
    +favouriteCount: 51
    +score: 0
    +isAdult: false
    +sticky: false
    +lastActive: DateTime @1700580681 {#2858
      date: 2023-11-21 16:31:21.0 +01:00
    +ip: null
    +adaAmount: 0
    +tags: null
    +mentions: null
    +comments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2823 …}
    +votes: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2865 …}
    +reports: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2867 …}
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    +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2871 …}
    +badges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2873 …}
    +children: [
      1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2191
        +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
        +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2325 …2}
        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2327 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
        +body: """
          > if I copy my /home (someone said /etc too) over to my laptop, and back it up as well, I’m golden?\n
          /home yes., but ideally only files and dirs starting with a dot (so called “dotfiles” under your home dir. `tar cvfa homedots.tar.gz /home/username/.??*` should take care of it.\n
          Please note it will include some large stuff that’s probably not needed, like .cache, or some individual caches for other apps that don’t use .cache, like the browsers.\n
          Don’t copy /etc, it’s usually machine-specific.\n
          > would different hostnames and usernames make a problem?\n
          Hostname no (if you don’t bring etc). Username technically yes, you may want to rename the home dir. The user id and group id are important too but usually off it’s the first user on the same distro it will receive the same ids (typically 1000 nowadays). If not, you can change that manually and recursively `chown 1000:1000 -r /home/username`.
        +lang: "en"
        +isAdult: false
        +favouriteCount: 12
        +score: 0
        +lastActive: DateTime @1700462066 {#2328
          date: 2023-11-20 07:34:26.0 +01:00
        +ip: null
        +tags: null
        +mentions: [
        +children: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2333 …}
        +nested: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2324 …}
        +votes: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2334 …}
        +reports: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2341 …}
        +favourites: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2337 …}
        +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2336 …}
        -id: 142174
        -bodyTs: "'/etc':8,84 '/home':5,23 '/home/username':45,161 '1000':146,158,159 'app':72 'back':15 'bring':105 'browser':80 'cach':65,69,77 'call':36 'care':48 'chang':152 'chown':157 'copi':3,83 'cvfa':43 'differ':92 'dir':30,41,117 'distro':138 'dot':34 'dotfil':37 'etc':106 'file':28 'first':133 'golden':22 'group':122 'home':40,116 'homedots.tar.gz':44 'hostnam':93,99 'id':120,123,144 'ideal':26 'import':125 'includ':55 'individu':68 'laptop':13 'larg':57 'like':64,78 'm':21 'machin':89 'machine-specif':88 'make':96 'manual':154 'may':111 'need':63 'note':52 'nowaday':147 'pleas':51 'probabl':61 'problem':98 'r':160 'receiv':141 'recurs':156 'renam':114 'said':7 'someon':6 'specif':90 'start':31 'stuff':58 'take':47 'tar':42 'technic':108 'typic':145 'use':76 'user':119,134 'usernam':95,107 'usual':87,128 'want':112 'well':19 'would':91 'yes':24,109"
        +ranking: 0
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        +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700462066 {#2326
          date: 2023-11-20 07:34:26.0 +01:00
        +"title": 142174
      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2048}
    -id: 14526
    -titleTs: "'linux':6 'packag':1 'transport':4"
    -bodyTs: "'almost':31,79 'along':223 'alreadi':172 'also':113 'app':33,66,69,145 'arch':18 'back':85 'back-up':84 'burn':176 'clean':131 'config':65,70,149,227 'configur':206 'correct':185 'could':91 'customiz':36 'd':196,209 'deal':188 'differ':110 'driver':183 'far':203 'file':140 'final':193 'finish':205 'flash':180 'foot':221 'go':162 'hardwar':111 'high':35 'idealist':121 'instal':132,142 'iso':96 'kde':19 'know':212 'laptop':54,77,107 'later':191 'lave':39 'like':197,210 'linux':17 'll':187 'love':22 'm':21,38,202 'make':167 'manual':136 'os':29 'partit':116 'past':146 'possibl':155 'probabl':8 'problem':44,117 'proccess':214 'quick':25,83 'realiz':26,88,114 'reboot':151 'recent':14 'reinstal':48 'requir':129 'save':62 'say':199 'script':134 'sh':139 'shoot':217 'simpl':4,11 'solut':12,127 'somehow':97 'someon':166 'somewher':222 'start':15 'thank':228 'themselves/i':186 'think':104 'tool':169 'transfer':72 'turn':92 'unavoid':47 'vast':109 'way':58,225 'well':42 'wish':5 'word':194 'work':102 'world':122 'wouldn':100 'yes':158"
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      date: 2023-11-19 22:07:11.0 +01:00
    +__isInitialized__: true
  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2051 …}
  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
  +body: """
    You’re welcome.\n
    To clarify, /etc can have things that are relevant for the machine so you may want to back it up, but it’s not usually transferrable directly to another machine because it probably doesn’t play the exact same role. It has things like service configs, network configs etc.\n
    Even if you’re trying to migrate a machine to new hardware and the machine will play the same role it’s best to pick and choose files from /etc/ on a case by case basis. What I do is grab a tarball of /etc and set it aside, then if I need to redo something the same way it was on the old machine I can dig through the tarball and only use the relevant files.\n
    Like I said it’s extremely specific. For example if I want to reconfigure the SSH daemon that’s usually a couple of lines which I know by heart (turn root login and password logins off) which I can do by hand; if I want to reconfigure CUPS printing it’s best to use the CUPS admin interface to autodetect the printer, you don’t usually want to mess with its config files; for some things like /etc/fstab or NFS or RAID I *may* want to copy some stuff but edit the disk UUIDs; for some things like Samba I could in theory copy the config straight over. It varies.\n
    The list of installed packages may also be relevant when you migrate to a new machine. Different distros have different commands for obtaining a list of installed packages, and different ways of using that on the new machine to restore the same package selection. This is useful and typically can get you started much faster on the new machine.
  +lang: "en"
  +isAdult: false
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  +score: 0
  +lastActive: DateTime @1700470013 {#2070
    date: 2023-11-20 09:46:53.0 +01:00
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  -id: 142346
  -bodyTs: "'/etc':6,82,97 '/etc/fstab':207 'admin':186 'also':246 'anoth':32 'asid':101 'autodetect':189 'back':21 'basi':88 'best':75,181 'case':85,87 'choos':79 'clarifi':5 'command':260 'config':49,51,201,235 'copi':216,233 'could':230 'coupl':151 'cup':177,185 'daemon':146 'differ':256,259,269 'dig':120 'direct':30 'disk':222 'distro':257 'doesn':37 'edit':220 'etc':52 'even':53 'exact':41 'exampl':138 'extrem':135 'faster':294 'file':80,129,202 'get':290 'grab':93 'hand':171 'hardwar':64 'heart':158 'instal':243,266 'interfac':187 'know':156 'like':47,130,206,227 'line':153 'list':241,264 'login':161,164 'machin':15,33,61,67,117,255,277,298 'may':18,213,245 'mess':198 'migrat':59,251 'much':293 'need':105 'network':50 'new':63,254,276,297 'nfs':209 'obtain':262 'old':116 'packag':244,267,282 'password':163 'pick':77 'play':39,69 'print':178 'printer':191 'probabl':36 'raid':211 're':2,56 'reconfigur':143,176 'redo':107 'relev':12,128,248 'restor':279 'role':43,72 'root':160 'said':132 'samba':228 'select':283 'servic':48 'set':99 'someth':108 'specif':136 'ssh':145 'start':292 'straight':236 'stuff':218 'tarbal':95,123 'theori':232 'thing':9,46,205,226 'transferr':29 'tri':57 'turn':159 'typic':288 'use':126,183,272,286 'usual':28,149,195 'uuid':223 'vari':239 'want':19,141,174,196,214 'way':111,270 'welcom':3"
  +ranking: 0
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  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700470013 {#2049
    date: 2023-11-20 09:46:53.0 +01:00
  +"title": 142346
Show voter details
59 DENIED edit
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2048
  +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
  +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2325
    +user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#2544 …}
    +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
    +image: null
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
    +slug: "Package-up-and-transport-a-linux"
    +title: "Package up and transport a linux?"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      I have a simple wish, with a probably not so simple solution.\n
      I recently started with linux (Arch kde), I’m loving it, I quickly realized that this OS and almost all apps, are highly customizable, I’m laving that as well. My problem is the unavoidable reinstalls and that I have a laptop.\n
      Is there any way that I can save all my configs, apps and my apps’ configs, and transfer them over to my laptop, while almost having a very quick back-up. I realize that I could turn it into an ISO somehow, but that wouldn’t work (I think) because my laptop has vastly different hardware. I also realize the partitioning problem. So in my idealistic world, there should be a solution that requires a clean install (from scripts or manual) and some .sh file, that installs all my apps, pastes all my configs and reboots.\n
      So is this possible? and if yes, how should I go about this? did someone make a tool for this already? Or(!) can I burn it to a flash and the drivers will correct themselves/I’ll deal with them later?\n
      For final words I’d like to say that I’m far from finished configurating, but I’d like to know the proccess, to not shoot myself in the foot somewhere along the way of configing, thanks!
    +type: "article"
    +lang: "en"
    +isOc: false
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    +score: 0
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    +sticky: false
    +lastActive: DateTime @1700580681 {#2858
      date: 2023-11-21 16:31:21.0 +01:00
    +ip: null
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    +tags: null
    +mentions: null
    +comments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2823 …}
    +votes: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2865 …}
    +reports: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2867 …}
    +favourites: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2869 …}
    +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2871 …}
    +badges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2873 …}
    +children: [
      1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2191
        +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
        +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2325 …2}
        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2327 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
        +body: """
          > if I copy my /home (someone said /etc too) over to my laptop, and back it up as well, I’m golden?\n
          /home yes., but ideally only files and dirs starting with a dot (so called “dotfiles” under your home dir. `tar cvfa homedots.tar.gz /home/username/.??*` should take care of it.\n
          Please note it will include some large stuff that’s probably not needed, like .cache, or some individual caches for other apps that don’t use .cache, like the browsers.\n
          Don’t copy /etc, it’s usually machine-specific.\n
          > would different hostnames and usernames make a problem?\n
          Hostname no (if you don’t bring etc). Username technically yes, you may want to rename the home dir. The user id and group id are important too but usually off it’s the first user on the same distro it will receive the same ids (typically 1000 nowadays). If not, you can change that manually and recursively `chown 1000:1000 -r /home/username`.
        +lang: "en"
        +isAdult: false
        +favouriteCount: 12
        +score: 0
        +lastActive: DateTime @1700462066 {#2328
          date: 2023-11-20 07:34:26.0 +01:00
        +ip: null
        +tags: null
        +mentions: [
        +children: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2333 …}
        +nested: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2324 …}
        +votes: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2334 …}
        +reports: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2341 …}
        +favourites: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2337 …}
        +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2336 …}
        -id: 142174
        -bodyTs: "'/etc':8,84 '/home':5,23 '/home/username':45,161 '1000':146,158,159 'app':72 'back':15 'bring':105 'browser':80 'cach':65,69,77 'call':36 'care':48 'chang':152 'chown':157 'copi':3,83 'cvfa':43 'differ':92 'dir':30,41,117 'distro':138 'dot':34 'dotfil':37 'etc':106 'file':28 'first':133 'golden':22 'group':122 'home':40,116 'homedots.tar.gz':44 'hostnam':93,99 'id':120,123,144 'ideal':26 'import':125 'includ':55 'individu':68 'laptop':13 'larg':57 'like':64,78 'm':21 'machin':89 'machine-specif':88 'make':96 'manual':154 'may':111 'need':63 'note':52 'nowaday':147 'pleas':51 'probabl':61 'problem':98 'r':160 'receiv':141 'recurs':156 'renam':114 'said':7 'someon':6 'specif':90 'start':31 'stuff':58 'take':47 'tar':42 'technic':108 'typic':145 'use':76 'user':119,134 'usernam':95,107 'usual':87,128 'want':112 'well':19 'would':91 'yes':24,109"
        +ranking: 0
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        +editedAt: null
        +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700462066 {#2326
          date: 2023-11-20 07:34:26.0 +01:00
        +"title": 142174
      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2048}
    -id: 14526
    -titleTs: "'linux':6 'packag':1 'transport':4"
    -bodyTs: "'almost':31,79 'along':223 'alreadi':172 'also':113 'app':33,66,69,145 'arch':18 'back':85 'back-up':84 'burn':176 'clean':131 'config':65,70,149,227 'configur':206 'correct':185 'could':91 'customiz':36 'd':196,209 'deal':188 'differ':110 'driver':183 'far':203 'file':140 'final':193 'finish':205 'flash':180 'foot':221 'go':162 'hardwar':111 'high':35 'idealist':121 'instal':132,142 'iso':96 'kde':19 'know':212 'laptop':54,77,107 'later':191 'lave':39 'like':197,210 'linux':17 'll':187 'love':22 'm':21,38,202 'make':167 'manual':136 'os':29 'partit':116 'past':146 'possibl':155 'probabl':8 'problem':44,117 'proccess':214 'quick':25,83 'realiz':26,88,114 'reboot':151 'recent':14 'reinstal':48 'requir':129 'save':62 'say':199 'script':134 'sh':139 'shoot':217 'simpl':4,11 'solut':12,127 'somehow':97 'someon':166 'somewher':222 'start':15 'thank':228 'themselves/i':186 'think':104 'tool':169 'transfer':72 'turn':92 'unavoid':47 'vast':109 'way':58,225 'well':42 'wish':5 'word':194 'work':102 'world':122 'wouldn':100 'yes':158"
    +cross: false
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    +downVotes: 0
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    +editedAt: null
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      date: 2023-11-19 22:07:11.0 +01:00
    +__isInitialized__: true
  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2051 …}
  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
  +body: """
    You’re welcome.\n
    To clarify, /etc can have things that are relevant for the machine so you may want to back it up, but it’s not usually transferrable directly to another machine because it probably doesn’t play the exact same role. It has things like service configs, network configs etc.\n
    Even if you’re trying to migrate a machine to new hardware and the machine will play the same role it’s best to pick and choose files from /etc/ on a case by case basis. What I do is grab a tarball of /etc and set it aside, then if I need to redo something the same way it was on the old machine I can dig through the tarball and only use the relevant files.\n
    Like I said it’s extremely specific. For example if I want to reconfigure the SSH daemon that’s usually a couple of lines which I know by heart (turn root login and password logins off) which I can do by hand; if I want to reconfigure CUPS printing it’s best to use the CUPS admin interface to autodetect the printer, you don’t usually want to mess with its config files; for some things like /etc/fstab or NFS or RAID I *may* want to copy some stuff but edit the disk UUIDs; for some things like Samba I could in theory copy the config straight over. It varies.\n
    The list of installed packages may also be relevant when you migrate to a new machine. Different distros have different commands for obtaining a list of installed packages, and different ways of using that on the new machine to restore the same package selection. This is useful and typically can get you started much faster on the new machine.
  +lang: "en"
  +isAdult: false
  +favouriteCount: 3
  +score: 0
  +lastActive: DateTime @1700470013 {#2070
    date: 2023-11-20 09:46:53.0 +01:00
  +ip: null
  +tags: null
  +mentions: [
  +children: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2056 …}
  +nested: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2046 …}
  +votes: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2045 …}
  +reports: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2050 …}
  +favourites: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2052 …}
  +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2058 …}
  -id: 142346
  -bodyTs: "'/etc':6,82,97 '/etc/fstab':207 'admin':186 'also':246 'anoth':32 'asid':101 'autodetect':189 'back':21 'basi':88 'best':75,181 'case':85,87 'choos':79 'clarifi':5 'command':260 'config':49,51,201,235 'copi':216,233 'could':230 'coupl':151 'cup':177,185 'daemon':146 'differ':256,259,269 'dig':120 'direct':30 'disk':222 'distro':257 'doesn':37 'edit':220 'etc':52 'even':53 'exact':41 'exampl':138 'extrem':135 'faster':294 'file':80,129,202 'get':290 'grab':93 'hand':171 'hardwar':64 'heart':158 'instal':243,266 'interfac':187 'know':156 'like':47,130,206,227 'line':153 'list':241,264 'login':161,164 'machin':15,33,61,67,117,255,277,298 'may':18,213,245 'mess':198 'migrat':59,251 'much':293 'need':105 'network':50 'new':63,254,276,297 'nfs':209 'obtain':262 'old':116 'packag':244,267,282 'password':163 'pick':77 'play':39,69 'print':178 'printer':191 'probabl':36 'raid':211 're':2,56 'reconfigur':143,176 'redo':107 'relev':12,128,248 'restor':279 'role':43,72 'root':160 'said':132 'samba':228 'select':283 'servic':48 'set':99 'someth':108 'specif':136 'ssh':145 'start':292 'straight':236 'stuff':218 'tarbal':95,123 'theori':232 'thing':9,46,205,226 'transferr':29 'tri':57 'turn':159 'typic':288 'use':126,183,272,286 'usual':28,149,195 'uuid':223 'vari':239 'want':19,141,174,196,214 'way':111,270 'welcom':3"
  +ranking: 0
  +commentCount: 0
  +upVotes: 0
  +downVotes: 0
  +visibility: "visible             "
  +apId: ""
  +editedAt: null
  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700470013 {#2049
    date: 2023-11-20 09:46:53.0 +01:00
  +"title": 142346
Show voter details
60 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2048
  +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
  +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2325
    +user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#2544 …}
    +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
    +image: null
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
    +slug: "Package-up-and-transport-a-linux"
    +title: "Package up and transport a linux?"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      I have a simple wish, with a probably not so simple solution.\n
      I recently started with linux (Arch kde), I’m loving it, I quickly realized that this OS and almost all apps, are highly customizable, I’m laving that as well. My problem is the unavoidable reinstalls and that I have a laptop.\n
      Is there any way that I can save all my configs, apps and my apps’ configs, and transfer them over to my laptop, while almost having a very quick back-up. I realize that I could turn it into an ISO somehow, but that wouldn’t work (I think) because my laptop has vastly different hardware. I also realize the partitioning problem. So in my idealistic world, there should be a solution that requires a clean install (from scripts or manual) and some .sh file, that installs all my apps, pastes all my configs and reboots.\n
      So is this possible? and if yes, how should I go about this? did someone make a tool for this already? Or(!) can I burn it to a flash and the drivers will correct themselves/I’ll deal with them later?\n
      For final words I’d like to say that I’m far from finished configurating, but I’d like to know the proccess, to not shoot myself in the foot somewhere along the way of configing, thanks!
    +type: "article"
    +lang: "en"
    +isOc: false
    +hasEmbed: false
    +commentCount: 58
    +favouriteCount: 51
    +score: 0
    +isAdult: false
    +sticky: false
    +lastActive: DateTime @1700580681 {#2858
      date: 2023-11-21 16:31:21.0 +01:00
    +ip: null
    +adaAmount: 0
    +tags: null
    +mentions: null
    +comments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2823 …}
    +votes: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2865 …}
    +reports: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2867 …}
    +favourites: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2869 …}
    +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2871 …}
    +badges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2873 …}
    +children: [
      1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2191
        +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
        +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2325 …2}
        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2327 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2329 …}
        +body: """
          > if I copy my /home (someone said /etc too) over to my laptop, and back it up as well, I’m golden?\n
          /home yes., but ideally only files and dirs starting with a dot (so called “dotfiles” under your home dir. `tar cvfa homedots.tar.gz /home/username/.??*` should take care of it.\n
          Please note it will include some large stuff that’s probably not needed, like .cache, or some individual caches for other apps that don’t use .cache, like the browsers.\n
          Don’t copy /etc, it’s usually machine-specific.\n
          > would different hostnames and usernames make a problem?\n
          Hostname no (if you don’t bring etc). Username technically yes, you may want to rename the home dir. The user id and group id are important too but usually off it’s the first user on the same distro it will receive the same ids (typically 1000 nowadays). If not, you can change that manually and recursively `chown 1000:1000 -r /home/username`.
        +lang: "en"
        +isAdult: false
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    You’re welcome.\n
    To clarify, /etc can have things that are relevant for the machine so you may want to back it up, but it’s not usually transferrable directly to another machine because it probably doesn’t play the exact same role. It has things like service configs, network configs etc.\n
    Even if you’re trying to migrate a machine to new hardware and the machine will play the same role it’s best to pick and choose files from /etc/ on a case by case basis. What I do is grab a tarball of /etc and set it aside, then if I need to redo something the same way it was on the old machine I can dig through the tarball and only use the relevant files.\n
    Like I said it’s extremely specific. For example if I want to reconfigure the SSH daemon that’s usually a couple of lines which I know by heart (turn root login and password logins off) which I can do by hand; if I want to reconfigure CUPS printing it’s best to use the CUPS admin interface to autodetect the printer, you don’t usually want to mess with its config files; for some things like /etc/fstab or NFS or RAID I *may* want to copy some stuff but edit the disk UUIDs; for some things like Samba I could in theory copy the config straight over. It varies.\n
    The list of installed packages may also be relevant when you migrate to a new machine. Different distros have different commands for obtaining a list of installed packages, and different ways of using that on the new machine to restore the same package selection. This is useful and typically can get you started much faster on the new machine.
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      +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
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      +body: """
        Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
        I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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Show voter details
63 DENIED edit
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      +body: """
        Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
        I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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Show voter details
64 DENIED moderate
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      +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
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      +body: """
        Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
        I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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Show voter details
Show voter details
66 DENIED moderate
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        +body: """
          Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
          I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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Show voter details
67 DENIED edit
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2215 …}
        +body: """
          Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
          I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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Show voter details
68 DENIED moderate
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        +body: """
          Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
          I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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  +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
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Show voter details
Show voter details
70 DENIED moderate
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    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2844 …}
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      date: 2023-11-21 00:42:52.0 +01:00
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        +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2215 …}
        +body: """
          Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
          I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:44:31.0 +01:00
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      1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2192
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      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2310
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        +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2104 …2}
        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
        +body: "Because if I install bluetooth it’s because I have some bluetooth devices I want to use?.."
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        +score: 0
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        +"title": 143369
    -id: 14090
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Show voter details
71 DENIED edit
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2117
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    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2844 …}
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    +title: "Enabling Bluetooth on Arch Linux"
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      date: 2023-11-21 00:42:52.0 +01:00
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        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2100 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2099 …}
        +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
        +lang: "en"
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:42:55.0 +01:00
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:42:55.0 +01:00
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      2 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2043
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2215 …}
        +body: """
          Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
          I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:44:31.0 +01:00
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:44:31.0 +01:00
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
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      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2310
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
        +body: "Because if I install bluetooth it’s because I have some bluetooth devices I want to use?.."
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        +score: 0
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          date: 2023-11-20 18:32:00.0 +01:00
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        +"title": 143369
    -id: 14090
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    date: 2023-11-20 12:43:49.0 +01:00
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  +"title": 142591
Show voter details
72 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2117
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    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2844 …}
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    +title: "Enabling Bluetooth on Arch Linux"
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    +lastActive: DateTime @1700523772 {#2839
      date: 2023-11-21 00:42:52.0 +01:00
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        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2100 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2099 …}
        +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
        +lang: "en"
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        +score: 0
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:42:55.0 +01:00
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:42:55.0 +01:00
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      2 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2043
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        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2139 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2215 …}
        +body: """
          Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
          I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
        +lang: "en"
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        +score: 0
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:44:31.0 +01:00
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:44:31.0 +01:00
        +"title": 142593
      1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2192
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        +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2104 …2}
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        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2189 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
        +body: "So, like, you have to manually enable every service you install?"
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        +isAdult: false
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        +score: 0
        +lastActive: DateTime @1700488468 {#2228
          date: 2023-11-20 14:54:28.0 +01:00
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          date: 2023-11-20 14:54:28.0 +01:00
        +"title": 142818
      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2310
        +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
        +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2104 …2}
        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2307 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
        +body: "Because if I install bluetooth it’s because I have some bluetooth devices I want to use?.."
        +lang: "en"
        +isAdult: false
        +favouriteCount: 0
        +score: 0
        +lastActive: DateTime @1700501520 {#2321
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Show voter details
Show voter details
74 DENIED moderate
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        +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
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  +body: """
    Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
    I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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Show voter details
75 DENIED edit
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2043
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      date: 2023-11-21 00:42:52.0 +01:00
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2099 …}
        +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
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  +body: """
    Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
    I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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Show voter details
76 DENIED moderate
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    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2844 …}
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    +title: "Enabling Bluetooth on Arch Linux"
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      date: 2023-11-21 00:42:52.0 +01:00
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2099 …}
        +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
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      3 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2117
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      1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2192
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  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2215 …}
  +body: """
    Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
    I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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Show voter details
Show voter details
78 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2192
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      date: 2023-11-21 00:42:52.0 +01:00
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2099 …}
        +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
        +lang: "en"
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      3 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2117
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:43:49.0 +01:00
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        +body: """
          Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
          I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2310
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
        +body: "Because if I install bluetooth it’s because I have some bluetooth devices I want to use?.."
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        +score: 0
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          date: 2023-11-20 18:32:00.0 +01:00
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  +"title": 142818
Show voter details
79 DENIED edit
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2192
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    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2844 …}
    +slug: "Enabling-Bluetooth-on-Arch-Linux"
    +title: "Enabling Bluetooth on Arch Linux"
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    +lastActive: DateTime @1700523772 {#2839
      date: 2023-11-21 00:42:52.0 +01:00
    +ip: null
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        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2100 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2099 …}
        +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
        +lang: "en"
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        +score: 0
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:42:55.0 +01:00
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
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        +lastActive: DateTime @1700480629 {#2114
          date: 2023-11-20 12:43:49.0 +01:00
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        +"title": 142591
      2 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2043
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2215 …}
        +body: """
          Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
          I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:44:31.0 +01:00
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      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2310
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
        +body: "Because if I install bluetooth it’s because I have some bluetooth devices I want to use?.."
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Show voter details
80 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2192
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      date: 2023-11-21 00:42:52.0 +01:00
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        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
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        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2100 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2099 …}
        +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
        +lang: "en"
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:42:55.0 +01:00
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      3 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2117
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:43:49.0 +01:00
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2215 …}
        +body: """
          Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
          I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:44:31.0 +01:00
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      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2310
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
        +body: "Because if I install bluetooth it’s because I have some bluetooth devices I want to use?.."
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          date: 2023-11-20 18:32:00.0 +01:00
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  +body: "So, like, you have to manually enable every service you install?"
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  +"title": 142818
Show voter details
Show voter details
82 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2310
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    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2844 …}
    +slug: "Enabling-Bluetooth-on-Arch-Linux"
    +title: "Enabling Bluetooth on Arch Linux"
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      date: 2023-11-21 00:42:52.0 +01:00
    +ip: null
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        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
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        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2100 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2099 …}
        +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
        +lang: "en"
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:42:55.0 +01:00
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      3 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2117
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
        +body: "Why doesn’t it start automatically anyway?"
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        +lastActive: DateTime @1700480629 {#2114
          date: 2023-11-20 12:43:49.0 +01:00
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      2 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2043
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2215 …}
        +body: """
          Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
          I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
        +lang: "en"
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        +score: 0
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          date: 2023-11-20 12:44:31.0 +01:00
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      1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2192
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
        +body: "So, like, you have to manually enable every service you install?"
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          date: 2023-11-20 14:54:28.0 +01:00
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        +"title": 142818
      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2310}
    -id: 14090
    -titleTs: "'arch':4 'bluetooth':2 'enabl':1 'linux':5"
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Show voter details
83 DENIED edit
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        +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
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        +body: """
          Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
          I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
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Show voter details
84 DENIED moderate
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      date: 2023-11-21 00:42:52.0 +01:00
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        +body: "What on Earth for. I don’t think I’ve used it more than a couple of times over the last 5 years, and that was for arcane stuff like enabling `rc.local` (which is something every user should probably *not* know about…)"
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2215 …}
        +body: """
          Out of curiosity, what’s the point of installing Bluetooth but keeping it disabled?\n
          I imagine the opposite would be the default most people wanted (enable it by default and let power users with a bizarre use case disable it manually).
        +lang: "en"
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
        +body: "So, like, you have to manually enable every service you install?"
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        +"title": 142818
      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2310}
    -id: 14090
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  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2121 …}
  +body: "Because if I install bluetooth it’s because I have some bluetooth devices I want to use?.."
  +lang: "en"
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  +score: 0
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    date: 2023-11-20 18:32:00.0 +01:00
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    date: 2023-11-20 18:32:00.0 +01:00
  +"title": 143369
Show voter details
Show voter details
86 DENIED moderate
Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#1733
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  +image: null
  +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
  +slug: "State-of-the-Nvidia-open-source-driver-in-late-2023"
  +title: "State of the Nvidia open source driver in late 2023?"
  +url: null
  +body: """
    Hi all,\n
    I’m in the market for a new big desktop replacement gaming laptop, and looking at the market there are almost exclusively Nvidia powered.\n
    I was wondering about the state of their new open-source driver. Can I run a plain vanilla kernel with only open source / upstream packages and drivers and expect to get a good experience? How is battery life, performance? Does DRI Prime and Vulkan based GPU selection “just work”?\n
    The only alternative new for my market is a device with an Intel Arc A730M, which I currently think is going to be the one I end up buying.\n
    **Edit 19/11**: Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Since the reactions were quite mixed - “it works perfectly for me” vs “it’s a unmaintainable mess that breaks all the time”, I’m going to err on the side of caution and look elsewhere. I found a used laptop with an AMD Radeon RX 6700M, which I’m going to check out the coming days. If not, I’ve also found Alienware sells their m16 laptop with an RX 7600M XT, which might be a good buy for me (I currently still rock an Alienware 17R1 from 2013 with an MXM card from a decomissioned industrial computer in it).
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    date: 2023-11-19 18:32:35.0 +01:00
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      +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
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      +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#1729 …}
      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#1729 …}
      +body: """
        I’ve been using Linux for over 20 years and I don’t get it either. I don’t know why a vocal minority get so fixated on it. It’s not like it’s the only manufacturer with proprietary drivers. As long as the drivers work and are easy to install I don’t see a problem.\n
        I’ve used ATI/AMD cards equally over the years and I’ve always ended up having more problems overall with them than with Nvidia cards & drivers. If I were inclined to generalize I could say that open source drivers are apparently lower quality, right? 🙂\n
        But that would be just as silly as the other way around. I don’t think that open or closed drivers, in itself, automatically says anything about quality.\n
        If closed source drivers really were a problem then Nvidia wouldn’t be used by 80% of Linux gamers.
      +lang: "en"
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      -id: 130655
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        date: 2023-11-16 17:17:28.0 +01:00
      +"title": 130655
  -id: 13481
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Show voter details
87 DENIED edit
Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#1733
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  +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
  +slug: "State-of-the-Nvidia-open-source-driver-in-late-2023"
  +title: "State of the Nvidia open source driver in late 2023?"
  +url: null
  +body: """
    Hi all,\n
    I’m in the market for a new big desktop replacement gaming laptop, and looking at the market there are almost exclusively Nvidia powered.\n
    I was wondering about the state of their new open-source driver. Can I run a plain vanilla kernel with only open source / upstream packages and drivers and expect to get a good experience? How is battery life, performance? Does DRI Prime and Vulkan based GPU selection “just work”?\n
    The only alternative new for my market is a device with an Intel Arc A730M, which I currently think is going to be the one I end up buying.\n
    **Edit 19/11**: Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Since the reactions were quite mixed - “it works perfectly for me” vs “it’s a unmaintainable mess that breaks all the time”, I’m going to err on the side of caution and look elsewhere. I found a used laptop with an AMD Radeon RX 6700M, which I’m going to check out the coming days. If not, I’ve also found Alienware sells their m16 laptop with an RX 7600M XT, which might be a good buy for me (I currently still rock an Alienware 17R1 from 2013 with an MXM card from a decomissioned industrial computer in it).
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      +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#1729 …}
      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#1729 …}
      +body: """
        I’ve been using Linux for over 20 years and I don’t get it either. I don’t know why a vocal minority get so fixated on it. It’s not like it’s the only manufacturer with proprietary drivers. As long as the drivers work and are easy to install I don’t see a problem.\n
        I’ve used ATI/AMD cards equally over the years and I’ve always ended up having more problems overall with them than with Nvidia cards & drivers. If I were inclined to generalize I could say that open source drivers are apparently lower quality, right? 🙂\n
        But that would be just as silly as the other way around. I don’t think that open or closed drivers, in itself, automatically says anything about quality.\n
        If closed source drivers really were a problem then Nvidia wouldn’t be used by 80% of Linux gamers.
      +lang: "en"
      +isAdult: false
      +favouriteCount: 5
      +score: 0
      +lastActive: DateTime @1700151448 {#1687
        date: 2023-11-16 17:17:28.0 +01:00
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      -id: 130655
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        date: 2023-11-16 17:17:28.0 +01:00
      +"title": 130655
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  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700126493 {#2913
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Show voter details
88 DENIED moderate
Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#1733
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  +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2740 …}
  +slug: "State-of-the-Nvidia-open-source-driver-in-late-2023"
  +title: "State of the Nvidia open source driver in late 2023?"
  +url: null
  +body: """
    Hi all,\n
    I’m in the market for a new big desktop replacement gaming laptop, and looking at the market there are almost exclusively Nvidia powered.\n
    I was wondering about the state of their new open-source driver. Can I run a plain vanilla kernel with only open source / upstream packages and drivers and expect to get a good experience? How is battery life, performance? Does DRI Prime and Vulkan based GPU selection “just work”?\n
    The only alternative new for my market is a device with an Intel Arc A730M, which I currently think is going to be the one I end up buying.\n
    **Edit 19/11**: Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Since the reactions were quite mixed - “it works perfectly for me” vs “it’s a unmaintainable mess that breaks all the time”, I’m going to err on the side of caution and look elsewhere. I found a used laptop with an AMD Radeon RX 6700M, which I’m going to check out the coming days. If not, I’ve also found Alienware sells their m16 laptop with an RX 7600M XT, which might be a good buy for me (I currently still rock an Alienware 17R1 from 2013 with an MXM card from a decomissioned industrial computer in it).
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    date: 2023-11-19 18:32:35.0 +01:00
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      +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#1729 …}
      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#1729 …}
      +body: """
        I’ve been using Linux for over 20 years and I don’t get it either. I don’t know why a vocal minority get so fixated on it. It’s not like it’s the only manufacturer with proprietary drivers. As long as the drivers work and are easy to install I don’t see a problem.\n
        I’ve used ATI/AMD cards equally over the years and I’ve always ended up having more problems overall with them than with Nvidia cards & drivers. If I were inclined to generalize I could say that open source drivers are apparently lower quality, right? 🙂\n
        But that would be just as silly as the other way around. I don’t think that open or closed drivers, in itself, automatically says anything about quality.\n
        If closed source drivers really were a problem then Nvidia wouldn’t be used by 80% of Linux gamers.
      +lang: "en"
      +isAdult: false
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      +lastActive: DateTime @1700151448 {#1687
        date: 2023-11-16 17:17:28.0 +01:00
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        date: 2023-11-16 17:17:28.0 +01:00
      +"title": 130655
  -id: 13481
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Show voter details
Show voter details
90 DENIED moderate
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    +slug: "State-of-the-Nvidia-open-source-driver-in-late-2023"
    +title: "State of the Nvidia open source driver in late 2023?"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      Hi all,\n
      I’m in the market for a new big desktop replacement gaming laptop, and looking at the market there are almost exclusively Nvidia powered.\n
      I was wondering about the state of their new open-source driver. Can I run a plain vanilla kernel with only open source / upstream packages and drivers and expect to get a good experience? How is battery life, performance? Does DRI Prime and Vulkan based GPU selection “just work”?\n
      The only alternative new for my market is a device with an Intel Arc A730M, which I currently think is going to be the one I end up buying.\n
      **Edit 19/11**: Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Since the reactions were quite mixed - “it works perfectly for me” vs “it’s a unmaintainable mess that breaks all the time”, I’m going to err on the side of caution and look elsewhere. I found a used laptop with an AMD Radeon RX 6700M, which I’m going to check out the coming days. If not, I’ve also found Alienware sells their m16 laptop with an RX 7600M XT, which might be a good buy for me (I currently still rock an Alienware 17R1 from 2013 with an MXM card from a decomissioned industrial computer in it).
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      date: 2023-11-19 18:32:35.0 +01:00
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    +cross: false
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      date: 2023-11-23 14:44:00.0 +01:00
    +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700126493 {#2913
      date: 2023-11-16 10:21:33.0 +01:00
    +__isInitialized__: true
  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#1729 …}
  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#1729 …}
  +body: """
    I’ve been using Linux for over 20 years and I don’t get it either. I don’t know why a vocal minority get so fixated on it. It’s not like it’s the only manufacturer with proprietary drivers. As long as the drivers work and are easy to install I don’t see a problem.\n
    I’ve used ATI/AMD cards equally over the years and I’ve always ended up having more problems overall with them than with Nvidia cards & drivers. If I were inclined to generalize I could say that open source drivers are apparently lower quality, right? 🙂\n
    But that would be just as silly as the other way around. I don’t think that open or closed drivers, in itself, automatically says anything about quality.\n
    If closed source drivers really were a problem then Nvidia wouldn’t be used by 80% of Linux gamers.
  +lang: "en"
  +isAdult: false
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Show voter details
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    +slug: "State-of-the-Nvidia-open-source-driver-in-late-2023"
    +title: "State of the Nvidia open source driver in late 2023?"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      Hi all,\n
      I’m in the market for a new big desktop replacement gaming laptop, and looking at the market there are almost exclusively Nvidia powered.\n
      I was wondering about the state of their new open-source driver. Can I run a plain vanilla kernel with only open source / upstream packages and drivers and expect to get a good experience? How is battery life, performance? Does DRI Prime and Vulkan based GPU selection “just work”?\n
      The only alternative new for my market is a device with an Intel Arc A730M, which I currently think is going to be the one I end up buying.\n
      **Edit 19/11**: Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Since the reactions were quite mixed - “it works perfectly for me” vs “it’s a unmaintainable mess that breaks all the time”, I’m going to err on the side of caution and look elsewhere. I found a used laptop with an AMD Radeon RX 6700M, which I’m going to check out the coming days. If not, I’ve also found Alienware sells their m16 laptop with an RX 7600M XT, which might be a good buy for me (I currently still rock an Alienware 17R1 from 2013 with an MXM card from a decomissioned industrial computer in it).
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    I’ve been using Linux for over 20 years and I don’t get it either. I don’t know why a vocal minority get so fixated on it. It’s not like it’s the only manufacturer with proprietary drivers. As long as the drivers work and are easy to install I don’t see a problem.\n
    I’ve used ATI/AMD cards equally over the years and I’ve always ended up having more problems overall with them than with Nvidia cards & drivers. If I were inclined to generalize I could say that open source drivers are apparently lower quality, right? 🙂\n
    But that would be just as silly as the other way around. I don’t think that open or closed drivers, in itself, automatically says anything about quality.\n
    If closed source drivers really were a problem then Nvidia wouldn’t be used by 80% of Linux gamers.
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Show voter details
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    +slug: "State-of-the-Nvidia-open-source-driver-in-late-2023"
    +title: "State of the Nvidia open source driver in late 2023?"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      Hi all,\n
      I’m in the market for a new big desktop replacement gaming laptop, and looking at the market there are almost exclusively Nvidia powered.\n
      I was wondering about the state of their new open-source driver. Can I run a plain vanilla kernel with only open source / upstream packages and drivers and expect to get a good experience? How is battery life, performance? Does DRI Prime and Vulkan based GPU selection “just work”?\n
      The only alternative new for my market is a device with an Intel Arc A730M, which I currently think is going to be the one I end up buying.\n
      **Edit 19/11**: Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Since the reactions were quite mixed - “it works perfectly for me” vs “it’s a unmaintainable mess that breaks all the time”, I’m going to err on the side of caution and look elsewhere. I found a used laptop with an AMD Radeon RX 6700M, which I’m going to check out the coming days. If not, I’ve also found Alienware sells their m16 laptop with an RX 7600M XT, which might be a good buy for me (I currently still rock an Alienware 17R1 from 2013 with an MXM card from a decomissioned industrial computer in it).
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    I’ve been using Linux for over 20 years and I don’t get it either. I don’t know why a vocal minority get so fixated on it. It’s not like it’s the only manufacturer with proprietary drivers. As long as the drivers work and are easy to install I don’t see a problem.\n
    I’ve used ATI/AMD cards equally over the years and I’ve always ended up having more problems overall with them than with Nvidia cards & drivers. If I were inclined to generalize I could say that open source drivers are apparently lower quality, right? 🙂\n
    But that would be just as silly as the other way around. I don’t think that open or closed drivers, in itself, automatically says anything about quality.\n
    If closed source drivers really were a problem then Nvidia wouldn’t be used by 80% of Linux gamers.
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Show voter details
Show voter details
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  +slug: "Has-anyone-had-any-luck-with-Dodi-repacks-on-Linux"
  +title: "Has anyone had any luck with Dodi repacks on Linux ?"
  +url: null
  +body: """
    So I downloaded Dodi’s Sekiro repack and installed it through bottles, but the game does not launch.\n
    Also tried adding the exe file to Heroic, gave me the same result as Bottles.\n
    On windows, I remember this exact repack working perfectly. So maybe they way I installed it in Linux is causing the issue ?
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      +body: "What are the dependencies? I always have trouble figuring those out. It could be any obscure combination of stuff to install, with specific versions. Yeah bottles makes it easy to install them but what’s the use of you don’t know which."
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Show voter details
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  +title: "Has anyone had any luck with Dodi repacks on Linux ?"
  +url: null
  +body: """
    So I downloaded Dodi’s Sekiro repack and installed it through bottles, but the game does not launch.\n
    Also tried adding the exe file to Heroic, gave me the same result as Bottles.\n
    On windows, I remember this exact repack working perfectly. So maybe they way I installed it in Linux is causing the issue ?
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      +body: "What are the dependencies? I always have trouble figuring those out. It could be any obscure combination of stuff to install, with specific versions. Yeah bottles makes it easy to install them but what’s the use of you don’t know which."
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Show voter details
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    So I downloaded Dodi’s Sekiro repack and installed it through bottles, but the game does not launch.\n
    Also tried adding the exe file to Heroic, gave me the same result as Bottles.\n
    On windows, I remember this exact repack working perfectly. So maybe they way I installed it in Linux is causing the issue ?
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Show voter details
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      So I downloaded Dodi’s Sekiro repack and installed it through bottles, but the game does not launch.\n
      Also tried adding the exe file to Heroic, gave me the same result as Bottles.\n
      On windows, I remember this exact repack working perfectly. So maybe they way I installed it in Linux is causing the issue ?
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Show voter details
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      So I downloaded Dodi’s Sekiro repack and installed it through bottles, but the game does not launch.\n
      Also tried adding the exe file to Heroic, gave me the same result as Bottles.\n
      On windows, I remember this exact repack working perfectly. So maybe they way I installed it in Linux is causing the issue ?
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Show voter details
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      So I downloaded Dodi’s Sekiro repack and installed it through bottles, but the game does not launch.\n
      Also tried adding the exe file to Heroic, gave me the same result as Bottles.\n
      On windows, I remember this exact repack working perfectly. So maybe they way I installed it in Linux is causing the issue ?
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Show voter details
Show voter details
102 DENIED moderate
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  +slug: "Rewriting-nouveau-s-Website-drivers-for-NVIDIA"
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        Counterpoint: I don’t think any Linux DE will ever see mainstream adoption.\n
        It has nothing to do with how good they are. It’s not related to software support either. They could support every piece of software ever made; Linux supports 90% of games for Windows and emulators for dozens of other platforms and it still hasn’t attracted more than like 2% of gamers.\n
        It’s related to what OP said: to gain mass adoption you need to put up with a lot of bullshit. It takes a company with some financial gain to do that, and paid developers. Volunteer contributors will eventually say “screw this” or go mental like Torvalds.\n
        There’s no company that can do this. They tried and failed, because Microsoft. Apple and Google had to create their own platforms from scratch to get away from it.
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      +body: """
        With other init systems you *don’t have to* write any custom config files. You just have to start docker; it already has container maintenance built-in.\n
        I’ll never understand why they had to complicate it and require every container to also have a unit of explicit management.
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      +body: "It is, it’s what `restart: always` does. It will restart a container on failure and start it on boot, unless explicitly stopped."
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      +"title": 131950
  -id: 13449
  -titleTs: "'driver':5 'nouveau':2 'nvidia':7 'rewrit':1 'websit':4"
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    date: 2023-11-16 06:51:45.0 +01:00
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Show voter details
103 DENIED edit
Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2411
  +user: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#2699 …}
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  +image: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Image {#2895 …}
  +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2933 …}
  +slug: "Rewriting-nouveau-s-Website-drivers-for-NVIDIA"
  +title: "Rewriting nouveau’s Website (drivers for NVIDIA)"
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    date: 2023-11-18 10:18:04.0 +01:00
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      +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
      +image: null
      +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2447 …}
      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
      +body: """
        Counterpoint: I don’t think any Linux DE will ever see mainstream adoption.\n
        It has nothing to do with how good they are. It’s not related to software support either. They could support every piece of software ever made; Linux supports 90% of games for Windows and emulators for dozens of other platforms and it still hasn’t attracted more than like 2% of gamers.\n
        It’s related to what OP said: to gain mass adoption you need to put up with a lot of bullshit. It takes a company with some financial gain to do that, and paid developers. Volunteer contributors will eventually say “screw this” or go mental like Torvalds.\n
        There’s no company that can do this. They tried and failed, because Microsoft. Apple and Google had to create their own platforms from scratch to get away from it.
      +lang: "en"
      +isAdult: false
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      +score: 0
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        date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
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      -id: 131120
      -bodyTs: "'2':64 '90':43 'adopt':13,77 'appl':128 'attract':60 'away':141 'bullshit':87 'compani':91,117 'contributor':103 'could':33 'counterpoint':1 'creat':133 'de':8 'develop':101 'dozen':51 'either':31 'emul':49 'eventu':105 'ever':10,39 'everi':35 'fail':125 'financi':94 'gain':75,95 'game':45 'gamer':66 'get':140 'go':110 'good':21 'googl':130 'hasn':58 'like':63,112 'linux':7,41 'lot':85 'made':40 'mainstream':12 'mass':76 'mental':111 'microsoft':127 'need':79 'noth':16 'op':72 'paid':100 'piec':36 'platform':54,136 'put':81 'relat':27,69 'said':73 'say':106 'scratch':138 'screw':107 'see':11 'softwar':29,38 'still':57 'support':30,34,42 'take':89 'think':5 'torvald':113 'tri':123 'volunt':102 'window':47"
      +ranking: 0
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      +editedAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700427384 {#2464
        date: 2023-11-19 21:56:24.0 +01:00
      +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700160560 {#2463
        date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
      +"title": 131120
    1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2467
      +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
      +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2411 …2}
      +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
      +image: null
      +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2471 …}
      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
      +body: """
        With other init systems you *don’t have to* write any custom config files. You just have to start docker; it already has container maintenance built-in.\n
        I’ll never understand why they had to complicate it and require every container to also have a unit of explicit management.
      +lang: "en"
      +isAdult: false
      +favouriteCount: 0
      +score: 0
      +lastActive: DateTime @1700161010 {#2470
        date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
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      +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700161010 {#2469
        date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
      +"title": 131141
    0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2378
      +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
      +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2411 …2}
      +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
      +image: null
      +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2379 …}
      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
      +body: "It is, it’s what `restart: always` does. It will restart a container on failure and start it on boot, unless explicitly stopped."
      +lang: "en"
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      +favouriteCount: 0
      +score: 0
      +lastActive: DateTime @1700180144 {#2385
        date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
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      -id: 131950
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        date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
      +"title": 131950
  -id: 13449
  -titleTs: "'driver':5 'nouveau':2 'nvidia':7 'rewrit':1 'websit':4"
  -bodyTs: null
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    date: 2023-11-16 06:51:45.0 +01:00
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Show voter details
104 DENIED moderate
Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2411
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  +image: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Image {#2895 …}
  +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2933 …}
  +slug: "Rewriting-nouveau-s-Website-drivers-for-NVIDIA"
  +title: "Rewriting nouveau’s Website (drivers for NVIDIA)"
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    date: 2023-11-18 10:18:04.0 +01:00
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      +image: null
      +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2447 …}
      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
      +body: """
        Counterpoint: I don’t think any Linux DE will ever see mainstream adoption.\n
        It has nothing to do with how good they are. It’s not related to software support either. They could support every piece of software ever made; Linux supports 90% of games for Windows and emulators for dozens of other platforms and it still hasn’t attracted more than like 2% of gamers.\n
        It’s related to what OP said: to gain mass adoption you need to put up with a lot of bullshit. It takes a company with some financial gain to do that, and paid developers. Volunteer contributors will eventually say “screw this” or go mental like Torvalds.\n
        There’s no company that can do this. They tried and failed, because Microsoft. Apple and Google had to create their own platforms from scratch to get away from it.
      +lang: "en"
      +isAdult: false
      +favouriteCount: 4
      +score: 0
      +lastActive: DateTime @1700160560 {#2465
        date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
      +ip: null
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      -id: 131120
      -bodyTs: "'2':64 '90':43 'adopt':13,77 'appl':128 'attract':60 'away':141 'bullshit':87 'compani':91,117 'contributor':103 'could':33 'counterpoint':1 'creat':133 'de':8 'develop':101 'dozen':51 'either':31 'emul':49 'eventu':105 'ever':10,39 'everi':35 'fail':125 'financi':94 'gain':75,95 'game':45 'gamer':66 'get':140 'go':110 'good':21 'googl':130 'hasn':58 'like':63,112 'linux':7,41 'lot':85 'made':40 'mainstream':12 'mass':76 'mental':111 'microsoft':127 'need':79 'noth':16 'op':72 'paid':100 'piec':36 'platform':54,136 'put':81 'relat':27,69 'said':73 'say':106 'scratch':138 'screw':107 'see':11 'softwar':29,38 'still':57 'support':30,34,42 'take':89 'think':5 'torvald':113 'tri':123 'volunt':102 'window':47"
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        date: 2023-11-19 21:56:24.0 +01:00
      +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700160560 {#2463
        date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
      +"title": 131120
    1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2467
      +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
      +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2411 …2}
      +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
      +image: null
      +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2471 …}
      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
      +body: """
        With other init systems you *don’t have to* write any custom config files. You just have to start docker; it already has container maintenance built-in.\n
        I’ll never understand why they had to complicate it and require every container to also have a unit of explicit management.
      +lang: "en"
      +isAdult: false
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        date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
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      +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700161010 {#2469
        date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
      +"title": 131141
    0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2378
      +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
      +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2411 …2}
      +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
      +image: null
      +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2379 …}
      +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
      +body: "It is, it’s what `restart: always` does. It will restart a container on failure and start it on boot, unless explicitly stopped."
      +lang: "en"
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      +favouriteCount: 0
      +score: 0
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        date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
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      +apId: ""
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      +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700180144 {#2384
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      +"title": 131950
  -id: 13449
  -titleTs: "'driver':5 'nouveau':2 'nvidia':7 'rewrit':1 'websit':4"
  -bodyTs: null
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  +downVotes: 0
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  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700113905 {#2916
    date: 2023-11-16 06:51:45.0 +01:00
  +__isInitialized__: true
Show voter details
Show voter details
106 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2448
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    +image: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Image {#2895 …}
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2933 …}
    +slug: "Rewriting-nouveau-s-Website-drivers-for-NVIDIA"
    +title: "Rewriting nouveau’s Website (drivers for NVIDIA)"
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      date: 2023-11-18 10:18:04.0 +01:00
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        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2471 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: """
          With other init systems you *don’t have to* write any custom config files. You just have to start docker; it already has container maintenance built-in.\n
          I’ll never understand why they had to complicate it and require every container to also have a unit of explicit management.
        +lang: "en"
        +isAdult: false
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        +score: 0
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
        +"title": 131141
      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2378
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        +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2411 …2}
        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2379 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: "It is, it’s what `restart: always` does. It will restart a container on failure and start it on boot, unless explicitly stopped."
        +lang: "en"
        +isAdult: false
        +favouriteCount: 0
        +score: 0
        +lastActive: DateTime @1700180144 {#2385
          date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
        +ip: null
        +tags: null
        +mentions: [
        +children: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#2381 …}
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        +reports: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1926 …}
        +favourites: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1874 …}
        +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1908 …}
        -id: 131950
        -bodyTs: "'alway':7 'boot':20 'contain':13 'explicit':22 'failur':15 'restart':6,11 'start':17 'stop':23 'unless':21"
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        +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700180144 {#2384
          date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
        +"title": 131950
    -id: 13449
    -titleTs: "'driver':5 'nouveau':2 'nvidia':7 'rewrit':1 'websit':4"
    -bodyTs: null
    +cross: false
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    +downVotes: 0
    +ranking: 1700200305
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      date: 2023-11-16 06:51:45.0 +01:00
    +__isInitialized__: true
  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2447 …}
  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
  +body: """
    Counterpoint: I don’t think any Linux DE will ever see mainstream adoption.\n
    It has nothing to do with how good they are. It’s not related to software support either. They could support every piece of software ever made; Linux supports 90% of games for Windows and emulators for dozens of other platforms and it still hasn’t attracted more than like 2% of gamers.\n
    It’s related to what OP said: to gain mass adoption you need to put up with a lot of bullshit. It takes a company with some financial gain to do that, and paid developers. Volunteer contributors will eventually say “screw this” or go mental like Torvalds.\n
    There’s no company that can do this. They tried and failed, because Microsoft. Apple and Google had to create their own platforms from scratch to get away from it.
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    date: 2023-11-19 21:56:24.0 +01:00
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    date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
  +"title": 131120
Show voter details
107 DENIED edit
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2448
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    +image: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Image {#2895 …}
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2933 …}
    +slug: "Rewriting-nouveau-s-Website-drivers-for-NVIDIA"
    +title: "Rewriting nouveau’s Website (drivers for NVIDIA)"
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      date: 2023-11-18 10:18:04.0 +01:00
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        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2471 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: """
          With other init systems you *don’t have to* write any custom config files. You just have to start docker; it already has container maintenance built-in.\n
          I’ll never understand why they had to complicate it and require every container to also have a unit of explicit management.
        +lang: "en"
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
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      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2378
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        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2379 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: "It is, it’s what `restart: always` does. It will restart a container on failure and start it on boot, unless explicitly stopped."
        +lang: "en"
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        +score: 0
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          date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
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    -id: 13449
    -titleTs: "'driver':5 'nouveau':2 'nvidia':7 'rewrit':1 'websit':4"
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      date: 2023-11-16 06:51:45.0 +01:00
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  +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2447 …}
  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
  +body: """
    Counterpoint: I don’t think any Linux DE will ever see mainstream adoption.\n
    It has nothing to do with how good they are. It’s not related to software support either. They could support every piece of software ever made; Linux supports 90% of games for Windows and emulators for dozens of other platforms and it still hasn’t attracted more than like 2% of gamers.\n
    It’s related to what OP said: to gain mass adoption you need to put up with a lot of bullshit. It takes a company with some financial gain to do that, and paid developers. Volunteer contributors will eventually say “screw this” or go mental like Torvalds.\n
    There’s no company that can do this. They tried and failed, because Microsoft. Apple and Google had to create their own platforms from scratch to get away from it.
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    date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
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    date: 2023-11-19 21:56:24.0 +01:00
  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700160560 {#2463
    date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
  +"title": 131120
Show voter details
108 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2448
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    +image: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Image {#2895 …}
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2933 …}
    +slug: "Rewriting-nouveau-s-Website-drivers-for-NVIDIA"
    +title: "Rewriting nouveau’s Website (drivers for NVIDIA)"
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      date: 2023-11-18 10:18:04.0 +01:00
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: """
          With other init systems you *don’t have to* write any custom config files. You just have to start docker; it already has container maintenance built-in.\n
          I’ll never understand why they had to complicate it and require every container to also have a unit of explicit management.
        +lang: "en"
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        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2379 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: "It is, it’s what `restart: always` does. It will restart a container on failure and start it on boot, unless explicitly stopped."
        +lang: "en"
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        +favouriteCount: 0
        +score: 0
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          date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
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        +"title": 131950
    -id: 13449
    -titleTs: "'driver':5 'nouveau':2 'nvidia':7 'rewrit':1 'websit':4"
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      date: 2023-11-16 06:51:45.0 +01:00
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  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
  +body: """
    Counterpoint: I don’t think any Linux DE will ever see mainstream adoption.\n
    It has nothing to do with how good they are. It’s not related to software support either. They could support every piece of software ever made; Linux supports 90% of games for Windows and emulators for dozens of other platforms and it still hasn’t attracted more than like 2% of gamers.\n
    It’s related to what OP said: to gain mass adoption you need to put up with a lot of bullshit. It takes a company with some financial gain to do that, and paid developers. Volunteer contributors will eventually say “screw this” or go mental like Torvalds.\n
    There’s no company that can do this. They tried and failed, because Microsoft. Apple and Google had to create their own platforms from scratch to get away from it.
  +lang: "en"
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    date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
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    date: 2023-11-19 21:56:24.0 +01:00
  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700160560 {#2463
    date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
  +"title": 131120
Show voter details
Show voter details
110 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2467
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    +image: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Image {#2895 …}
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2933 …}
    +slug: "Rewriting-nouveau-s-Website-drivers-for-NVIDIA"
    +title: "Rewriting nouveau’s Website (drivers for NVIDIA)"
    +url: ""
    +body: null
    +type: "link"
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      date: 2023-11-18 10:18:04.0 +01:00
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        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
        +image: null
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        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: """
          Counterpoint: I don’t think any Linux DE will ever see mainstream adoption.\n
          It has nothing to do with how good they are. It’s not related to software support either. They could support every piece of software ever made; Linux supports 90% of games for Windows and emulators for dozens of other platforms and it still hasn’t attracted more than like 2% of gamers.\n
          It’s related to what OP said: to gain mass adoption you need to put up with a lot of bullshit. It takes a company with some financial gain to do that, and paid developers. Volunteer contributors will eventually say “screw this” or go mental like Torvalds.\n
          There’s no company that can do this. They tried and failed, because Microsoft. Apple and Google had to create their own platforms from scratch to get away from it.
        +lang: "en"
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
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          date: 2023-11-19 21:56:24.0 +01:00
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
        +"title": 131120
      1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2467}
      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2378
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        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2379 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: "It is, it’s what `restart: always` does. It will restart a container on failure and start it on boot, unless explicitly stopped."
        +lang: "en"
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          date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
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    -id: 13449
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  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
  +body: """
    With other init systems you *don’t have to* write any custom config files. You just have to start docker; it already has container maintenance built-in.\n
    I’ll never understand why they had to complicate it and require every container to also have a unit of explicit management.
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    date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
  +"title": 131141
Show voter details
111 DENIED edit
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2467
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    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2933 …}
    +slug: "Rewriting-nouveau-s-Website-drivers-for-NVIDIA"
    +title: "Rewriting nouveau’s Website (drivers for NVIDIA)"
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      date: 2023-11-18 10:18:04.0 +01:00
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        +body: """
          Counterpoint: I don’t think any Linux DE will ever see mainstream adoption.\n
          It has nothing to do with how good they are. It’s not related to software support either. They could support every piece of software ever made; Linux supports 90% of games for Windows and emulators for dozens of other platforms and it still hasn’t attracted more than like 2% of gamers.\n
          It’s related to what OP said: to gain mass adoption you need to put up with a lot of bullshit. It takes a company with some financial gain to do that, and paid developers. Volunteer contributors will eventually say “screw this” or go mental like Torvalds.\n
          There’s no company that can do this. They tried and failed, because Microsoft. Apple and Google had to create their own platforms from scratch to get away from it.
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          date: 2023-11-19 21:56:24.0 +01:00
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
        +"title": 131120
      1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2467}
      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2378
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        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2379 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: "It is, it’s what `restart: always` does. It will restart a container on failure and start it on boot, unless explicitly stopped."
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          date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
        +"title": 131950
    -id: 13449
    -titleTs: "'driver':5 'nouveau':2 'nvidia':7 'rewrit':1 'websit':4"
    -bodyTs: null
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      date: 2023-11-16 06:51:45.0 +01:00
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  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2471 …}
  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
  +body: """
    With other init systems you *don’t have to* write any custom config files. You just have to start docker; it already has container maintenance built-in.\n
    I’ll never understand why they had to complicate it and require every container to also have a unit of explicit management.
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    date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
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    date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
  +"title": 131141
Show voter details
112 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2467
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    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2933 …}
    +slug: "Rewriting-nouveau-s-Website-drivers-for-NVIDIA"
    +title: "Rewriting nouveau’s Website (drivers for NVIDIA)"
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      date: 2023-11-18 10:18:04.0 +01:00
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        +body: """
          Counterpoint: I don’t think any Linux DE will ever see mainstream adoption.\n
          It has nothing to do with how good they are. It’s not related to software support either. They could support every piece of software ever made; Linux supports 90% of games for Windows and emulators for dozens of other platforms and it still hasn’t attracted more than like 2% of gamers.\n
          It’s related to what OP said: to gain mass adoption you need to put up with a lot of bullshit. It takes a company with some financial gain to do that, and paid developers. Volunteer contributors will eventually say “screw this” or go mental like Torvalds.\n
          There’s no company that can do this. They tried and failed, because Microsoft. Apple and Google had to create their own platforms from scratch to get away from it.
        +lang: "en"
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
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        +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700160560 {#2463
          date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
        +"title": 131120
      1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2467}
      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2378
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        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2379 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: "It is, it’s what `restart: always` does. It will restart a container on failure and start it on boot, unless explicitly stopped."
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        +score: 0
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          date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
        +"title": 131950
    -id: 13449
    -titleTs: "'driver':5 'nouveau':2 'nvidia':7 'rewrit':1 'websit':4"
    -bodyTs: null
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    +downVotes: 0
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      date: 2023-11-16 06:51:45.0 +01:00
    +__isInitialized__: true
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  +image: null
  +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2471 …}
  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
  +body: """
    With other init systems you *don’t have to* write any custom config files. You just have to start docker; it already has container maintenance built-in.\n
    I’ll never understand why they had to complicate it and require every container to also have a unit of explicit management.
  +lang: "en"
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  +lastActive: DateTime @1700161010 {#2470
    date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
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  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700161010 {#2469
    date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
  +"title": 131141
Show voter details
Show voter details
114 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2378
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    +image: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Image {#2895 …}
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2933 …}
    +slug: "Rewriting-nouveau-s-Website-drivers-for-NVIDIA"
    +title: "Rewriting nouveau’s Website (drivers for NVIDIA)"
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    +type: "link"
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    +lastActive: DateTime @1700299084 {#2928
      date: 2023-11-18 10:18:04.0 +01:00
    +ip: null
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    +tags: null
    +mentions: null
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      2 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2448
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        +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2411 …2}
        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2447 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: """
          Counterpoint: I don’t think any Linux DE will ever see mainstream adoption.\n
          It has nothing to do with how good they are. It’s not related to software support either. They could support every piece of software ever made; Linux supports 90% of games for Windows and emulators for dozens of other platforms and it still hasn’t attracted more than like 2% of gamers.\n
          It’s related to what OP said: to gain mass adoption you need to put up with a lot of bullshit. It takes a company with some financial gain to do that, and paid developers. Volunteer contributors will eventually say “screw this” or go mental like Torvalds.\n
          There’s no company that can do this. They tried and failed, because Microsoft. Apple and Google had to create their own platforms from scratch to get away from it.
        +lang: "en"
        +isAdult: false
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        +score: 0
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
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        -id: 131120
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          date: 2023-11-19 21:56:24.0 +01:00
        +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700160560 {#2463
          date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
        +"title": 131120
      1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2467
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        +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2411 …2}
        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2471 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: """
          With other init systems you *don’t have to* write any custom config files. You just have to start docker; it already has container maintenance built-in.\n
          I’ll never understand why they had to complicate it and require every container to also have a unit of explicit management.
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
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        +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700161010 {#2469
          date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
        +"title": 131141
      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2378}
    -id: 13449
    -titleTs: "'driver':5 'nouveau':2 'nvidia':7 'rewrit':1 'websit':4"
    -bodyTs: null
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      date: 2023-11-16 06:51:45.0 +01:00
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  +image: null
  +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2379 …}
  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
  +body: "It is, it’s what `restart: always` does. It will restart a container on failure and start it on boot, unless explicitly stopped."
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  +score: 0
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    date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
  +"title": 131950
Show voter details
115 DENIED edit
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2378
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  +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2411
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    +image: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Image {#2895 …}
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2933 …}
    +slug: "Rewriting-nouveau-s-Website-drivers-for-NVIDIA"
    +title: "Rewriting nouveau’s Website (drivers for NVIDIA)"
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      date: 2023-11-18 10:18:04.0 +01:00
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        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2447 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: """
          Counterpoint: I don’t think any Linux DE will ever see mainstream adoption.\n
          It has nothing to do with how good they are. It’s not related to software support either. They could support every piece of software ever made; Linux supports 90% of games for Windows and emulators for dozens of other platforms and it still hasn’t attracted more than like 2% of gamers.\n
          It’s related to what OP said: to gain mass adoption you need to put up with a lot of bullshit. It takes a company with some financial gain to do that, and paid developers. Volunteer contributors will eventually say “screw this” or go mental like Torvalds.\n
          There’s no company that can do this. They tried and failed, because Microsoft. Apple and Google had to create their own platforms from scratch to get away from it.
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
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        -id: 131120
        -bodyTs: "'2':64 '90':43 'adopt':13,77 'appl':128 'attract':60 'away':141 'bullshit':87 'compani':91,117 'contributor':103 'could':33 'counterpoint':1 'creat':133 'de':8 'develop':101 'dozen':51 'either':31 'emul':49 'eventu':105 'ever':10,39 'everi':35 'fail':125 'financi':94 'gain':75,95 'game':45 'gamer':66 'get':140 'go':110 'good':21 'googl':130 'hasn':58 'like':63,112 'linux':7,41 'lot':85 'made':40 'mainstream':12 'mass':76 'mental':111 'microsoft':127 'need':79 'noth':16 'op':72 'paid':100 'piec':36 'platform':54,136 'put':81 'relat':27,69 'said':73 'say':106 'scratch':138 'screw':107 'see':11 'softwar':29,38 'still':57 'support':30,34,42 'take':89 'think':5 'torvald':113 'tri':123 'volunt':102 'window':47"
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          date: 2023-11-19 21:56:24.0 +01:00
        +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1700160560 {#2463
          date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
        +"title": 131120
      1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2467
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        +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2411 …2}
        +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
        +image: null
        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2471 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: """
          With other init systems you *don’t have to* write any custom config files. You just have to start docker; it already has container maintenance built-in.\n
          I’ll never understand why they had to complicate it and require every container to also have a unit of explicit management.
        +lang: "en"
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        +score: 0
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
        +"title": 131141
      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2378}
    -id: 13449
    -titleTs: "'driver':5 'nouveau':2 'nvidia':7 'rewrit':1 'websit':4"
    -bodyTs: null
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      date: 2023-11-16 06:51:45.0 +01:00
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  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
  +image: null
  +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2379 …}
  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
  +body: "It is, it’s what `restart: always` does. It will restart a container on failure and start it on boot, unless explicitly stopped."
  +lang: "en"
  +isAdult: false
  +favouriteCount: 0
  +score: 0
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    date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
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    date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
  +"title": 131950
Show voter details
116 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#2378
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  +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2411
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    +image: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Image {#2895 …}
    +domain: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Domain {#2933 …}
    +slug: "Rewriting-nouveau-s-Website-drivers-for-NVIDIA"
    +title: "Rewriting nouveau’s Website (drivers for NVIDIA)"
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      date: 2023-11-18 10:18:04.0 +01:00
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        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2447 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: """
          Counterpoint: I don’t think any Linux DE will ever see mainstream adoption.\n
          It has nothing to do with how good they are. It’s not related to software support either. They could support every piece of software ever made; Linux supports 90% of games for Windows and emulators for dozens of other platforms and it still hasn’t attracted more than like 2% of gamers.\n
          It’s related to what OP said: to gain mass adoption you need to put up with a lot of bullshit. It takes a company with some financial gain to do that, and paid developers. Volunteer contributors will eventually say “screw this” or go mental like Torvalds.\n
          There’s no company that can do this. They tried and failed, because Microsoft. Apple and Google had to create their own platforms from scratch to get away from it.
        +lang: "en"
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
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        -id: 131120
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:49:20.0 +01:00
        +"title": 131120
      1 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2467
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        +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#2411 …2}
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        +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2471 …}
        +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
        +body: """
          With other init systems you *don’t have to* write any custom config files. You just have to start docker; it already has container maintenance built-in.\n
          I’ll never understand why they had to complicate it and require every container to also have a unit of explicit management.
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
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          date: 2023-11-16 19:56:50.0 +01:00
        +"title": 131141
      0 => App\Entity\EntryComment {#2378}
    -id: 13449
    -titleTs: "'driver':5 'nouveau':2 'nvidia':7 'rewrit':1 'websit':4"
    -bodyTs: null
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    +downVotes: 0
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      date: 2023-11-16 06:51:45.0 +01:00
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  +image: null
  +parent: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2379 …}
  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#2422 …}
  +body: "It is, it’s what `restart: always` does. It will restart a container on failure and start it on boot, unless explicitly stopped."
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  +isAdult: false
  +favouriteCount: 0
  +score: 0
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    date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
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    date: 2023-11-17 01:15:44.0 +01:00
  +"title": 131950
Show voter details
Show voter details
118 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#1596
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  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#1734 …}
  +body: "Screen recording/screen sharing and keyboard/window automation are the big ones missing for me."
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    date: 2023-11-16 06:51:17.0 +01:00
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  +"title": 129218
Show voter details
119 DENIED edit
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  +root: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\EntryComment {#1734 …}
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  +lang: "en"
  +isAdult: false
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  +score: 0
  +lastActive: DateTime @1700113877 {#1613
    date: 2023-11-16 06:51:17.0 +01:00
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    date: 2023-11-16 06:51:17.0 +01:00
  +"title": 129218
Show voter details
120 DENIED moderate
App\Entity\EntryComment {#1596
  +user: App\Entity\User {#259 …}
  +entry: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Entry {#1619 …}
  +magazine: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\Magazine {#1551 …}
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Show voter details
Show voter details
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    As simple as the title sounds I’m having huge trouble getting that working.\n
    Thunderbird only fetches new mail while it’s open.\n
    Who the heck knows how to get evolution/geary to play nice with business gmail/protonmail.\n
    Does anyone have a simple way of solving this problem?\n
    edit. Also, somewhat related, is there a good looking, simple e-mail client? Thunderbird looks *busy*. Geary kinda looks okay but I cant get it to work at all.
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Show voter details
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    As simple as the title sounds I’m having huge trouble getting that working.\n
    Thunderbird only fetches new mail while it’s open.\n
    Who the heck knows how to get evolution/geary to play nice with business gmail/protonmail.\n
    Does anyone have a simple way of solving this problem?\n
    edit. Also, somewhat related, is there a good looking, simple e-mail client? Thunderbird looks *busy*. Geary kinda looks okay but I cant get it to work at all.
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Show voter details
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    As simple as the title sounds I’m having huge trouble getting that working.\n
    Thunderbird only fetches new mail while it’s open.\n
    Who the heck knows how to get evolution/geary to play nice with business gmail/protonmail.\n
    Does anyone have a simple way of solving this problem?\n
    edit. Also, somewhat related, is there a good looking, simple e-mail client? Thunderbird looks *busy*. Geary kinda looks okay but I cant get it to work at all.
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Show voter details
Show voter details
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    +url: null
    +body: """
      As simple as the title sounds I’m having huge trouble getting that working.\n
      Thunderbird only fetches new mail while it’s open.\n
      Who the heck knows how to get evolution/geary to play nice with business gmail/protonmail.\n
      Does anyone have a simple way of solving this problem?\n
      edit. Also, somewhat related, is there a good looking, simple e-mail client? Thunderbird looks *busy*. Geary kinda looks okay but I cant get it to work at all.
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Show voter details
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    +title: "Is there an easy way to set up an email client so you get system notifications in GNOME once you receive an e-mail?"
    +url: null
    +body: """
      As simple as the title sounds I’m having huge trouble getting that working.\n
      Thunderbird only fetches new mail while it’s open.\n
      Who the heck knows how to get evolution/geary to play nice with business gmail/protonmail.\n
      Does anyone have a simple way of solving this problem?\n
      edit. Also, somewhat related, is there a good looking, simple e-mail client? Thunderbird looks *busy*. Geary kinda looks okay but I cant get it to work at all.
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  +parent: null
  +root: null
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  +lang: "en"
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      As simple as the title sounds I’m having huge trouble getting that working.\n
      Thunderbird only fetches new mail while it’s open.\n
      Who the heck knows how to get evolution/geary to play nice with business gmail/protonmail.\n
      Does anyone have a simple way of solving this problem?\n
      edit. Also, somewhat related, is there a good looking, simple e-mail client? Thunderbird looks *busy*. Geary kinda looks okay but I cant get it to work at all.
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    just need something to do light development (docker, python, rust, with an ide). something i can upgrade (ram, ssd minimum). laptop would best, but desktop works too\n
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Show voter details
Show voter details
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      just need something to do light development (docker, python, rust, with an ide). something i can upgrade (ram, ssd minimum). laptop would best, but desktop works too\n
      any protips? thanks!
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      any protips? thanks!
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  +parent: null
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  +body: "You can probably pick up a decent desktop machine for $50 from your local ads and put the rest into upgrades and still have some money left over."
  +lang: "en"
  +isAdult: false
  +favouriteCount: 10
  +score: 0
  +lastActive: DateTime @1700120182 {#1699
    date: 2023-11-16 08:36:22.0 +01:00
  +ip: null
  +tags: null
  +mentions: [
  +children: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1576 …}
  +nested: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1573 …}
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  +notifications: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#1656 …}
  -id: 120968
  -bodyTs: "'50':11 'ad':15 'decent':7 'desktop':8 'left':27 'local':14 'machin':9 'money':26 'pick':4 'probabl':3 'put':17 'rest':19 'still':23 'upgrad':21"
  +ranking: 0
  +commentCount: 0
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  +downVotes: 0
  +visibility: "visible             "
  +apId: ""
  +editedAt: null
  +createdAt: DateTimeImmutable @1699908804 {#1697
    date: 2023-11-13 21:53:24.0 +01:00
  +"title": 120968
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