Any and all help would be so greatly appreciated. I’ve been battling with my laptop to be able to dual-boot Ubuntu Cinnamon and Windows 10 for about four days now. I’ve probably gone down five or six different rabbit-holes of troubleshooting, GRUB command-line fun, reinstalling and updating the BIOS, trying and failing to...
I started out watching some YouTube channels that claim to be dedicated to keeping me private and secure with recent news but found that some of them have a history of advertising NordVPN. Those channels sometimes sounded like they were defending Apple then telling people if they don’t like the content then to just scram....
In our current day and age, it’s rather hard to meet new people and make new friends, particularly for those of us who do not participate in mainstream social media. So, how and where do you meet new people? Feel free to add some context around that.
Ubuntu seems like it has the best compatibility, but any other suggestions for data wrangling, data analysis, data visualization, and machine learning in Julia, Python and R?
I have a jellyfin instance running with radarr/sonarr/… for my media needs on my vps....
Okay, you’re not going to believe this, I was permanently banned from r/Piracy for no apparent reason! All I did was ask for help to acquire a free version of some softwares that could be useful....
I’m playing with a couple of routers and comparing proprietary to open source on the same hardware. I miss my .bashrc functions and aliases… and compgen, tree, manpages, detailed help, etc; the little things that get annoying when they are missing....
How good would the experience be with a linux phone and an external camera?...
I have a very short equipment rack installed in my server closet. It is only 16 inches deep, fine for most networking uses, but not great for most rack-mount server cases....
Why is the phrase as popular as it is?...
First, I would like to thank this community for being an understanding, open-minded and Novice friendly like myself. I have learned a lot in the past few weeks thanks to this community, unlike Reddit’s toxic communities where asking a question is illegal....
His initial impressions so far:...
Hello everyone, I’ve been using linux on my main system for the past few years and am very happy with the results. From repurposing old family laptops to give them new life, to being able to play triple A games with little to no issues, Linux has turned into my OS of choice....
My question is basically the title. I’m making my own Puppy Linux remaster and it already has a .PDF reader for it that is very small. I think it’s called Evince? It has a native GTK UI and starts in a second, uses very little RAM and CPU. Now I need a .EPUB reader. I’ve seen a couple different .EPUB reader apps out there...
This just popped into my head after a similar question came up with a coworker…...
I just checked out Twitch again after a while and WOW has that site gotten shitty. But I’m trying to watch someone and really don’t want ads every few minutes. Instead of paying Bezos to remove half the ads, how can I configure my uBlock Origin to block them all for free?
I can handle the software part. I just want some ideas on how I can change the keys via a cheap and less-effort method. It is not a Peripheral keyboard, just the one integrated with my laptop....
I went to site yesterday and much to my surprise, they won’t let me in unless I subscribe or turn off my adblocker. Is there any workaround for this?
Im not really a political person but the one thing I do care about is pot. Which candidate is most supportive of federally legalizing or at least bumping down the schedule 4 drug status of pot.
The mail service has to be affordable (around 10 euros per year). Tuta was an option but their plans are somewhat overpriced for me. Anyone using their (Tuta) free plan? How is it?
Hello everyone, I need help choosing my first distro. I want to be able to run Audio software for editing and mixing. So I need also VST plug ins and others. Currently I use Windows 10, and Reaper....
I tend to go for a NY strip 9/10 times when I’m buying steaks, unless there’s some good deal on something else. Or I’ll go to Costco and get a big roast and cut steaks out of it. I’m not super picky these days because I always sous vide and torch my steaks and they come out so nice no matter what the cut. Salt and pepper...
How is it that the prosecution is allowed to privately confer with the judge in camera when the defense attorney is in the courtroom/at trial?
I have a Clevo NV41MZ, which is sold by Novacustom and they, together with 3mdeb develop Coreboot for the Clevo Laptops....