Goku and Vegeta don’t actually go all out and kill their opponents very often either. They like to tell their opponents to go all out while holding back as much as possible themselves because they don’t respect their opponents unless they make them go all out. Pretty much every single character in that multiverse is like that. But it does sound badass, even if it’s a subtle insult to their opponent.
I’ve seen this argument pushed unironically, and quite convincingly.
It of course depends on a lot of factors, and GHG emissions are not the only concern, but “short-circuit” consumption can (apparently, I did not run the numbers myself and read this a few years ago) emit much more CO2 than importing food from far away… simply because driving a car for 10 km to a farm for a bag of apples (or whatever) is a LOT worse per apple than the traditional container-on-ship->container-on-rail->semi-truck->local store supply chain which has a few times the fuel consumption of a car… but multiple orders of magnitude more cargo.
This is in reality not so much a dig on short-circuit consumption, which is obviously overall good, than a dig at how polluting cars are, even compared to cargo ships whose emissions we intuitively over-estimate. Still, it has stuck with me as a good example of the complexity of making a life-cycle emissions assessment.
Modern globalized economies are also often criticized to have gone too far into economies of scale, making them very brittle… as we saw in 2020/2021, as farmers re-discover every time one illness destroys an entire country’s mono-culture, and as we fear we may discover soon with TSMC.
Furthermore almost every country (even very economically liberal ones like the US) heavily subsidizes their local agricultural sector to shield them from foreign competition, as it is of the utmost national security importance that a blockade on agricultural imports could not result in widespread famine.
simply because driving a car for 10 km to a farm for a bag of apples (or whatever) is a LOT worse per apple than the traditional container-on-ship->container-on-rail->semi-truck->local store supply chain which has a few times the fuel consumption of a car
Uh. Do you think those semi trucks are bringing apples right into people’s homes? Guess how far the grocery store is from people’s houses lmao
That argument only works if every citizen in the country lives in high density, transit enabled city cores.
IIRC the hypothetical scenario assumed you had a supermarket on your side of town (say 1 km) but had to to on the other side of town to get to a local farm (say 10-15 km). As a suburbanite this seems quite reasonable to me on both fronts.
Most people, especially women, crave connection. We want to feel seen and understood. Cutting us off to provide a quick solution feels as if you really just want us to shut up so you can go back to whatever you were doing.
I mean kinda is true though? Ignoring an easy fix just so you can keep complaining about the problem makes it feel like you don’t actually care about the issue, you just wanted any excuse to complain at me. On our end, the problem and feelings of frustration surrounding it weren’t “invalidated” until you decided continuing to be frustrated was more important than having a possible answer to the issue.
We want you to stop complaining about it because the problem is addressed and isn’t a problem causing frustration anymore. NOT because we’re just annoyed hearing you talk and want to shut you up and invalidate your feelings about the problem.
If anything this narrative of “oh God just shut up” invalidates OUR feelings about being gaslit for trying to fucking help.
It’s the relationship equivalent of watching conservatives go on and on and on and on about underage pregnancies when multiple institutional remedies are right there, and they proceed to ignore those solutions in favor of getting to continue complaining about the problem.
Why is it my responsibility to validate feelings you yourself are telling me are just kvetch that you actively choose to keep being mad about instead of addressing to not waste energy on being angry.
If anything this narrative of “oh God just shut up” invalidates OUR feelings about being gaslit for trying to fucking help.
This entire comment is a whole new level of whiny misogynist cringe. This person is so incredibly worked up about a woman wanting to be supported and heard that if they weren’t such an asshole, people might actually feel bad for them.
Is it actually wanting to be supported if you don’t want support, just to bitch and moan about a problem that has a solution?
Why should you be supported and heard when you’re complaining about a problem caused by someone not being able to solve 2+2?
There is an answer, it has a simple implementation, it will fix the problem, and you’re getting mad it was offered because “I just want to be heard!”
This isn’t the fucking MeToo movement where women are being spoken over and shut up by institutional violence, this is women deciding feeling valid is more important than addressing the fucking problem that’s making them feel whatever feelings they think need validating more than the problem needs solving.
Just because women do it does not mean it is a healthy and valid response to a situation, and this kvetch about “solutions bad” is the crowning example of this.
We heard the problem, we are supporting you by offering help to solve the problem. You are the one invalidating shit by rejecting solutions in the name of continuing to have a problem to feel valid and complain about.
Ok but getting upset if a solution is offered because “can’t you just listen to me‽”
Is well beyond fair to whoever you have conscripted as your sounding board. At that point it’s not just venting about what you’re going through, it’s attacking them for daring to empathize in a way you didn’t tell them you didn’t want.
I hear what you are saying, and I’ve been there with a friend who continues to make bad choices and then cry about the logical results of those choices. However, it’s not that difficult to just say, “That sounds rough. I’m sorry you’re going through that.” There is absolutely no need to be a judgemental asshole about it. Asking, “Are you looking for advice or sympathy?” is super easy. Listening is super easy. You have to ask yourself why you are getting butthurt if somebody doesn’t immediately take your advice or deal with life the exact same way you do.
As I said before, just because it’s a woman vs man thing, doesn’t mean the way the women are doing it is healthy, and worth respecting.
We have toxic masculinity, we don’t need toxic feminity to explain why solutions to a problem are bad and you should just shut up and let the problem haver “feel valid” instead of doing anything that materially helps them.
At the same time, the way I understand issues and connect with people is to try to relate to them and bounce that back. It helps to make sure my understanding is correct, or identify what is missing.
If that includes something that sounds like solutions, sometimes that’s just the natural course of conversation, and people should be just as understanding about the other side of the conversation.
It begins to come across that someone is not looking for conversation, just an audience, and that’s not a happy feeling to be on the end of either. It makes us feel just as ignored. After enough of that feeling long term, we can’t help but feel like we aren’t getting the connection we crave either.
This is a two-way communication issue, and when there’s a breakdown, that’s not always on us as listeners.
I acknowledge that the cutting off part is valid, but that wasn’t in OPs post.
Top the broader point, I can say confidently that many men feel like to provide an actionable solution to a problem projects exactly what you say that you want - to us it says that we’ve seen, heard and understood you and we cared enough to process the information we heard and offer a solution that we formed by investing some real thought/energy into you as a person we care about.
Can you empathize with how, to a person with the above perception, that just quietly nodding along and saying, “that’s really tough” or “I’m sorry about that honey” would sound like exactly the opposite of what you say you want - Like we’re not actually tuned in and listening to you, but rather just waiting for pauses in your speech so we can share generic platitudes while maintaining eye contact to give the illusion that we’re invested?
It’s a tricky balance and there’s likely just a fundamental disconnect that we should address. I think you and I can solve this one for the whole world going forward though, what do you think?
Oftentimes though, if I’m sharing frustration with something, I already have a solution. It’s just that it’s hard, or inconvenient, or stressful. If my partner comes in immediately with solutions, the discussion immediately turns to practical discussion of the solution I have in mind vs. what my partner thinks is best. If I already have a viable solution in mind, this is not what I need and puts me on the defensive when I’m already stressed and hurt. Especially if my partner doesn’t fully understand the problem yet. This has the capability to turn into arguing very fast because it presents the opportunity for disagreement without dealing with underlying emotional states.
However, if my partner instead listens, starts by supporting me emotionally, “I’m sorry, that’s tough”, and lets me get my piece out, I’m already going to feel a bit better, especially if I can trust my partner not to assume I just haven’t thought about it enough. Much of the time, all I need is reassurance and confidence-building in the solution I already have - mirroring on an emotional level without focusing on finding better practical solutions is a perfect way to do that. After I’m freaking out a little less and have laid out the full problem and it’s completely understood, I don’t mind some “have you tried X” or “what would you think of Y” conversation. But the emotional work and full understanding of the problem has to come first for that to be productive.
Damn. Downvotes for a perfectly cogent explanation. Those of you downvoting consider that not everyone wants, needs, or has the same relationship dynamics or even personal philosophies towards emotional work and reactions to problems.
Unprocessed feelings always come out in some way, not all healthy. Suppressing temporarily or venting are only part of the equation. Choosing to process negative shit with or in front of a partner is something for each person and couple to figure out.
You’re completely right and it’s taken me a while to get there. My engineer brain always wants to be solution oriented, but sometimes my GF just needs someone to vent to, and that’s ok!
omfg as an engineer SAME! I’ve struggled with both sides of this somehow. Being a great problem solver gives you some very useful tools, but they’re not always the right tools for the job in interpersonal situations. It’s taken some time to remember in the moment that venting usually contains emotions greater than the specifics of what’s being discussed, and as a partner the emotions are generally the important part. Solutions come easy once everyone’s calm, if they’re even necessary or possible in the first place.
My dishwasher has been broken for over a week. I can see how your situation is soul crushing. The only thing keeping me going is a fix in the near future.
Question for anyone who’s got one of these things: would it be practical to like keep it in a cabinet, and pull it out when you want to use it, then put it back when you’re done? Not much counter space here… Also, someone mentioned about not needing a water hookup and just pouring water in. How difficult is it to drain those ones? I imagine if one were to try to store it between uses, you’d want it completely dry before putting away…
Maybe? You do have to make sure the drain hose is on quite tight to make sure it’s sealed. Might be annoying putting it back on each time. If you could leave it on and wrap it around it I can’t see why not. Mine was a Comfee Mini Plus so no water hookup, you could just pull it out of a cupboard so long as it fits. I mainly had mine because I had no hot water supply.
In this situation, I’d be tempted to hunt down some sort of small industrial hose quick-coupler for this situation. Something with a rubber gasket for sealing would work well, drains are not very high pressure.
Hell, a garden hose quick connect like from a hardware store might even do the trick.
It’s more the kitchen appliances that I use aren’t the ones people bought as gifts… seriously that combined air fryer/pressure cooker/five-other-cooker-things is… annoying.
(I just have an instapot+slow cooker, immersion blender+blender+food processor that I have to hide from certain family, the absence of the “all in ones” would start a fight.)
UX and UI aren’t magic bullets. They constantly come up with and approve the most anti-user crap. They are just as disconnected from the actual user base as a database engineer.
No. A stakeholder is anyone with an interest in the project. Where you consider the importance of a particular stakeholder vs another is a different question.
I’m also a meat eater but have to disagree with you there. I prefer variety because eating the same salty slop gets boring. Maybe you have abused your tastebuds . If you take a break from certain foods it recalibrates the taste buds.
Maybe you just need to find the right veggies or the right seasoning. I wouldn’t say I love veggies more or less than a burger, but they add much needed variety.
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