Same here. It’s like people who constantly try to recommend their favourite books to me. I have never once enjoyed reading something that was pushed on me by someone else. Because “you’ll totally love it” never means “I evaluated your personal tastes and media preferences” and always means “I liked it so you should too.”
A book or series is a huge time investment. I’m not wasting mine on someone else’s preferences.
Don’t get me started on that! My wife is the same. I recommend a show, multiple times. Nope, not interested. But as soon as one of her girlfriends even mentions it that she should check it out “Okay, we should start watching that show!” THAT’S WHAT I RECOMMENDED FOR YEARS NOW!
My “watch later” list in Netflix has been unchanged since they first created the feature and I used it for the first time. Lots if random movies I wanted to watch at the time, but lost interest in them shortly after.
It is by far the best police/crime show ever made. No one wants to watch it though, maybe because once your eyes are open to the way that Baltimore works is the same way every city works and you can’t close your eyes to it in real life.
I think a lot of people, including me, lose interest during the first episode when the way the characters and story are presented is so contrived and all over the place you easily get lost.
It is like real people, they don’t always give away all of who they are in the first episode, by the end of the series though you will see the versions of people in that show in real life.
It isn’t spoon fed but you start seeing and figuring out what is going on when the characters start seeing it too.
Dude I can’t agree more. It really is the best show ever made. I tell people and they think I’m joking cuz it’s just a random show. It’s not a random show. It beats everything else. People who have seen it know what I’m talking about.
I go through the messages and pictures shared to me rather quickly - and comment if I have something to say.
Music and videos is another matter.
I usually am not in the mood or in a convenient place to go through them when they are presented to me, and I quickly forget them afterwards.
Movies and series recommendations are even more difficult for me to handle 😂
I'm fine if you skip something I recommend, because of what I experience.
I find the best way is to have an ongoing list of recommendations that people make. I just write whatever the suggestion was down real quick on my phone, then every now and again I’ll look them all up to see if there’s anything I think I’ll enjoy.
I’m one of those people that don’t like it when people recommend stuff. I guess generally if you send me a clip and it’s my kinda jam then that’s cool.
Most of the time I like watching old stuff. I feel like I don’t need to pay attention as much and can just relax.
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