Welcome! I’d recommend subscribing to !communitypromo, to see recommendations over time.
We also have a guide for finding new communities here: lemmy.ca/post/5581032, which I’ve copied below for you.
A great way to find lesser known communities is to look at the /communities page on an instance. For example: lemmy.ca/communities
For a list of instances to look through:
pangora.social (NEW): Great way to find instances related to a particular topic. This is also great for picking an instance when first making an account/moving accounts.
Good point :) Here’s the blurb from the pinned post in !communityPromo
A great way to find lesser known communities is to look at the /communities page on an instance. For example: lemmy.ca/communities
🌐 Instances to look through
pangora.social (NEW): Great way to find instances related to a particular topic. This is also great for picking an instance when first making an account/moving accounts.
Moving from reddit rn, a good place to get started?
I’m currently on the pawb.social instance, and already found some neat communities, still looking for recommendations however