Serbocroatian is long gone, it was a construct made up back in Yugoslavia. It was basically Serbian written in latin (basically… there were some things from Croatian, but very little).
It’s Croatian. Serbian and Croatian are similar, but Serbian is written in Cyrillic, while Croatian in Latin.
r/voidlinux. Someone already started one (says unofficial, since the one on reddit is official, run by the Void maintainers), but there are very few posts there. Not enough content to actually get engaged. Plus, the maintainers were the ones that always gave the best advice over at r/voidlinux and they’re not here with no plans to move whatsoever (there was a post on r/voidlinux about what the Void community is going to do in the blackout, it got deleted). They see the subreddit as a means to an end (they just don’t wanna hassle with maintaining a forum, so they use reddit).
You can Linux with your frineds, with your coworkers, with your gf/wife/mistress… just about anyone that knows what a gagball and a buttplug is, but would like to take that experience to another level.
The real asnwer is, you don’t. Manjaro is an Italian based distro, and we all know how much Italians work in real life, so this distro doesn’t really work either. Your best choice is to ditch Manjaro and use TempleOS for your VNC server.