Party Drug Ketamine Can Stop Severe Depression–Researcher Wants Funding for the ‘Powerful Treatment’ (

Deforestation Fell 26% in Colombian Amazon Last Year (

F.D.A. Approves First Ever U.S. Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill (

FDA approves groundbreaking blood test to predict preeclampsia in pregnant women - with 96% accuracy (

U.S. inflation falls to 3%, lowest level in more than 2 years, as price pressures ease (

The Kipunji Monkey Was Critically Endangered When Discovered in 2003 but due to conservation its population has grown by 65% (

A Texas Oak Tree Was Believed to Be Extinct. Now It’s Making a Comeback. (

Mechanic Saved a Family’s Dream Holiday With Quick Fix for Wheelchair Malfunction in Aussie Outback (

Netherlands to Return nearly 500 Looted Objects to Indonesia and Sri Lanka (

Texas bans homeowners’ associations from discriminating against renters who receive federal housing aid (

Arizona governor greenlights over-the-counter birth control (

Veg box firm Riverford to be 100% staff-owned as founder sells stake for £10m (

Lonely Birthday Boy Receives Big Surpise When Convoy of 40 Truckers Come to Parade Him Through Town (

Birth of Rare Okapi at Zoo is Inspiring Hope for One of the Least Understood Endangered Species on Earth (

Video: BBC Earth reports a documented case of a whale protecting a scientist from a large shark (
Alternative link: YouTube...
Amid mental health crisis, school teaches students how to help each other (

Belize officially declared malaria-free (

10,000 Bricks With Built-in Bird Homes Installed in UK Homes to Give Nest Holes to Swifts (

Robotic Glove that ‘Feels’ Lends a ‘Hand’ to Those Relearning to Play Piano After a Stroke (

Man Whose Dog Ran Away While He Was in a Coma Is Reunited Thanks to Strangers on Internet (

Dock Worker Brings Stranded Ferry Passengers Home: ‘You’re all staying at my house tonight’ (

Spain Generates 50% of its Power From Renewables in 2023, With Portugal Set to Hit 100% (

phosphate deposit "big enough to satisfy world demand for fertilisers, solar panels and electric car batteries over the next 100 years deposit " found in Norway (

4ocean collects record-setting 30 million pounds of trash - Oceanographic (