Neighbors call police on boy asking to mow lawns to save for a PS5, officers pitch in to buy him the console (

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“WAYNE — Brian Schwartz is the overlord of a grass-cutting empire that cannot be contained....
Pandawara formed in 2022 after flooding caused by rivers clogged with rubbish damaged their homes – now they are national celebrities
Judge gives opioid addict in his courtroom one more chance to get clean before sending her to prison. Years later, she returns to the judge’s courtroom clean, with an Ivy League law degree, to defend an innocent man who was falsely accused of murder. And she won.
I want to crew the Götheborg....
A ransom note, copied word for word from a template from a Catholic organization, was sent to the Rancho Peñasquitos Branch Library after two women followed the instructions of an anti-LGBTQ+ organization and checked out every potentially queer or trans book they could find. It backfired.