That will make it much easier to take their DNA and use it to explore the galaxy. (

Starting to build my library, and ROM size hasn’t been an issue now until I got to PS1....
I know the majority opinion is not to do it for various reasons, but basically I started to backup the majority of my dvd collection that I created over the years since I have the time and they were just collecting dust. Turns out though I guess I’m doing it “wrong” or at least not in the original quality since I used...
So like the post says I will have about 30+ people coming over tomorrow. I want to cook this frozen pork shoulder in the slow cooker for pulled pork sandwiches. The thing is 13 pounds. How long and what temp? Also is it even possible?
If you don’t know about Bloom County it’s a comic strip that ran the decade of the 80s (1980-1989). It was one of my favorites as a kid and though some of it will surely be dated, the majority should hold up well to current times. It examined events in politics and culture through the viewpoint of a fanciful small town in...
A senator has complained that American law enforcement agencies snoop on US citizens and residents, seemingly without regard for the privacy provisions of the Fourth Amendment, under a secret program called the Hemisphere Project that allows police to conduct searches of trillions of phone records.
I have a Galaxy Tab S7 and for a trip to Spain I downloaded some stuff to watch on the flight. When I got on the plane none of the stuff downloaded on Disney+ would play. Maybe an issue with downloading to the SD card? I don’t know, but regardless Disney offers SD card as a download destination so they should make sure it is...