Google execs admit users are 'not quite happy' with search experience after Reddit blackouts (
Google executives acknowledged this month they need to do a better job surfacing user-generated content after the recent Reddit blackouts.

Google executives acknowledged this month they need to do a better job surfacing user-generated content after the recent Reddit blackouts.
So I moved from to and wish to delete my account on Feddit but I have a few posts there that will be useful to others, will they get deleted with the account?
I’ve seen quite a few homes with no tvs to be seen, like what are yall doing with your time? I couldn’t imagine a family room without a tv.
Have any thoughts?...
I don’t want to spam the community but I can’t for the life of me find a way to search within communities. If anyone knows a way, it’d be greatly appreciated....
Ik verwachte al wel dat dit een probleem zou worden, maar toch zijn de cijfers erg schokkend. Dus aan iedereen die dit leest: ga niet in dat gebied zwemmen, en een niks wat daar vandaan komt.
In our last galactic survey and census, a whooping 29 citizens participated out of ~4200 populace at the time....
IMHO, it’s a horrible hack that is just broken. It’s obscure and we need to rewrite it because it has a bad structure. ^X^Cquit^[ESC][ESC]^C
Q1: What is the model/type of your monitor and would you recommend it?...
Edit: archived link, (alternative)...