The True Cost of War 😔 (
Just a reminder that Amazon will promote these fake stores more than real independent stores. If you can not find the store, it's 99% fake. Some of these are Trademarked, you can trace it back to China in some cases. Some are bad, some aren't, still the products won't last forever. These products are build by the cheapest...
In 2012, Jinichi Kawakami emerged as the last surviving ninja grandmaster. Kawakami believed that the art of ninjutsu has no place in the modern age, as we have better weapons, the internet, and better medicines. Masaaki Hatsumi, another surviving ninja grandmaster, has not appointed an heir. Once Kawakami and Hatsumi pass away,...
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Tijdens de opstand op 24 juni was een deel van de Wagner troepen op weg naar een nucleaire basis. Het plan was om wat kernwapens te bemachtigen, om zo Putin extra onder druk te zetten. Mijn conclusie, Wagner = Spectre.
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