These aren't the droids you're looking for (

Coincidence or conspiracy?...
So. Much. Velour.
stolen fom Luke’s AI stuff fb
Segar and Thimble Theater are most famous for introducing Popeye, but before the sailor man took over the strip, the heroes were Castor Oyl and Ham Gravy, his sister Olive’s boyfriend, here seen stealing an especially useless horse.
All text below can be safely disregarded. I just didn’t want to delete so the context of the other comment could at least be maintained....
Source: Instagram Proxigram
If you want to inject a little funk into your morning, i’ve been making a playlist of music that gives me Riker vibes. Just stuff that I could see him playing along to or listening to. Only 6 songs at the moment, running at a total 31 minutes and 50 seconds. I’m adding stuff to it periodically as it it also just happen to be...