One trash you can't get rid of (
I will spread so much salmonella (
Playing an unsupported file (
Image Alt Text: “After downloading a 2.5GB movie...
chroot is still black magic (
How many tabs do you have open? (
And remember… it’s not a race!
F*** STAB (
frosted glass (
Welcome to the wonderful world of code obfuscation (
Yes, someone actually did this and I found it running on our server
#интересное (
Изобретатель пулемета Гатлинга вместе с своим творением Изобретатель пулемета Гатлинга считал, что его изобретение настолько смертоносное, что люди перестанут вести между собой...
XFCE taking the picture (
Be mindful of allergies lads (
...did everyone get this? (
how to reddit (
Pool party (
A fish out of water (
Buttercup Festival: