Project Bluefin: A Linux Desktop for Serious Developers (
From The New Stack
From The New Stack
With PIpeWire hitting its 1.0 release we speak with project lead Wim Taymans about what has been achieved and where we go from here.
I find it a fitting quote(or verse? idk what the terminology is)....
Two proposed federal class action lawsuits, filed in the wake of a Markup investigation, accuse the grocer of disclosing private data through its online store and pharmacy...
Just a reminder that posts in the c/cooking community require the use of tags in titles until we get a ‘flair’ function to help organize and make browsing easier. Below is the information also found in the sidebar on how to tag. Thank you....
Huffpost got me with this one. 🤔…/c...
This is my small rant against the ‘features’ that big streaming services provided vis a vis the convenience of pirating the same thing....
James of No Trades Source Links:...
Screenwaze: Your Ultimate Destination for Movie News, Trailers, and Upcoming Movie Reviews...
I always see new GTK apps popup on Flathub. I dont really care and think GTK looks fancy, although CSD suck a bit and they waste space and often functionality....