shitpost (
shitpost (
shitpost (
shitpost (
shitpost (
shitpost (
What is Code? (
Paul Ford goes on a long, meandering, but super interesting account of code as it relates to business and our world today.
The Watcher (
The true story behind the Netflix tv show: A family bought their dream house. But according to the creepy letters they started to get, they weren’t the only ones interested in it.
[CORRECTION] 7742 went dark out of the 8299 that committed. Interesting to note: 204 of the top 250 subreddits are dark (src: (
As of 12:56pm GMT (7:56am central time), 7742/8299 subreddits are no longer public...
Triathlete (
The Body in Room 348 (
The corpse at the Eleganté Hotel stymied the Beaumont, Texas, police. They could find no motive for the killing of popular oil-and-gas man Greg Fleniken—and no explanation for how he had received his strange internal injuries.
DNB: banken slagen er onvoldoende in tegoeden foute Russen op te sporen ( Dutch
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The hunt for the Death Valley Germans (
One of the greatest longreads of all time. The tragic story of the search for missing tourists in Death Valley
A game of hide and seek (
Metnal helth (
Great Moments in Dad History (
God I would love to mess with a celebrity in front of my kid when she's old enough to be embarrassed.
Nice try, tankie 😡 (
soyscope (
Here’s How Many Years in Prison Trump Would Be Facing if He Were Treated Like Any Other Defendant (
Reddit blaming website crashing on subreddits going private (
Reddit went through some issues for many on Monday, with the outage happening the same day as thousands of subreddits going dark to protest the site’s new API pricing terms....
I’m good at bed (
Rule (
Kabinet begint met aanpak voor 3.000 piekbelasters. 'Er zal geen financieel aantrekkelijkere regeling volgen' ( Dutch
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