‘Drought is on the verge of becoming the next pandemic’ (www.theguardian.com)
According to threadcount...
It's from a car battery maintainer. I've seen it on other things before so I figure it has to have a name. I'm trying to figure it out so I can make a setup that makes plugging my car battery in easier....
"He added that he plans to make changes to moderator policies so users can vote them out. Currently, a higher-ranking moderator — or the company — can boot out moderators. Incidentally, a r/Apple moderator posted on Twitter (via 9to5Mac) that Reddit was threatening to remove moderators who are staging an indefinite...
CEO Steve Huffman says tech giants should not be able to trawl Reddit’s huge store of data for free. But that information came from users, not the company
Blijkbaar is de woningmarkt in Nederland nog erger dan in de grote wereldsteden als New York en Londen, hier is het blijkbaar zo erg dat verhuurders woningdelers uitsluiten. Voor zover ik weet wordt woningdelen daar gewoon geaccepteerd door verhuurders.
Hey, all....
Link to tweet: twitter.com/iamjohnoliver/…/1670179738348933120?s…
Nosleep was one of my favorite subreddits before the quality dropped and the stories there became frankly absurd. Since there’s a lack of creative writing communities around, I thought I’d make one for fun....
Hi, I saw a post requesting somebody to make a community for Hyprland Users on #threadverse, so I made one....
A crypto ATM maker and a Texas sheriff’s department are locked in a fierce legal battle after police seized cash from one of the company’s machines and handed it back to an 82-year-old woman who had been scammed into converting $15,000 into bitcoin....
Skochilenkos lawyers began presenting proof of her innocence. They weren’t able to question the prosecution’s experts, as they both failed to show up to the court hearing, saying that they had both ended up in a hospital. But the defence still has a lot of unanswered questions towards the experts. They are now planning on...
I moved recently and our now shower has glass doors. I kept my old shower curtains, which have been super useful when painting or having a crawfish boil.
Let’s see if I can get all this link formatting down haha....
Worth noting there were more developments since 2015 that are worth looking up on this story (wikipedia has a pretty collection of references)
Hoping to build up the community over here as I noticed that it was lacking one....
For months, the BBC has been communicating in secret with three North Koreans living in the country.