Rock scientists' world tour (
Our model suggests that rainforests aren’t real and that most of the earth is heavily populated.
American pilot Gail Halvorsen throws candy to German children during the Berlin Airlift, 1949 (
Drink it up. Seriously. [ADHDinos] (
ADHDinos Source Links:...
When there's shenanigans at Risa, it's the usual suspects. (
And yes, I see the cruel irony of putting Stamets over Spacey.
Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry (
Israel presents: How to get away with genocide (
Sand ruins everything (
"Self Esteem Bot" by SMBC Comics (
workplace safety practices are written in blood (
And your employer will absolutely try to do the bare minimum to enforce them. Organize, fellow workers!
They're slow and don't even have weapons. (
Drumnk pupkim (
Text: Me turning to alcoholism when people are too focused on making stock image memes instead of spooktober memes. Image: Stock image of a man outside wearing a carved on his head with a beer next to him