True (

"It doesn't take rocket appliances to know that" - Richard LaFleur (

I never understood this logic (

Birds are weird (
(I ❤️ birds)
I wonder what they did before (
I Will try to post more OC going forward x
Pin Brawl! (

Look, a meme about Reddit. (

The repo man (

What will your job be, Comrad? (

You traded the popemobile for this?! (
He did not, in fact, trade the popemobile for this.
Its sad. . (

🐹🐹🐹 (

My friend and I discussing how long memes will last (

Capitalism guilt-tripping overload (

Motivation - ADHDinos (

For Free! (

This checks out (

Maybe we've been too hard on them (

😍😍😍 (

damn smartphone.... (

The frogs (

My reaction to "Unity plan pricing and packaging updates" (

every time (

save it for later (