Garuda Dr460nized Gaming Edition download link
For whatever reason the main website links for this version aren’t working, so if anyone is looking for this edition, I found it here:...
For whatever reason the main website links for this version aren’t working, so if anyone is looking for this edition, I found it here:...
What name have you chosen for your robot and why?...
I’ve started missing out on events just because I am not in the group chats my friends are having on there. That is where I draw my limit. I need to start using Messenger....
I would really really really like to have one device on my tailnet as the exitnode for all other devices on the tailnet. However, most VPNs make this really difficult. Is there any way to do this? I’ve read it’s possible with split-tunnelling, but ProtonVPN (which I use) doesn’t support that. I just installed Alpine Linux...
Is there an application for building/drawing stuff. I know blender exists, but its a little overcomplicated for what I’m thinking of....
Hi, would you know an efficient and privacy friendly Ubuntu antivirus ?
Hi, I recently switched to Ubuntu but the file manager (Nautilus I think) is not practical at all. I would like to be able to :...
Hi, would you know a privacy friendly clock app ?
Hi, would you know a privacy friendly authenticator ? I already have 2FAS which seems recommended for data privacy.
Hi, would you know an efficient and privacy friendly antivirus app for phone?
I’m looking to go into Usenet / premiumize / real Debrid but I don’t know which ones are reputable. Which ones have you all had luck with or liked? And what was the cost?
cross-posted from:
I already use Firefox for browsing normally, but I have to test on a Chromium based browser too. One soft requirement is that it should be installable with Flatpak on Linux.
Im planning my new config and one of the primary issue is that Im unsure whether 7950x3d is worth the hassle. If I went with 7950x, I would surely want to fiddle with overclocking....
For like a month or two I decided, screw it, I am going to use all the programs I cannot use on Linux. This was mostly games and music making software....
I’m using Windows and only asking here because Google says it’s a Linux thing, but my question is what is a Bluez and why was it trying to connect to my computer at 5AM this morning?
Not to long ago I had a website that functioned like the tracker control app. When using the site it would test against a list of trackers and tell me what my 1Blocker app is actively blocking. I cannot for the life of me remember the url or find it. I’m hoping someone here knows what I’m looking for. TIA
Hey fellas friends. Sorry to create yet another post on this topic (maybe we should have a sticky for this?)....
I installed the mull browser revently. People who are familiar with this will know that it’s a fork of firefox android. It’s hardened but I haven’t noticed much difference b/w the two. Mull has a few visible tweaks like Https mode by default, strict protection etc. but I haven’t come across other backend/not so visible...
So I Use SmartTube for fire stick And Newpipe for Android...
It doesn’t have to be anything bad btw
Hey all! This is my first post, so I’m sorry if anything is formatted incorrectly or if this is the wrong place to ask this. Recently I’ve saved up enough to upgrade my graphics card ($350 budget). I’ve heard great things about amd on linux and appreciate open source drivers so as to not be at the mercy of nvidia. My first...
Hello all,...
I want to find a good German course. I know there’s Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone, etc., but I find they don’t work for me....