Can I get a light roast? (
The scales fall from my eyes (
I guess, the hype's REAL...! (
“What can I say except, “You’re welcome” For the champagne, and the Rum Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay You’re welcome I’m just an ordinary drunk-guy!” 💀

Shampoo (

Cartoon for Guardian Books by TOM GAULD (
Source: YOU’RE ALL JUST JEALOUS OF MY JETPACK | My latest cartoon for Guardian Books....

Theory vs practice - ADHDinos (

"Last Unicorn" by War and Peas (

I have 250+ hours in this game and i just realized you can just USE the SHOVEL if you fail the Survival check. (

Relatable? (

But why? (

And video games made me a monsterfucker (

What the cowards at Paramount refuse to release (

don't try this at home (

There's still room for improvement, but Linux gaming has come a long way in a short time. (
I remember when Proton launched it was like magic playing games like Doom and Nier Automata straight from the Linux Steam client with excellent performance. I do not miss the days of having the Windows version of Steam installed separately.

Lieutenant V. Rhodes of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, Georgia, USA, 1943 (

Dog trial (

What're your favourite food smells? This has to be top 3 for me! (

Management be like (

Its happening (

Daylight savings is a silly invention (

Gary larson rule (
PsychonautWiki (
PsychonautWiki (PW) is a community-driven online encyclopedia that aims to document the field of psychonautics (i.e. the exploration of altered states of consciousness) in a comprehensive and scientifically-grounded manner....

Happy 20th birthday, 4chan. You've definitely...had an effect. (

Seven herbs and spices are no match for a good ice pick (