While TorrentLeech is great, the demise of FileList makes me want to diversify my catalogue of tracker options in case something were to happen to it as well. Popular releases are usually available on public trackers for a while, with some releases findable on usenet as well, but are there any easily-joinable private trackers as...
I’m looking for a clean version of Ableton Live (ideally 11, but anything older is fine too) for weeks now. But everything I download and send to VirusTotal.com is infected with all kinds of nasty malware....
I did not any research about it yet, but it’s recommended by “Firefox”… and we all now how worse this recommendations are sometimes. I would like to you if you guys knows anything abt it....
I made a user script that will make a button on each video which jump you to piped, that way you can continue to use YT to manage your subscriptions and see your feed, but you never have to watch to video there