It's hard to believe (
Low effort posts
Ask Lemmy is a place to ask thought provoking questions. The mods have been lenient with some of the recent posts on the basis that they must provoke thought for some people, but after seeing two posts essentially saying “what do you think of my stick?”, I believe we can raise the bar a bit on what kind of thoughts we want...
Speediest little fella. (
Strange times... (
Berry Club by J.L. Westlover (@mrlovenstein)
Achievement for all of us (
Scrabble’s New Official Word List Contains Dozens of Stunning Additions. Elite Players Are Mortified. (
Americans - I Need Help Choosing A Bourbon
I’ve got a mate whos a big fan of Bourbon. He’s tried all the standard brands like Buffalo Trace, JD, Jim Beam and Wild Turkey....
What do you use for cloud storage and why?
I’ve been wanting to move away from Dropbox for a long while, but I haven’t been able to find a suitable replacement. Dropbox has always been super convenient and has just worked for me....
What is this? Wrong answers only. (
What's the best way to pirate a recent Windows OS?
My mom bought a used laptop absolutely riddled with spyware, linux isn’t an option
What's the best response to someone who believes in hard determinism but also uses this to deny responsibility for any immoral actions they commit?
That is, they think all of their decisions were preordained, and then use this to claim that they can’t be held responsible for anything they do.
Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left (
Reddit braces for life after API changes (
Reddit and its communities are preparing for a life after the platform's API changes forced popular third-party apps to shut down.
r/WellThatSucks only.Vaccume cleaners (
The Subreddit WellThatSucks has changed their rules so it's now only accepting vaccume cleaners
Someone talk to me about Go (the board game). I'm in the process of learning it right now. (
The Perfect Solution (
It's joever | Tachiyomi (
I dont understand why I have to bring a bottle to the restaurant (
When you let boomers run social media accounts (
I can't stress enough how much I don't care. (
Those who chose "never" in a "now or never" moment. How is it going for you?
Thanks for sharing, and happy holidays
The DCEU ends not with a bang, but a wimper. (
10 years after Zod’s snapped neck, Martha, “some kinda Suicide Squad”, CGI moustache, rennouncing your wish, the hiearchy of power changing, and Speed Force PS1 graphics, the DC Extended Universe finally comes to a close. And it ends the same way it started - with a Rotten score....