Any way to listen to music (privately?) (
I’m going insane. I cannot for the life of me find a suitable way to listen to music privately. I’m on iOS, and I don’t know whether to just stick to Apple Music or give up on music in general (I tried, TRIED to go local, but all the apps are shitty). Any way to listen to music and not have your data compromised? Should I...
Mullvad VPN - Infrastructure audit completed by Radically Open Security (
We invite you to read the final report of our third security audit, concluded in mid-June 2023, with many fixes deployed late June 2023. Further re-tests and a verification pass was performed during July....
Rhino Linux 2023.1, how we made the distro (
Rhino [a rolling release Ubuntu-based distribution with Pacstall & XFCE at its core] has now officially moved out of Beta! We have released Rhino Linux 2023.1 on x86_64, ARM, Pine64 and Raspberry Pi devices....
I only get 82% :( How much do you get? (
I get 82% (27 not blocked. I use Firefox ESR with uBlock and Privacy Badger.
Saturday marked 3rd-highest ridership day on BART since pandemic (
Hopefully, our public transit can recover and continue to serve us in the Bay Area. This is encouraging.
Dutch researchers: “Less plastic in oceans than assumed” (
Lemmy post with a minus number of downvote (
If I downvote it the counter fall back to 0 and the total (sumup) loose one vote:...
Zoom's Updated Terms of Service Permit Training AI on User Content Without Opt-Out (
Zoom’s updated policy states that all rights to Service Generated Data are retained solely by Zoom. This extends to Zoom’s rights to modify, distribute, process, share, maintain, and store such data “for any purpose, to the extent and in the manner permitted under applicable law.”, including AI and Machine Learning.
FDA approves first ever pill for postpartum depression ( On the trail of the mysterious guerrilla archivist of the Internet (
Partijprominent Mona Keijzer breekt met het CDA (
Reddit beats film industry, won’t have to identify users who admitted torrenting (
To end violence against teen girls, start with teen boys (
Groundbreaking Immunization Against Lyme Disease Takes Aim at the Microbiomes of Ticks and Mosquitoes (
Piles of books and money donated to a library in San Diego, California after anti-LGBTQ+ group tries to hold Pride display books hostage (
A ransom note, copied word for word from a template from a Catholic organization, was sent to the Rancho Peñasquitos Branch Library after two women followed the instructions of an anti-LGBTQ+ organization and checked out every potentially queer or trans book they could find. It backfired.
The Largest Landfill in Latin America has Been Turned into a Mangrove Forest (
Why men lose all their friends in midlife (
installing windows in a nutshell (
A Teen Lost Her Ring With Her Father's Ashes. Strangers Dug Through Piles Of Trash To Find It (
Senior Dog 'Overlooked' in Shelter for 11 Years Finally Gets Forever Home (
jxl-meme.webp (
how is THIS so accurate? (
Creed Bratton's blog, finally got around to looking for it (
.Its lame