Beyond Van Gogh - Art Exhibit Fort Wayne IN (
I really enjoyed this light show.
I really enjoyed this light show.
A well organized description of how a GriGri works, and when it fails. Based on good physics, not a lot of math in the video itself....
Ik verwachte al wel dat dit een probleem zou worden, maar toch zijn de cijfers erg schokkend. Dus aan iedereen die dit leest: ga niet in dat gebied zwemmen, en een niks wat daar vandaan komt.
Unquestionably one of the greats. Harrison showing everyone how it’s done. This one’s best played loud!...
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cross-posted from:
I found this new video. Sounds interesting… (even though i can’t keep up)...
An exceptionally well explained rant that I find myself in total agreement with.
De gevaarlijkste man van de wereld, zo wordt hij genoemd. Een wapenhandelaar die jarenlang - zonder gepakt te worden - onder meer het Iraanse raketprogramma kon voorzien van wapens en onderdelen voor raketten. Maar wie is dit Chinese spook?...
We "Reality Check" Robert F. Kennedy Jr's keynote speech at the Bitcoin Miami 2023 Conference. This presidential candidate constructs some absurd slippery s...
This is an award-winning documentary that pulls no punches and goes into detail on what blockchain is, how it works, and all the other crypto schemes and how they inter-relate. The second half of the documentary goes into examining specific claims made by crypto proponents. A must watch for anybody who wants to fully understand...
A furry sidekick and live TV. What could possibly go wrong?