Productivity memes might be a killer for your actual productivity, but they really help to speed your day up. (

I want to find a good German course. I know there’s Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone, etc., but I find they don’t work for me....
Am i to late for the stock photo memes?
I turned off telemetry and “privacy preserving analytics” but saw the URL below in my DNS logs. Does anybody know what it is? I found this repo but don’t know what it means....
Today, the Dell XPS-13 with Ubuntu Linux is easily the most well-known Linux laptop. Many users, especially developers – including Linus Torvalds – love it. As Torvalds recently said, “Normally, I wouldn’t name names, but I’m making an exception for the XPS 13 just because I liked it so much that I also ended up buying...
cross-posted from:
The Monkey’s Paw is originally a short story written in 1902 by W.W. Jacobs, where the paw grants three wishes in a very cruel way. As in: did you wish for money? Well, enjoy collecting the inheritance from your now dead beloved relative....
Now he has an unscheduled meeting with his supervisor
For many a year my needs of DMCA-ignoring VPS hosting have been met by various Eastern European hosters, who either ignored DMCA altogether or helpfully passed along all information without any further actions....
I recently tried to enable system-wide DNS over https on Fedora. To do so I had to to some research and found out how comfusing it is for the average user (and even experienced users) to change the settings. In fact there are multiple backends messing with system DNS at the same time....
I have just created an alternative to knock (and other tools, just going for the simplicity of knock) for downloading ACSM files. Thought some of you might find it useful. It is still pretty early in its development, but it is working.
Source: Website - RSS
What do you use to find images online these days? Google image search is useless, and I don’t think the other major ones are much better…...!exocomics