How do I change the default download folder on Radarr?
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I’m wanting to get a better understanding of what the actual data is that advertising companies have on us, we all know its “a lot” we often hear....
It’s hilarious that I’ve been out of UCSD for 20 years and they keep insisting that somehow I’m part of that. Samsung sells me a TV and 20 years later is all… hey wouldn’t it be cool if you give us more money for the same product? It would make the products cheaper for other people and we would actually pay our workers...
Copy & paste since I don’t know how to crosspost on my client. Hope this is alright...
Warrantless access may still be granted during vaguely defined “emergencies.”
Such green loveliness....
I mean it’s freezing out so i wasn’t too worried and may tell the landlord about it when it was warmer but my only concern is, is that insulation safe for him to nest in? He spends a lot of time scratching at himself with his back paws and I worry it’s irritation or something. Also it looks like he may have torn open the...
I’ll be switching over to making a bookmark for my mom’s birthday soon so this project will be in hold....
Whenever I am using an X11 session or a XWayland window, there is a chance the keyboard will stop working (globally for X11, only in XWayland windows if session is Wayland) until the session is restarted....
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When threatened, large herds of deer run in circles. They hide their calves and females in the centre.
I am having some trouble with a Nextcloud server. I set up a digitalocean droplet to test contact syncing for work. I went with the setup that I use at home, which is Yunohost and Nextcloud. This was/is working fine to sync contacts with iOS using the built-in support for CardDav accounts in iOS....
After a lot of work (cause I’m new to it), I published my first Docker image!...