I remember visiting Albuquerque a few days after the fest and people were saying how every single hotel room was booked that week a year ahead of time. The person at the car rental said they almost doubled the rental cost that week also.
If Argentina votes in the anarcho-capitalist guy who gets policy advice from his dogs (technically one dog that’s been cloned several times) then this will really take the cake for darkest timeline.
…If he lives in a one storey house (makes me wonder seeing as most people do live in a one storey house, but I guess he could live in an apartment or something) why is there a picture of a two storey house in the cake photo? weirdness.
the sheer scale here strikes me as unsurprising in Spain given the mount of power it had in the country for most of the 1900s and the authorities governing the country. perfect recipe for incredible amounts of unreported and unprevented sexual abuse.
My brother and I saw Shaft at a local theatre a couple years back. Picked it at random knowing nothing and it was fantastic, and is one of my favorite endings to a movie ever. If you’ve never seen it I recommend giving it a try. May his legacy live on.
I’ll always remember as a kid waking up on a Saturday morning in my Shaft pajamas. I would go downstairs, drink a big glass of Shaft juice, and watch Shaft TV all morning.
On a side note, this is now the perfect time for a remake starring Michael Cera.