Marin_Rider, 1 year ago to movies in [DISCUSSION] [SPOILERS] - Napoleon - Joaquin Phoenix, Vanessa Kirby - Dir. by Ridley Scott I quite enjoyed it. not what I was expecting in terms of tone and pacing, but enjoyable none the less
I quite enjoyed it. not what I was expecting in terms of tone and pacing, but enjoyable none the less
MoreOrLess, 1 year ago to movies in [DISCUSSION] [SPOILERS] - Napoleon - Joaquin Phoenix, Vanessa Kirby - Dir. by Ridley Scott Not as great as I hoped it would be
Not as great as I hoped it would be
5in1k, 1 year ago to movies in [DISCUSSION] [SPOILERS] - Napoleon - Joaquin Phoenix, Vanessa Kirby - Dir. by Ridley Scott I thought it was ok, I was hoping for more action from a movie about one of the greatest generals but it glossed over that to highlight his weird sex and marriage.
I thought it was ok, I was hoping for more action from a movie about one of the greatest generals but it glossed over that to highlight his weird sex and marriage.