Absolutely not. HOA's as they currently exist are an abomination and should be outlawed. The idea of a group of busybodies in your neighborhood telling you what you can do with your property is abhorrent.
HOA's should exist purely as a way to manage SHARED spaces and facilities. If your neighborhood has a communal pool, or small park, great! HOA to take a small fee to manage and maintain these for the betterment of the community.
HOA to tell you what color you can paint your house, or if you can build a treehouse for your kid? Go fuck yourself! Repeatedly! With a rusty nail! When you pay my mortgage you can tell me what happens on the property.
I’d rather live next door to a junkyard of a front yard, than to have some ol biddy come across my house and fine me 500 dollars cause my grass is 1/32 of an inch too tall, and if you strain really hard and look through binocs, you can see the hint of an edge of my garbage cans on the side of my house.
and then, you have to pay, or they can literally take your house from you
fuck HoAs. I will live in a cardboard box next to an open septic field before i live in one.
HOAs where setup because red lining was made illegal… if the city taxes citizens and the citizens take active participation in the legislation seriously why keep an HOA? It is a way to price people out of your area…
I knew there had to be a dystopian take on this for Texas, of all states, to step in and prevent descrimination in HoAs.
And you blew it out of the water, thats probably exactly why. Cant have the poors live to far away cause they’d never be able to come into work and be exploited.