Sisyphus World [The Jenkins] (
I have a rule for vscode: bspc rule -a Code follow=on desktop=‘^4’. If I manually move one vscode instance to another workspace, work in that and than drag’n’drop smth (or any other action initiating popup menu), dialog will appear on 4th workspace rather than on current one. How to fix that?...
I always forget refactoring, as in code refactoring, and fiber.
I see the chicken size post, and match you this pathetic excuse of ‘food’. US penny for scale.
I want to get started with home automation, probably based on a raspberry pi (or as of now with my banana pi which is my home server) and either openHAB or home assistant. My goal is, first, to put some temperature/humidity sensors in varous rooms and leak detector in my basement where I had some issues with the main drain. I...
I have been having such a difficult time getting a 2018 Dell Latitude 7930 to run any Linux distro stably. Maybe there is something obvious I am missing or maybe it really is dying hardware that’s the root cause of the issue....
hi, I’ve been pretty happy with macOS recently on my m1 MacBook, really only because I’ve been paying for software from awesome devs who make great apps (plenty are open source, so most I use are not paid) and I’ve found my productivity increase like a lot....
I had sound working fine with one problem: the center and rear right channel were swapped....
Credit to the newsletter Future Crunch...