Post blackout Reddit and the future of Buyitforlife (
The BuyItForLife subreddit is trying to figure out what to do with the changes hitting Reddit and some really interesting points about possible attempts to advertise products that aren't really BIFL. Would be great if we could encourage them to come here. Edit to add link that won't let Reddit track you:...
Medewerkster supermarkt doodgestoken in Den Haag, man (56) aangehouden ( Dutch
Atheism - (
A community for people who don’t believe in gods....
I wrote my own streaming app for Android TV. Do you want me to open source it? (
I've been using my own streaming app for the past few years now....
BBC ontmaskert wereldwijd netwerk van sadisten die babyaapjes martelden (
Bij de elfjarige Mike werd door artsen nooit een ziekte vastgesteld ( Dutch
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Best System Possible (
This 72-year-old Georgia man graduated college with his 99-year-old mom in the crowd (
Hpv-inhaalcampagne voor jongvolwassenen verloopt moeizaam: ‘Uitdagende doelgroep' ( Dutch
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r/Piracy is dead, we need to build a huge community here (
Rule 1:...
Insulin derived from lettuce rather than animal cells does not require refrigeration, can be taken orally (
cross-posted from:
Christian Selig: I want to debunk Reddit's claims, and talk about their unwillingness to work with developers, moderators, and the larger community, as well as say thank you for all the support (
Edit: archived link, (alternative)...
Adviesorgaan waarschuwt kabinet: grens aan het zorgstelsel is bereikt ( Dutch
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/r/horny complies with forced reopening of the sub, now accepting all Christian minecraft content (mostly horned goats for now) (
Here's the mod post:...
EU wind and solar overtook fossil fuels for the first time last month (
A new satellite could help clean up the air in America's most polluted neighborhoods - NPR - news - Fediverse Boo (
Hoe kan iemand zonder veroordeling al tien jaar in een tbs-kliniek zitten? (
Study shows human tendency to help others is universal (
Apple co-founder to sell huge Carmel Valley ranch for $35 million to become public nature preserve (
Clean Fuel Made by Pulling CO2 From Air and Plastic Waste–Powered Only by the Sun and Photosynthesis (
Het Twentse Sint Isidorushoeve verzet zich als een Gallisch dorp tegen nieuwe zoutwinning ( Dutch
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