"Mad at Me" by Poorly Drawn Lines (telegra.ph)
Source: poorlydrawnlines.com/comic/mad-at-me/...

Source: poorlydrawnlines.com/comic/mad-at-me/...
Source: Mastodon
Lars Wilderäng is a Swedish author and blogger. Quick overview: his topics generally revolve around defence policies (Russia bad, moar defence), economics (low interest rates bad, housing market speculation bad) and since the war started, the war in Ukraine (send Ukraine moar weapons). He hates Elon Musk but loves his Tesla. He...
We’re the good guys, they’re the bad guys. Isn’t it?
I can’t be the only one who’s noticed this.
Idek where she got the plastic she was obsessed with today
Browsing the internet I found this app called VMOS which is basically an Android emulator inside Android and it’s great for testing or playing pirated games, the problem is that the app is almost completely in Chinese and I was curious to investigate how much the “Premium” version that unlocks root access and other things...
I don’t know honestly at this point I’ve stopped asking questions