Intel always ready to contribute to genocide and apartheid (
Meat stuffed inside an animal intestine (
Thoughts on this? (
"Just have one" by Salo Comics (
Source: Instagram - Imginn(Use Adblocker)
"Snow Globes" by PortSherry (
Source: Website - RSS
I don't think so, Tim (
You are great (
2 January 1979 (
Shitposting on the taxpayer's dime (
Get a millenium falcon! (
Modders are gonna have a field day (
Is this a... what day is it? (
And these are their journeys... (
Dukat is upset they still haven't built a statue of him in the parking lot for pushing a cart into traffic (
twenty-six (
Best feeling ever (OC) (
(I also posted this on Reddit, I’m not a reposter)
2 January 1981 (
Fellow landchads of Lemmy. Don't you hate when this happens? (
Live Fast, Die Young, And Leave A Greasy Corpse: A Review Of Greedo’s Story In Tales From The Mos Eisley Cantina (
The book Tales The The Mos Eisley Cantina is an anthology published in 1995. It covers the lives and times of the various characters we glimpsed inside the Mos Eisley in A New Hope....