Good for you OP! I stopped standing to pledge around when I was maybe 10 or 11, when I learned it was illegal to make standing for it mandatory & about how the words 'under God' were added later and the pledge violated separation of church and state. I come from a very liberal area and all my teachers were quite proud of me I think, especially my 6th-grade teacher. But a lot of my classmates didn't understand and I got bullied a lot for it. But I refused to do it. My mom was teaching public policy so....that probably influenced it a lot haha
I went to elementary school in the late 60s and early 70s and yes, we said the pledge every day. I didn't think anything about it back then.
As a Boy Scout in the mid 70s, we said the pledge at every meeting. Again, I gave it no thought.
In the 90s, I was in a Ham Radio club and they said it before every meeting. I found it odd, but went along with them.
In the last few years, I joined the local HOG (Harley Owners Group) chapter and they said it before every meeting. Now I'm beginning to question why, as an adult in a seemingly innocuous club, am I supposed to pledge my allegiance to the flag. This isn't the military, there's no reason for it.
If you're wanting me to say the pledge to the flag, you're just wanting me to show my patriotism and that word is about as vile to me now as a racial slur.
If I ever find myself in an organization that wants me to stand and recite the pledge, I'll be walking out the door.
To make it worse, I found out not too long ago that the version they made me say wasn’t even the original. “Under God” did not exist in the original version of the pledge.
EDIT: For those that were curious, apparently it was added in 1954 under Dwight Eisenhower.
As a German, this entire things feels always so bizarre to me. If a teacher “over here” would try and make their students do something similar for the German flag, said teacher would get kicked out of the faculty pretty quickly.
The same goes for religion by the way. While we did have classes about religion for a while (Katholischer / Evangelischer Religionsunterricht), the teachers were more or less just explaining what certain passages of the Bible meant, how they had been misinterpreted in the past, what is similar or different between certain religions etc. but not even they were allowed to make their students actually pray.
PS: and those were optional classes by the way. If your parents didn’t want you to attend, you didn’t attend. No discussion.
I’m 44 and grew up in Miami. We had the regular southern patriotism mixed with the Cubans who were very friggin thankful to be living in the US (including my family!) So you better believe we all said it! But the way I saw it, my parents and grandparents left Cuba so that we wouldn’t have to do that kinda of things in school. I love my country, but it’s crazy to put your hands over your heart and pledge every single morning, not to mention that under God part that was added only a couple of decades before I even started to say it.
As a big fan of Groenig’s “Life in Hell” comic strip, I just started saying one of his versions:
I plead alignment to the flakes of the untitled snakes of a merry cow, and to the republicans, for which they scam: one nacho, underpants with licorice and jugs of wine for owls.
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