Programmers Are Also Human goes to Web3 Berlin. “Where people without jobs ask people without companies for jobs.” (

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We interview YouTube game reviewer "Jauwn" - whose channel specializes in the sadistic process of wading through all the "web3" NFT games trying to find out ...
This is the official unofficial Bitcoin Miami 2023 Conference Hilight Reel.Be sure to watch to the end and see what Michael Lewis, "Moneyball" author and the...
We "Reality Check" Robert F. Kennedy Jr's keynote speech at the Bitcoin Miami 2023 Conference. This presidential candidate constructs some absurd slippery s...
This is an award-winning documentary that pulls no punches and goes into detail on what blockchain is, how it works, and all the other crypto schemes and how they inter-relate. The second half of the documentary goes into examining specific claims made by crypto proponents. A must watch for anybody who wants to fully understand...
In this episode we talk about some surprise restrictions that Reddit top level admins have placed on /r/buttcoin, the most popular crypto-critical subreddit....