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margaritox, in It feels a lot nicer here on lemmy / kbin

I've been using reddit a lot since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine started for support (I'm Ukrainian). I must say, I sure miss r/NCD and r/Ukraine, but am not planning on going back on reddit. I hope similar communities will eventually develop here.

Silviecat44, in r/ZeroWaste mod talks about ongoing "plague of bots" spamming comments at an extremely high rate

Temu is such a scummy website


Why? People in my life keep telling me to shop there but it seems like aliex or dhgate stuff they end up showing me.


Like other corporations, it relies on slave labor to make money

trynn, in Google thinks its new Perspectives tab will finally get you to stop adding 'Reddit' to searches avatar

It'll have to be tested, but I'm not sure Perspectives will do what the 'reddit' query does for many people. I can only speak for myself, but I typically would add 'reddit' to searches because I was looking for thorough information on a subject, and I was certain there would be some random subreddit out there full of experts and enthusiasts on that specific niche topic. I don't want social media or influencer content, I want content from people with extremely deep knowledge about very specific things.

PabloDiscobar, in r/ZeroWaste mod talks about ongoing "plague of bots" spamming comments at an extremely high rate avatar

Remember Terminator 3? When the army is about to free skynet to defend against an external virus?

This is now, they are going to remove the moderation tools, the bots are ready to devour reddit.

Rhaedas, in Lemmy lets you edit the title of your post avatar

I had learned about this a week or so ago, and the concern about the ability was that since the title does appear in the URL as well, how would that affect potential falsification and abuse. Well, in seeing this post about it again, I thought I'd experiment. Assuming your original title just mentioned Lemmy I edited the URL, and lo and behold it goes to this same page. So then I thought, is that title part even important? I cut off the URL after the 114218 number. It still goes here. So I guess everything after the post number is ignored, which means there's no problem at all.


Yes, that’s pretty common. Reddit URLs contain post titles as well, but they can be deleted without breaking navigation. I expect they’re added just for the convenience of human readers.

JohnEdwa, avatar

Other than the harmful "prank" type thing where you start with one title, gather comments and then edit it to make those comments mean something completely different, there is still the problem of creating an external link, getting the post to the top of hot/active/whatever and editing the URL to point somewhere malicious.
The counterpoint which usually is "you can already do that with short url services", to which the answer is "That's why they were all banned on Reddit".

Especially as there is absolutely no indication on Kbin that the title has been edited anywhere, and on Lemmy it's only that tiny pencil next to the post age.

trynn, avatar

Both the Lemmy and kBin UI show the domain of the link in a post. I would assume if someone got a post to the top of hot/active/whatever and edited the URL, then the UI would be updated to show the new URL's domain.

Spacebar, in Top of r/all avatar

Reddit's heating tool bot broke.

trynn, in Op-ed: Why the great #TwitterMigration didn’t quite pan out avatar

This article kind of misses the forest for the trees. While I agree with many of the author's points, that's not why the failed. It failed because Twitter/Mastodon isn't really a social networking site, and Mastodon didn't provide the same service that Twitter does. At its core, Twitter is about small numbers of (usually famous or important) users communicating with large audiences of followers. failed because not enough of those famous and important people moved from Twitter to Mastodon, so the average user had no content they cared to read. Seeing posts from your friends about what they had for dinner last night is all well and good, but the stuff people actually want to see is famous person A throwing shade at famous person B while famous person C talks about the new movie they're in and important organization D posts a warning about severe weather in the area. You don't go to Twitter to have discussions, you go to Twitter to get news and gossip direct from the source.

In contrast, sites like Reddit and kBin/Lemmy are about having group conversations around a topic. Interacting with famous people is neat but not the point. Think of Reddit/kBin/Lemmy as random conversations at a party whereas Twitter/Mastodon is some random person on the corner shouting to a crowd from a soapbox. has a much better chance of succeeding simply because the purpose of the site is different. As long as enough people move to kBin/Lemmy to have meaningful conversations (aka content), it will have succeeded.


not enough of those famous and important people moved from Twitter to Mastodon

This is the reason I'm still using Twitter. I use Twitter not to tweet about what I did, but to get news from people I follow.
Tech people can move to Mastodon because their circles are moving, but not with common people.
For me, personally, Mastodon is like empty void. No one to follow and I can't interact with people who share same interests because they only exist on Twitter (since the "famous people" isn't moving from Twitter)


Wait until Meta joins the microblogiverse gunning for those VIP accounts eager too leave Twitter.


The famous people did move over for certain specific groups; app developers are pretty much all on Mastodon now, the WWDC chatter / visionOS experimentation / etc is way more active on there than on Twitter. (Of course if any group ought to be uniquely pissed off at both Twitter and Reddit, it’s app developers)


Reddit migration will succeed for some communities and fail for others. Generic subs can live on with new mods and new subscribers. They're not much different from FB or Twitter. Just mindless content to feed that infinite scroll.

Specialized subs where the community as a whole (or a majority at least) decides to move to a new home will move (or have moved already), because for those the community is what matters, not the venue.

princessofcute, avatar

%100 this. I have Mastodon and use it sparingly because I found a good community but I still find myself going back to Twitter because most of the people I follow on Twitter haven't moved and most of the people I follow on Twitter are celebrities or influencers. The only way a will work is if most of the influencers and celebrities move off the platform as that's the content most regular users go for. With Reddit however we just need people that create good content to move, the lurkers will follow the content regardless of how "complicated" the platform is. The reddit lurkers won't stay on Reddit if there isn't any quality content being posted there, they may be satiated with reposts for a while but eventually they will leave and go looking for the content and if that content is on Kbin/Lemmy they will come here.

dukethorion, in I'm no climate scientist, but it looks to me like we might have skipped over oops. avatar

I wonder how many times the Earth's climate changed before humans were intelligent enough to notice.

Probably lots of times.


The rate of change and severity is much higher now:

TheGreatFox, avatar

Yeah. And those were major extinction events.

Crylos, in Reddit protest plunges user engagement, site activity and ad portal visits avatar

I was spending easily 2-4 hours a day scrolling through my feed on Reddit, it impacted me in so many ways that I didn’t see at the time.

Now? I’m enjoying a quick pop in on Lemmy and find myself enjoying my time away from the scrolling for content. I’m enjoying moderating a community and the definite lack of trolls at the moment.

Here’s to hoping this atmosphere continues for the foreseeable future!

d00phy, in r/ZeroWaste mod talks about ongoing "plague of bots" spamming comments at an extremely high rate

This is something I’ve been wondering for awhile: if I were a mod on Reddit, and was being threatened by the admins to bend the knee, as it were, my response would likely be to remove any and all tools i had put in place to help me moderate, and say, “goodbye.”

I’m sure there’s something I’m just not understanding, but why isn’t this happening?

Cevilia, avatar

TL;DR: The sunk cost fallacy. It's the tendency for people to carry on doing something even when abandoning it would be better for us. Because we have invested our time, energy, or other resources, we feel "it would have all been for nothing" if we quit now.


Because people really don't want to lose the time and investment they've put into building these huge communities.

It's like if the king just decides that your really healthy neighborhood and community, that you're a community leader in and are constantly defending against the shittiest companies and groups dumping garbage all over and ruining and harassing the residents (and whatever the equivalent to blocking posters of illegal things is), will suddenly charge you an extreme amount of money to do your volunteer job, and the clubhouse leaders/owners and other businesses an insane amount of money just to use the land (because the king wants that land to put up billboards instead) - because he wasn't making enough money on them before, but only because he wasn't charging them any money. And in reality, the king wants to sell the kingdom to China for several billion dollars and just wants to show how much money can be made from the billboards instead of the businesses and community centers.

Man. Fuck u/spez. Outcast that mofo rather than the platform. I wish somebody would just coup his ass, but everybody in his sort of position just always ruins it. Always. So it's the system, not solely him; it's the goal of... Internet Platforms. It's literally the same problem with government anywhere: if you have a monarchy, eventually, they'll do shitty stuff and eventually try to ruin it.

What's the solution?


Your question has been asked even in the Roman forum, and even for millennia before. Perhaps there is no solution - perhaps its an integral part of the human condition. But we will never stop searching.

letsroll, avatar

The answer that humanity has come up with, which is, of course, imperfect, but the best we seem to be able to do is democracy.

Lells, avatar

Which only works with an educated and informed base of voters. Which is probably why the people who corrupt all forms of government spend so much effort in making sure we remain ignorant and misinformed.


“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”


There has to be a way for society to function healthily for all, and to disable corruption at the same time. There HAS to.. Like, if we can feel when something is bad, we can eventually articulate it, and if we can eventually articulate it, we should be able to design ways to make it better. The society programming will get more and more complex until we figure it out.

I think knowing what we want is key. And to want, you have to first know. We've simultaneously made so much progress in the past 100 years, but also so, so little. The human condition is slow-mode.

Lells, avatar

It's not knowing what we want, we all know what we WANT, it's knowing what we NEED. We WANT to have more than anybody else (More money, more power, more ... things)... But it's not what we NEED. We need food, water, air, a safe place to sleep, love.

But we instead spend a bunch of time, resources and energy on things we don't really need, and convince everyone else that THINGS define our worth, that we can only be good if others are worse off. We promote greed and hatred. We APPLAUD that shit and then try to emulate it. It's not what we need though.

Pandoras_Can_Opener, avatar

have you watch cgp Grey’s video called rules for rulers? I think therein lies a lot of answers. the TL;DW version is that rulers need to keep their other top ministers happy lest they revolt. they have no such strong incentive to cater to the common people. I suspect while keeping the ministers happy they engage in either illegal or not entirely legal actions at least once in a while. indeed to rise as a ruler you probably can’t be too moral either.

so of course they don’t want to take away their tools that help them stay in power. I think the solution lies in what we accept from leaders in terms of amoral conduct. and there’s the conundrum. this needs to be a society wide thing where the vast majority recognize blamrnshifting, gaslighting, moving the goalposts and so on. and don’t accept to be manipulated and lied to that way. most people simply don’t care. and most people also use these exact same manipulation tools in their life as well. which in turn means they don’t want that taken away either.

that’s essentially exactly what we see play out in reddit too. most people can’t be bothered to act on spez’s selfishness. and the mods who by rights should be bothered cling to hard to their own little fiefdoms of absolute power.


The issue is that power and money corrupt.

The man in power won't be giving it up voluntarily. So you join the revolution, and follow a charismatic leader into a civil war. You win and in the end you find out, you have been backing Napoleon and now he's the one chopping off heads.


Napoleon wasnt all that bad of a choice to back though. His decisions did a lot of lasting good.

Having backed Robespierre though must have made a lot of people feel really silly about themselves.

copium, (edited )

Napoléon certainly got a lot more people killed than Robespierre.

He was a military genius but the battle he fought still had a lot of blood from French and other. Millions of dead for nothing but some little man glory.

Only 30 000 died because of the terror


Benevolent AI leader.

DreamyDolphin, avatar

There's no solution in the same way that there's no "solution" to winning rock-paper-scissors. The cycle is endless because the desire to be in control is a key part of human nature, whether that be an authoritarian "I want everyone to do what I say" or a more oligarchic "I accept that there's others at my level, so we can cooperate so that everyone else does what we say", and any attempt to change those systems requires an equivalent amount of force that can all too easily lead one into side-tangents of trying to keep said force focused.

As a side note, Machiavelli identified the cycle in politics in his "Discourse on Livy" - a powerful and strong-willed individual takes power (e.g. Caesar or Napoleon), his descendants wield power with less and less efficiency until in time the aristocracy seize the reins, and they get more and more corrupt and out of touch until finally the people rise up and enforce some level of democratic sway. Unfortunately, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, which is exhausting, and so over time things run down until some powerful and strong-willed individual takes power and it all starts again. It's not purely linear - an aristocracy can be subsumed into a strong individual leadership (e.g. the popes in the 19th century grabbing power back from the cardinals) and a king can be overthrown by a democratic uprising (e.g. Louis XVI of France - though technically it did go through a brief aristocratic moment, as he re-convened the parliament to try and get around the nobility who wouldn't fund his wars, indicating his powers had weakened). But in general we oscillate between these three modes of social organisation because of the difficulty in centralising power and in then keeping it from being corrupted (i.e. using it for selfish purposes) once it is centralised.


the solution is to collectivize reddit but I do not have a good plan about how to do that.


I'm not sure I understand what that means. Can you elaborate?

(Cool thing about this place, I've found, is that longer format answers aren't shunned, which makes me really happy and excited for the future)

kestrel7, avatar

I believe they're referring to collective ownership


I suppose if every Reddit user bought stock at the IPO... Yeah... Not practical.

Welp, that's why we're here making our own social media with blackjack and hookers!


it would be kind of like that except that

  • spez et al wouldn’t be able to choose to keep a controlling number of shares. all the shares would be offloaded. he could have 1 share just like any other user.
  • laws that govern publicly traded businesses would not apply. it would be a coop or other model. details would depend on jurisdiction(s) but many do have separate legal structures for such entities. In the US, REI and in Canada, MEC are buyer coops which are fairly well known. There are also housing coops and other structures for inspo.
  • shares could only be owned by people who had a specific kind of interest in the project, such as being individual users, mods etc. furthermore, individuals would be limited in number of shares (e.g. 1 share each)

This is not a fully formed proposal. :) but in terms of thinking about how the world could be I think a worthwhile train of thought.

a person who was interested in this kind of thing could do a websearch for “the cooperative movement” for historical context. not to be overly rosy about it, the movement basically failed to accomplish its goals at the end of the day. however, it did make a lot of good interventions while it was existing. for example the famed (if crumbling) canadian health are system is a result of cooperative farmers’ movement. furthermore, coops which continue to exist under capitalism experience a lot of tensions and can become corrupted.

also lookup: Mondragon in spain

fun4stuff, in r/ZeroWaste mod talks about ongoing "plague of bots" spamming comments at an extremely high rate

The mods are as bad as the bots. Hopefully the bad ones quit come July 1. But i doubt those neck beards have much else to do.

Entropywins, avatar

I'd been a reddit user since 09 or 10 and never once had a bad interaction with a mod... I don't understand all the hate. Yes I'm sure some aren't the nicest but I'd wager most are good folk managing communities with the good intentions.

Noxvento, avatar

Maybe only users with bad behaviour have problems with mods and complain about it all the time. Similar to the police in real life.


Think about when the average person ever has cause to interact with large community mods. There's your answer.


Had a couple bad experiences with the r/Linux mods, but other than that most of them are fine. I think users don’t really grasp what mods do, and the amount of internet sewage they have to sift through. And when they’re doing a good job, the users don’t notice it in the first place.

Vreten, in It feels a lot nicer here on lemmy / kbin

Remember that South Park episode where that hardware store became a super Walmart or something and then the new little local store became super popular and really big and until they burnt it down so maybe it's the same case here once platform just becomes too large it needs to be split off back into some of its core components. In a way similar to the way subreddits work where a small community starts springs up with folks that have similar interests.

hawdini, in I'm no climate scientist, but it looks to me like we might have skipped over oops. avatar

Is this a lost Lemming?

TinyPizza, in r/ZeroWaste mod talks about ongoing "plague of bots" spamming comments at an extremely high rate avatar

Marvelous things are happening over at Reddit. Spez has locked himself in the company doomsday bunker and told everyone he'll come out once his "real" work friends get there. To watch the brush strokes of the maestro as they shape the future of so many unpaid laborers.


he'll come out once his "real" work friends get there.

You wouldn't know them, they live in Canada.


once his "real" work friends get there

Steiner will attack from the north and unite with the Ninth army. Wenck will support them with the Twelfth Army.

They will repel the mods with a relentless and almighty assault.

OpenStars, in I'm no climate scientist, but it looks to me like we might have skipped over oops. avatar

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