I just wanted to leave this here
Yep, this is what the future of awards on Reddit looks like

Yep, this is what the future of awards on Reddit looks like
stringere, “Each subreddit creates its own Community Points token, with a custom name and symbol.”
So based on the art in that panel: communities for a fidget spinner, pinwheel , and a brick…
- https://www.reddit.com/r/fidgetspinner is banned for violating the Reddit rules.
- https://www.reddit.com/r/pinwheel is banned for violating the Reddit rules.
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Brick/ is a subreddit dedicated to…a brick? 33 total upvotes on 5 total threads.
Seems like par for the course.
mintiefresh, Wow Reddit is becoming Twitter.
Telvayn, Reddit leadership saw Musk nuking his site and thought “hey, we can do that too!”
croobat, ![]()
Weighted polls? Something something Animal Farm.
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