Moderation log
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Bluetreefrog has removed a comment by
ASeriesOfPoorChoices -
By the by, for anyone else reading this, this person is an idiot....
Bluetreefrog has removed a comment by
rigatti -
No no, OP is much smarter than us. I’m sure there are no problems wherever they live.
Bluetreefrog has removed a comment by
StupidBrotherInLaw -
I’m loving this jackanape here pretending that the same people who hold all the effective power in the United States, largely corporations, wouldn’t simply seize actual codified power if people just rioted and overthrew the government. That China and Russia wouldn’t also swoop in and take...
Bluetreefrog has removed a comment by
aidan -
I think you have a very strawmanned perspective of people who disagree with you politically.
Bluetreefrog has removed a comment by
AlmightySnoo -
Oh boy the antisemites are finally coming out....