Circumcised men, how do you feel about your parents having mutilated your penis without your consent?

These things are very controversial when it comes to women, but apparently most think it’s ok when it’s about men.

Do you blame your parents? Why did they do it? Scared of HIV? Not wanting to explain their son how to clean underneath the foreskin?

Drunemeton, avatar

Not happy with their decision but there’s nothing I can do about it.

oshitwaddup, avatar

You can restore


Really? How?

oshitwaddup, avatar

As much as I hate to say it, check out r/foreskin_restoration on reddit. They have a ton of good info in the wiki. Tl;dr: the same way people grow skin when they get gauges in their ear or gain weight: tensioning the skin over time


Just did a few hours of research on this and Imma start right now. Thanks for making me aware! For a few years now I’ve wished I were uncut

morphballganon, (edited )

Wanting to be uncircumcised is like declaring your pleasure is more important than your partner’s pleasure. It’s saying you want sex to feel so good that you can’t last long enough to satisfy your partner. Anyone who bashes the practice of circumcision is misogynistic.

deadcatbounce, avatar

It’s amazing that FGM is outlawed in much of the first world (plus America), but not MGM.

All guys want is equality. Yet ne’er a feminist around when men are the unrepresented victims.


I don't know many, possibly any feminists who are pro-circumcison

deadcatbounce, avatar

That’s not what I suggested.

I know quite a few who have no support for boys having the same rights that girls enjoy. If they did the law would have been written with males and females considered equal. There’s is no downside for girls asking for equality for boys.

Isn’t that what feminism is all about? Equality?


I think you're confused. Feminism IS about equality. Where do women want less rights for men??

deadcatbounce, (edited ) avatar

No. Egalitarianism is about egalitarianism. Feminism is about female domination. The clue is in the name. You’re that dumb.

There are no rights that men have that women don’t. However

Laws rightly protect against FGM, nothing protects against MGM. The child might have to have his penis removed, mangled to such an extent that it causes significant daily pain and all kinds of suffering, foreskin removal means loss of sensation. All totally legal.

Children don’t have the right to a relationship their fathers. 90% of divorces allocate children to the mother. I was a victim of that decision by diagnosed physically and mentally abusive narcissist. Women are the number one cause of child death or abuse. Number two is mum’s new bf. Dad’s are number four or five; they (ONS here in the UK) stopped publishing the numbers/ranking when certain groups objected to facts.

It is significant that the marital assets and income generally follow the person who obtains control of the children. The allocation isn’t about the best person to care for the children, it’s about the assets and income.

About a fifth of the children who go through DNA in the child maintenance payments procedures are found to have the incorrect person listed on their birth certificate. The rest of men having their assets, income and liberty at risk don’t know. UK Government FoI fact. Having a DNA test to establish paternity in France is not even legal.

“Under child support legislation it is a criminal offence to make a false statement or representation, and to provide false documents or information.

However, according to the CSA, there has not been a single prosecution of a woman for making a false claim. The figures showing the number of false paternity claims have been compiled using freedom of information legislation.”

The incidence of criminal convictions in the case of two parent households is the same as those of single parent male households. Single parent female households have much higher conviction rates for their children.

Male suicide is many times that of women but always men are never involved in the TV coverage. It’s always some women using the boy’s death for their publicity and victimhood. I know exactly what that’s like to watch, and know that the women involved are never going to try to help deal with the issues before or after.

Knowingly false allegations by women are standard procedure for a disagreement with boys or men. I’m not talking about mistaken identity or an accident. Everyone of age knows a someone who has had this used on a man as a threat to extract what they want or other leverage. The numbers of male teachers in schools has nose dived.

Here in the UK, legal aid except for domestic violence, cases was curtailed in 2010 (?), the following quarter as published by the government body CAFCASS, the number of restraining order applications increased by something like seven times if I recall. Coincidence? Seven times more men committed acts of domestic violence on a woman immediately after domestic violence was a requirement. We regularly hear on the media that another man has been released from prison after serving lengthy time fully exonerated for the rape crime he was sentenced, others are not so lucky.

As a result, the rape convictions for real female victims keep falling. It is well known that gay men and men in prison do not report rape. Ever.

Domestic violence incidents in lesbian households by far outweigh those in any other household including gay, straight, etc. The woman who set up the world’s first domestic violence shelter now actively campaigns for domestic violence shelters for men and children and disowns the feminists who refused to accept that men can be victims and took over her cause for equality. Her name is Erin Pussey. Google her.

There is continuous series of sexual abuse by female teachers of students in loco parentis (literally in place of the parent). Otherwise known as paedophilia. The media cannot use the word rape, even though that’s what it is, because the female teacher doesn’t have a penis. The relevant statute demands that penetration by the penis is the only definition constituting rape.

The invincibility of women that they feel for their outlandish views/actions has given rise to the concept of the Karen. There doesn’t appear to be a sustained male equivalent.

I can go on but you’ve already stopped reading.


Ohhh, you're a nutter, sorry, didn't realise. I was talking to you as if you were a person that lived in reality. I'll leave you to your delusions.

deadcatbounce, avatar

The sources are either the government, agencies of the government, or left leaning newspapers of record.

If you think they’re nutters, you need a check up from the neck up.

starbreaker, avatar

Men shouldn't count on feminists to liberate them. Men must liberate themselves without resorting to misogyny.

starbreaker, avatar

I know why my parents had me cut. It was because my father had been cut, and that's just what was done at the time. It's not a good enough reason for me, and if I had had sons I would not have allowed them to be cut in turn. My children are not my property.

downpunxx, avatar

Ah yes, more antisemitism. Hittin on all cylinders I see you Nazi fucks. I feel excellent about it, not only does my cock not look like a sad elephant, but it's more hygienic than leaving unnecessary skin over the tip of my dick. Thanks for asking.

Uranium3006, avatar

Fuck off

Krakakaaa, (edited )

Take it easy. I had not made the connection yet, being raised as an atheist European. I knew one guy in high school who was circumcised and he was the weird one in the showers. I was thinking about Americans.

magnetosphere, avatar

In America, circumcision is common whether you’re Jewish or not. This isn’t necessarily a religious question. Avoid jumping to conclusions, especially when it involves implying that someone is a bigot.

Antisemitism is heinous, which means it’s also a very serious charge to make. Throwing the word “antisemitism” around based on such weak evidence only dilutes it.


I see why he thinks of antisemitism, but I was just thinking of the circumcision without any real reasons, other than ‘that’s just what we do’.

magnetosphere, avatar

I think for many, ‘that’s just what we do’ is all the thought that goes into it.

DarkGamer, (edited ) avatar

An estimated 58.3% of male newborns and 80.5% of males aged 14-59 years in the United States are circumcised source

Circumcision is common in the US and usually has nothing to do with Judaism. Male genital mutilation without consent is terrible, even when one's imaginary friend condones it.

not only does my cock not look like a sad elephant

Fuck you for body shaming people who didn't have it done.

FerolisD, avatar

My penis is not mutilated, thank you very much.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, (edited ) avatar

When I asked my parents they said "We did it in case you wanted to marry a Jewish girl." It didn't make any sense at that time either, but since I don't have any problems with it and have never known my penis any other way, I don't really mind.


Did you marry a Jewish girl?

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar


Travalanche, avatar

“Nope” yet.


“We did it in case you wanted to marry a Jewish girl.”


Pat_Riot, avatar

Pretty good. I like my dick. My wife likes my dick. I never had a complaint about my dick before I met my wife. If I’m missing anything by being circumcised I can’t imagine what it might be. I don’t really think I’d like my dick to be any more sensitive than it is. It was done to most of us in the States back in the 70s. I have a friend who had to have it done in his 30s and he said it was fucking awful. I’ll take what I have.

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

I don’t really think I’d like my dick to be any more sensitive than it is.

Exactly how I felt in my twenties. Hell, I used to wish I had an off switch for the whole damn thing.

Now in my 50s - a smidge more sensitivity would be OK. An "on" switch would be good too.


Pat_Riot, avatar

I’m over half way through my 40s, no complaints to date.


I never had a complaint about my dick before I met my wife.

This implies that your wife does complain about your dick 😜


I’m delighted that it was handled when I was too young to remember. Who wants to fix it in adulthood? Not me.

So glad I don’t look like an anteater now. They did me a solid.



What do you believe circumcision fixes?


See my 2nd paragraph above ^




(Tell me you look like an anteater without telling me)

NumbersCanBeFun, avatar

As someone who medically needed one as an adult. I both appreciate my parents for not doing it to me as a child and have the horrible perspective of how painful this actually is.

You’re a monster if you do this to a baby. I barely survived it as a full grown man.

magnetosphere, avatar

This is a very personal question, and I know I’m not entitled to an answer, but curiosity has gotten the better of me: why was it required in your case?

This clearly isn’t a pleasant memory, so feel free to ignore me. Either way, thanks!

NumbersCanBeFun, avatar

So I kept getting infections down there. This would usually occur due to hygiene. Now before you write me off as a basement dwelling Reddit moderator, the issue only occurred when I would have long layovers at the airport or would go for a weekend camping trip where I couldn’t properly wash myself down there to the fullest extent.

The worst one was finally from a 72 hour delay where I was stuck in the airport. After that infection I had enough and asked the doctor why this was such a big problem for me. He recommended due to the frequency of the issue to have it removed. I have not had infection down there since the operation, despite my activity or plans.

magnetosphere, avatar

Yikes. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m glad it hasn’t been a problem since, at least!

Now before you write me off as a basement dwelling Reddit moderator…

I wasn’t expecting to laugh, but this line got me.

NumbersCanBeFun, (edited ) avatar

Thank you and I’m glad you found my humor acceptable. Conversation was getting a little glum 😅


I don’t really mind.

southsamurai, avatar

About the same as I feel about rage bait titles

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

I'm actually kind of annoyed by rage bait titles.

I like my penis though.


If you're young and it was done, it was for specific reasons (not all of which are valid).

But if you're older, say around 40+, it was done because that's what was done.

NumbersCanBeFun, avatar

I’m in my mid 40’s so you can’t just group people together and just say “that’s the way it was”. It wasn’t for me and I’m in that age group.



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  • Krakakaaa,

    That is quite weird. What decade are we talking about?

    Outtatime, avatar

    Stupid question

    magnetosphere, avatar

    This is asklemmy. The point is to be able to ask questions. If you think a question is stupid, just move on. Besides, enough other people have replied to suggest that the question was worth asking.

    Outtatime, avatar

    Ok Grandma

    magnetosphere, avatar

    That’s it! No more candy dish for you, young man!

    Outtatime, avatar



    There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.


    I understand the implications and I think it should be the person’s choice, not the parents but as a person with a penis whose parents had him circumcised, I don’t think about it ever really and it doesn’t affect my day to day life.

    In answer to your questions, I’m not sure why they did it.


    Maybe you should ask them. What will you do with your son?


    Both of my parents worked in health care and in the US, circumcision is treated as preventative treatment for things like UTIs and other complications.

    At this point in my life, I’m not planning on having children. Would I circumcise them? Probably not as I think it should be a personal choice.

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