This was basically my situation, and it happened at age 4 so ironically some of my first memories are relating to my own circumcision 🙃. I also remember the doctor, with me laying on the table, trying to pull back my foreskin (again..4..) and making the call that I should be circumcised.
I'm not gonna gripe much about it after the fact. My mother did much, much worse things to me than have me circumcised for me to complain about so it's just one more thing on the pile. I have zero frame of reference to feeling what being uncircumcised is like so I can't really miss what I don't know, but my cock works as well as I want and need it to (fuck even more than I want it to some days at 40yo..) so while I'm not happy it occurred without my consent, there's little I can do with it and it has thankfully never affected my life in any negative way.
My wife and I are both in agreement however that should we ever have kids, we sure aren't doing it outside of actual medical needs.