Independent religious beliefs outside the confines of religious establishments tend to be healthier, and you’re then free of the corruption and manipulation that inherently permeates all religions, due to our inherently flawed human nature.
Religious establishments are very much human inventions. Even if claims within religious canons are true, the religion and texts are all interpretations by deeply flawed human beings, and the rituals practiced were invented by them.
Religion can be used to manipulate and control, and there are individuals who will exploit it for their own self-interests within every religion.
Other than the supportive community that follows some religious institutions, I wholeheartedly believe that people are better off inwardly reflecting on their beliefs, rather than being told what to believe by deeply flawed and easily corruptible authority figures.
Their beliefs are no more demonstratably true than your personal spiritual beliefs.
I’m personally an atheist, but I’m not an anti-theist, and I am a huge advocate of specifically what you’re asking about. People should reflect on and develop their own independent spiritual beliefs.