Thanks, I really appreciate the advice! I think I’m going to take someone else’s recommendation and get a refurb from NewEgg because the prices look good, but I wanted to know about the RAM because that seems to be a big price point. If 16 is preferable, that’s what we’ll go for, so thank you for telling me about that. I was planning on getting an SSD instead of an HDD anyway due to the speed and reliability as you say. I’m not too worried about storage because I am guessing most of the things she has to save for school will be cloud-based. Certainly in the (shitty) online program she’s in now, all of her work is done in the lessons, which are sort of PowerPoint slides but more interactive. I don’t even know for sure if we couldn’t just go with a Chromebook instead, but they say Windows or Mac OS, so I have to go with what they say. Anyway, it looks like Chromebooks aren’t any cheaper than refurbished notebooks running Windows 10. Thanks again for the advice!