Exclude communities
This might be a stupid question, sorry if so, but when I wander the lemmyverse I’d like to exclude one community.
I can surf locally and see very little, or go to ‘all’ and get lots of interesting content with possible new communities that I can subscribe to.
But there is this one community that just is everywhere, and a lot too, and I just get super fed up about (technology@lemmy.world, I just don’t care about some CEO changing job, what CEO2 supposedly thinks about some tech or other CEO “rumors” that IMO is not rumors at all. /Rant off) that particular content.
Is there a way to shut that specific community off?
I have my own lemmy server, if I blacklist them users who might like that kind of stuff will be wrongdoed so are there other more “personal” alternatives?
Thank you all!
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