What do you think would happen if Putin was assassinated right now?
Pick whatever non-NATO source.
Pick whatever non-NATO source.
xc2215x, Ukraine would get blamed.
SkaveRat, how DARE they!
Burninator05, We (Russia) tried to assassinate Ukraine’s leader multiple times but were unsuccessful. It isn’t fair that Ukraine was successful in their attempt on our leader!
altima_neo, Ukraine would claim they did it, and everyone would clap
fr_mg, A hardliner will take power (Putin is not the most antiwest russian politician) and then…from the total erasing of Ukraine to third world war, anything would be posible, but neither civil war nor colapse of Rusia. That is the OTAN countries wet dream.
RozhkiNozhki, This is very likely. If anything, the existing system will be perpetuated because there’s no replacement atm. It’s been too long in the making and it will take a lot of work to undo. Also, he may be long dead and it won’t change anything in the near future.
This said there’s always a chance for a change, but not right now.
fr_mg, (edited ) What about a change in the West? In order to avoid another Afganistán, Irak, Sirya, Libya and so on…
RozhkiNozhki, I’m not sure why you mean by this. A change in Russia from the West?
fr_mg, (edited ) No, the question assumes that Putin is s problem (a bad guy) and almost ask his dead.
Everything is more complex, and if Putin is a bad guy…what about wéstern politicians and their crimes?
I do not like that position: the “West” is right, the rest of the world is not. That is one of the untold premises of the question.
Edit: i am not an english speaker, perhaps my writing is not clear enough.
RozhkiNozhki, Definitely but that’s unrelated to Putin and his direct actions. The OP’s question also doesn’t mention anything about West right Putin wrong, they are just asking what’s going to happen if Putin is no more.
fr_mg, Why is that question possible?
“that’s unrelated to Putin and his direct actions”, if not related, why? Why asking about assassinated political leader?
RozhkiNozhki, I meant to say whatever the West leaders are doing does not pertain to the question. The question is not about them.
fr_mg, Those kind of questions can not be made without context, it is not a game of words without consequences. If it is a game, just to waste time posting in this or any social network, let’s stop here.
It is about a real person, who is a leader, whose murder would spark grave consequences. And that leader actions, like taking the decision of going to war or not, are related to decisions made by other leaders. Right now there is a campaign demonizing that leader, and that campaign normalizes ideas mirrored by that kind of questions. There lots of memes, jokes and things like that asking for Putin’s dead.
If i asked, what would happen if Donald Trump were assassinated? Or Biden, or Xi Jing Pin, Erdogan, etc? At this moment when all media are strugling to influence public opinion? It won’t be a futile harmless game.
It pertains to the whole picture. IMHO.
RozhkiNozhki, The question is purely speculative. Try swapping Putin for any western leader and then answer the actual question if it helps.
I can speculate easily what will happen if Biden is assassinated because the probability of anything is not zero. The VP will take his place and so on.
fr_mg, (edited ) So, your position as i understand it: it is just words.
My position: words related to real world are not just words, they have meaning, purpose, intention and consequences.
Edit: if USA president is assassinated VP takes the place, is that all what would happen? ASSASSINATED, not by sickness or accident🤔.
RozhkiNozhki, (edited ) Yes, assassinated, because things happen and no, I do not intend to assassinate anyone just because I use this word. And because things happen, there are contingency plans written for such scenarios, in every country. Do you think that national security services shy away from this because God forbid they talk about it?
Here’s what happens when the president is no more: …wikipedia.org/…/United_States_presidential_line_…
I could speculate further that there’s always a possibility of unplanned action or power imbalance, or infighting etc etc that may further complicate things, but the bottom line is things of all kinds happen and they will continue to happen regardless of whether I talk about them or not.
fr_mg, (edited ) 1- i did not write you intent yo kill anyone, just you are adding your contribution to a toxic environment of manipulation, if you intended or not i do not know.
2- i did not object on religious or moral grounds.
3- you did not ask for a legal answer, that would be too easy. Your question is open ended in order to obtain arguments based on different personal grounds, mine are based on: a) critical thinking. b) been fed up (sorry, do not remember a softer expression) reading such ideas. c) been on the reciving end of that media manipulation, because Putin is not the only political leader who faces this. There are too many in the world, and with them their peoples share the burden of the consequences.
4- last, i am not going to argue about this forever, do not want to win any argument. If you want to feel you are right and me wrong go ahead and be happy.
zeppo, He would die.
Semi-Hemi-Demigod, Technically correct. The best kind of correct
Annoyed_Crabby, What if he have nano machine, son?
intensely_human, Nano machine lost in pocket. Putin die.
Pons_Aelius, (edited ) No matter who actually did it. Russia would blame Ukraine/NATO/USA/The West in general, together and separately in rotation.
After that I have no real idea, who would succeed. There would be a massive power struggle both in the government and military.
There is a strong possibility that several of the autonomous regions within the Russian federation would try to break away. There is about a 20% chance of a civil war because of this.
And about a 1% chance of nukes being used.
someguy3, Well Ukraine is on the table as a non-NATO source and obvious contender given the war.
aport, Ukraine would do it with the help of several other Western nations. A definite team effort!
someguy3, I doubt anyone would help them given the implication.
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