What is your favourite Hex colour code?
For example #bf00ff is a nice colour code. Also known as electric purple.
For example #bf00ff is a nice colour code. Also known as electric purple.
NickwithaC, Time to remind everyone that Colour Lovers exists.
Kolanaki, (edited ) I’m split between three.
stackPeek, deadbeef
kogasa, 2e3440
NAXLAB, (edited ) Only real ones will get it.
doubletwist, #00ff00 (green) because I’ve been using it as my terminal text color for 30+ years.
Asafum, #ff06b5 because I’m a nerd, but a slightly different kind of nerd lol
surewhynotlem, That’s lovely
gregorum, (edited ) I just really like it. It’s a really nice shade of orange.
praise_idleness, (edited ) Nice for having sane amount of contrast in white bg.
morphballganon, Sounds like that’s just #C00C00
SkybreakerEngineer, Appropriate, given the time he tried to debate an empty chair
lemann, A nice eye searing lime green that I used to use a bit when I first got into web development. Originally copied from goodness knows where lol.
Now I use it in my current job alongside the color red when designing CSS grids
Z4rK, (edited ) I expect all you geeks to play What the Hex? and excel in it: yizzle.com/whatthehex/
I can’t lock it down to a specific hex, but my favorite palette is Synthwave
FireTower, (edited ) #006269 https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/a545c1fd-0d98-4493-b951-11d3ad277b56.jpeg
Edit: It’s petrol blue for the curious.
ultra, Based
kersploosh, Reminds me of Netscape.
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