Don’t be gate lice. There is no sense standing in line when group 1 is called when you are group 5. You are slowing everyone down
Similarly, don’t stand up the second you get to the gate. You won’t get off any faster and just slow things down.
Keep your seat belt on at all times. When flying, you can suddenly hit turbulence. Even on the ground, accidents can happen.
Makes sure to leave electronics and liquids in an easily accessible and take them out before going through security. Slip on shoes are also very helpful.
Fly as early as you can. Delays tend to stack up during the day.
Use to get a better idea of actual seat layouts and positioning near bulkheads, lavatories, doors, and galleys
Travel cards can offer great perks that make the annual fee worth it. Free checked bag, free pre-check, lounge passes, earlier boarding groups, etc.
Even if you are checking a bag, keep a change of clothes and other essentials in your carry on. Also, back a smaller bag inside that can be a personal item in case you have to gate check your bag.
If you lack status with the airline, you can often buy elite access that can offer shorter lines for security and check in. It also comes with even domestic first class.
Of you are a “passenger if size” you can easily book an extra seat in Southwest by using your name with “Xs” in the middle name field. You have to check-in in person, and they will give you a card to hold your extra’s seat and let you preboard. After your flight, you can call and they will refund the extra seats fare.